* Fixed: Checkout: 301 redirect was not working on dedicated checkout pages since v2.9.0. (#3930)
* Improved: Compatibility with Astra theme updated. (#4449)
* Improved: Issue with pickup points shipping plugins showing content on multiple times on the page. (#4449)
* Fixed: Admin design tab was not showing correctly on safari browser. (#4457)
* Fixed: Issue with PixelYourSite showing console error on checkout pages due to missing ‘name’ attribute in coupon field.(#3383)
* Fixed: Intl field not showing correctly on multi-step form's 2nd or 3rd step. (#4449)
* Added: Compatibility with FluentCRM Pro by Fluent CRM. (#3882)
* Added: Compatibility with Divi Den PRO plugin. (#3988)
* Added: Back to checkout button added from the post edit screen. (#4027)
* Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Coupon URL By Skyverge. (#3969)
* Added: Compatibility with Yoast SEO: WooCommerce By Team Yoast. (#3987)
* Added: Compatibility with FluentCRM Pro by Fluent CRM. (#3882)
* Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Ship to Multiple Addresses by WooCommerce. (#3924)
* Added: Compatibility with Brick Builder for embed shortcodes. (#4094)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with MDS Collivery By MDS Technologies. (#4096)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with 'URL Coupons' Plugin by SkyVerge. (#3972)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with 'Checkout WC' Plugin. (#3970)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with 'PostNL' Plugin. (#3977)
* Improved: Disable Events tracking on order-pay page. (#3993)
* Improved: Compatibility with Divi Page Builder updated. (3938)
* Improved: Event 'addtocart' data improved to pass product tags, categories, and prices for Snapchat, Pinterest, and tiktok. (#4028)
* Improved: Featured Image support was added for all steps. (#4046)
* Improved: Compatibility with plugin 'Points and Rewards for WooCommerce' updated. (#4014)
* Improved: Compatibility with plugin 'WooCommerce InPost' updated. (#4098)
* Fixed: Multiple checkout forms showing when Divi Den PRO plugin is activated. (#3989)
* Fixed: An issue of auto-populating country based on Geo Location for logged-in user. (3983)
* Fixed: PayPal smart buttons were not showing up for the checkout pages after WooCommerce PayPal Payments v1.7.1 (4000)
* Fixed: A conflict with Yoast SEO news plugin causing page builder actions to break in some cases. (#3975)
* Fixed: Javascript console error showing up on native checkout page with few themes overriding wp footer behavior. (#4062)
* Fixed: Override e-commerce event behavior per checkout page settings were not working for Pinterest. (#4054)
* Fixed: PayPal buttons alignment when the German market plugin was used. (#4011)
* Fixed: Checkout custom field with type select placeholder not working on the checkout. (#4022)
* Fixed: An issue with Account creation when billing email contains some special character. (#4019)
* Fixed: Customizer and Custom template import button was not clickable since the last update. (#4034)
* Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'Amazon Pay' plugin. Logout message was coming at the top, fixed. (#4048)
* Fixed: Checkout created using embed shortcode was not working as global checkout, fixed. (#4082)
* Improved: Move Order bump position From mini cart to payment gateway at mobile devices. (#3929)
* Improved: Divi theme builder override the checkout canvas and box template. (#3938)
* Improved: Optimized express checkout buttons for fast visibility. (#3926)
* [Critical] Fixed: Deprecated warning for elementor _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0. (#3963)
* Fixed: Sometimes products don't re-added in cart when multiple Page is open. (#3910)
* Fixed: Woodmart theme - Elementor Checkout form not visible on the frontend page. (#3920)
* Fixed: Error on the checkout page with RY invoice plugin version 1.3.9. (#3932)
* Fixed: Mini cart coupon link color setting CSS was override was not working. (#3961)
* Compatible with WordPress 5.9.0.
* Compatible with WooCommerce 6.1.1.
