* Improved Facet color options support choice name as choice value.
* Fixed Issue with card builder and latest version of Google Chrome.
* Fixed JavaScript warnings in the admin interface.
* Added Number facet to filter by min and/or max values.
* Added Gutenberg classname attribute support in template block.
* Fixed Conflict with pagename argument in main index query.
* Fixed Rendering issue of card block with empty custom fields.
* Fixed JavaScript race condition issue when refreshing facets.
* Fixed Notification message when paging and loading more content.
* Fixed Issue with WooCommerce and custom order with grids.
* Fixed Issue with indexer's progression calculation.
* Fixed Issue with the main query in author archive pages.
* Added Support for query string in Apply facet redirect URL.
* Added Total number of results found in the facet refesh response.
* Improved Notification message (aria) when results are updated.
* Added Support for Facet, Grid and Template blocks in FSE editor.
* Added Archive Template option for Grid block in FSE editor.
* Added Possibility to create option prefixed by "wpgb-content" in Facet block.
* Improved Detection of Query Loop block using the filter custom queries method.
* Fixed Issue rendering select block control in the FSE editor.
* Improved Detection of custom Ajax endpoints.
* Fixed Issue with prefiltered grids and Apply facet.
* Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation notices.
* Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet.
* Changed Relevanssi search limit in WordPress search template.
* Fixed Issue with reset facet and dynamic query string on render.
* Fixed Issue with range slider rounding values with large numbers.
* Fixed Issue with facet term order and WooCommerce custom taxonomy.
* Fixed Issue with lightbox button and Elementor page transitions.
* Fixed Issue with default date in facet date picker on open.
* Added Support for the translation of custom url in the card builder.
* Updated Flatpickr library used for date picker facet
* Fixed Issue with Relevanssi highlighting and nested queries from grid shortcodes.
* Fixed Issue with range values not properly formatted in selection facet.
* Fixed Issue with HTML entities in autocomplete results.
* Fixed Issue with date picker JS script and IE11.
* Updated PHP filter wp_grid_builder/indexer/term_query_args to better translate facets.
* Fixed Issue with term query arguments when indexing taxonomy facets.
* Fixed Issue with the indexing progression in the facet settings.
* Fixed Issue with duplicates in the WooCommerce sale price card block.
* Fixed Issue with WooCommerce prices without tax in facets.
* Fixed Issue with shortcode editor button not available in some contexts.
* Fixed Display issue with select field (multiple) in the card builder.
* Updated JavaScript libraries and facets assets.
* Fixed Prevent throwing exceptions with history state when the origin is not the same.
* Fixed Issue with Relevanssi and custom search result snippets.
* Fixed Conflict with the terms highlighted by Relevanssi in the cards.
* Fixed Conflict with SearchWP and custom WP_Query.
* Fixed Restore default post status of grids.
* Fixed Issue with carousel buttons not being correctly sized if too small.
* Fixed Carousel dragging issue with Safari on IOS 15.
* Fixed Missing term order option for the sort facet.
* Fixed Wrong slug for Meta Box add-on.
* Added Support for upper source with Range Slider and Date Picker facets.
* Added Support for compare type with Range Slider and Date Picker facets.
* Fixed PHP notices from WordPress 5.8 when rendering grids/facets in Gutenberg.
* Fixed Issue with WP All Import and WooCommerce products when indexing.
* Fixed Prevent items from being added to the cart when filtering.
* Fixed Issue with search template and WooCommerce ordering.
Created | 28-12-2020 |
Updated | 03-03-2025 |
الفئة | Miscellaneous |
Theme Type | ORIGINAL |
حجم الملف | 1.54 MB |
تعليقات | 0 |
الآراء | 1457 |
المبيعات | 0 |
Downloaded | 0 |