* Added: eCommerce tracking is added for Snapchat, Pinterest, Tiktok & Google Ads. (#3699)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'WC avatax' plugin by SkyVerge. (#3792)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'WOOF - WooCommerce products filter' plugin. Some JS is coming on the checkout page, not needed. (#3796)
* Improved: Admin UI improvements, better user experience. (#3699)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with 'Germanized Pro' plugin, VAT billing or shipping fields added in checkout. (#3789)
* Fixed: A scenario where builder template meta wasn't set and overridden. Causing unable to edit the page, fixed. (#3780)
* Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'WC Affirm' payment gateway, A PHP error was coming in admin during editing of checkout pages with page builder, fixed. (#3800)
* Fixed: Oxygen builder edit link was wrong, fixed. (#3826)
* Fixed: After import, builder name wasn't showing, fixed. (3831)
* Fixed: Some PHP notices, fixed. (#3828)
* Dev: Filter hook to change shipping content display position. (#3827)
* Fixed: Issue with stripe gateway in combination with AddPaymentInfo tracking events in facebook. (#3775)
* Fixed: Error with Google autocompleted when map JS loaded from other sources. (#3767)
* Fixed: Oxygen builder: Checkout pages loading speed improved. (#3630)
* Fixed: Oxygen builder: Mini Cart coupon, quantity delete settings sometimes don't work after the first load, fixed. (#3634)
* Fixed: PHP Notice in 'allow customer to create account' setting, fixed. (#3626)
* Fixed: Some themes show their loader gif on checkout pages, resulting in the double loader, fixed. (#3628)
* Critical Fixed: Divi latest version 4.12.0 caused a PHP error in editing mode when the global header footer is enabled. (#3585, #3576)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'TheGem (WPBakery)' theme by Codex Themes, checkout form wasn't displaying. (#3482)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'The Courier Guy shipping for WooCommerce' plugin by The Courier Guy. Two checkout fields were added. (#3595)
* Improved: Product quantity can be set to 0 in mini cart. (#3578)
* Improved: A scenario in combination with other plugins. Admin bar wasn't appearing when editing page through oxygen builder. (#3574)
* Improved: CSS improvement with YITH WooCommerce EU VAT & OSS Premium by YITH plugin. (#3588)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with the 'WC EU vat number' plugin by official. Billing vat field default value set from user meta. (#3569)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with the 'EveryPay Payment Gateway for WooCommerce' by Everypay S.A. Popup not opening on the checkout. (#3536)
* Improved: Compatibility updated with the 'WooCommerce Points and Rewards' by WooCommerce. Displaying points and rewards plugin message on the checkout page after update. (#3619)
* Fixed: Embed form shortcode on pages build via thrive builder showing twice the header footer, fixed. (#3582)
* Fixed: Issue found with IE11, fixed. (#3587)
* Dev: Filter hooks added to change the image URL in the MiniCart and Order Summary sections. (3573)
* Critical Fix: Admin Error: PHP error showing up on edit pages after WooCommerce Stripe v5.6.0 update. (#3497)
* Added: Compatibility with PayPal Express Checkout Payment Gateway for WooCommerce (basic) addon by Webtoffee. (#3477)
* Added: Compatibility with YITH Dynamic Pricing per Payment Method for WooCommerce. (#3479)
* Added: Compatibility with WPDM - Page Template by Shaon. (#3479)
* Added: Compatibility with Happy Elementor Addons by weDevs. (#3493)
* Added: Compatibility with WooCommerce Quaderno. (#3494)
* Improved: Compatibility with Divi updated for menu and social media modules. (#3496)
* Fixed: Conversions for checkout were not getting recorded for orders having a total zero. (#3491)
* Added: Compatibility with plugin Quantities and Units for WooCommerce by Nicholas Verwymeren. (#3457)
* Added: Compatibility with plugin WooCommerce Affirm Gateway BY WooCommerce (v.1.2.2). (#3461)
* Fixed: Oxygen editor drag and drop modules were not working on few cases. (#3468)
* Fixed: Mini cart fragment not working in case of Divi and oxygen builder. (#3464)
* Fixed: Checkout metadata was not getting saved after the order from Digital wallets in stripe gateway. (#3466)
Added: Compatability added with plugin MailPoet 3 (New) by MailPoet (draggable field) (#3255)
Added: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce EU VAT & OSS Premium (#3287)
Added: Compatibility added with plugin WP Zasielkovna Shipping by Provis Technologies (#3270)
Added: Compatibility update side cart premium by Xootix (#3312)
Added: Compatibility update with WC Deposite plugins (Analytics Reporting) (#3289)
Added: Compatibility update Germanized plugin (Multiple Shipping Method Shown (#3310))
Added: Compatibility update with WooCommerce Subscriptions (Invalid Recurring Method #3316)
Added: Compatibility update with polylang related to global checkout (#3308)
Improved: Optimization in loading compatibility classes. (#3332)
Improved: New Filter hook on the title "Confirm your PayPal order" for changing the text using filter hook, plugin PayPal angel eye. (#3308)
Fixed: Fatal error resolved when importing the embed from this conflict by plugin SEO wp. (#3230)
Fixed: Issue with MySQL table installation, triggering multiple times due to wrong check.(#3319)
Fixed: Astra addon Make field empty(#3305)
Fixed: Electro & Woodmart Theme Order summary field distorted(#3224)
* Added: New custom field type 'Tel' added. (#3255)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'Polylang' plugin. Allows checkout pages creation for multiple languages. (#3263)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'WooCommerce Quickpay' plugin by Perfect Solution. Removing native checkout fields when mobilepay payment method is used. (#3248)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'WoongKir' plugin by Sofyan sitorus. (#3253)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'WP zasielkovna shipping' plugin by Provis technologies. Display issue of shipping options. (#3270)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'Razorpay' plugin. Cancel payment button redirecting to the global checkout. (#3275)
* Improved: With Elementor latest version 3.3.0. CSS conflict appeared with add new button on the checkout listing. (#3259)
* Improved: Checkout fields CSS improvement on radio and checkbox fields. (#3279)
* Fixed: Custom field: Radio, issue found during preview, fixed. (#3245)
* Fixed: An issue with multiple checkout widgets on a page along with multiple checkout pages opened. Fixed. (#3257)
* Added: Deep Integration with Oxygen with 2 new Oxygen modules and 13 pre-build templates:
Following new Oxygen modules are created
* Added: Compatibility added with 'WC-AC Hook' plugin by Matthew Treherne. Form field is added. (#3177)
* Added: Compatibility added with 'YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium' plugin. Birthday field is added in the form. (#3179)
* Fixed: Compatibility updated with 'WooCommerce Angelleye' plugin. After payment through express button, dedicated checkout page wasn't opening. (#3175)
* Fixed: Facebook Marketing API support for v11.0.