Fix: Fatal error on new installs.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.0.
* Fix: Hide PayPal Pament's "buy now" buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Fix: Hide Braintree PayPal's "buy now" buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Fix: Hide Cybersource GooglePay request buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the new Custom Order Tables.
* Tweak: Add database version to System Status Report.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.3.
* Fix: run wp_localize_script in wp_enqueue_scripts hook. Solves issue of popups not loading woocommerce_nyp_params object.
* Fix: PHP notice on single product page, undefined variable.
* Dev: WC_Name_Your_Price_Display::display_price_input( $product, $args ); second parameter now supports custom args.
* New: WooCommerce Payments compatibility module to completely remove payment request buttons on NYP product.
* Fix: Load RTL stylesheets when not in SCRIPT_DEBUG mode.
* Tweak: Wrap currency symbol in span element
Fix: Add additional check to prevent product script errors when script is loaded where no NYP products exist.
* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.9.0.
* Fix: Hide PayPal Payments payment request buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Fix: Hide WooCommerce Payments payment request buttons for Name Your Price products.
* Fix: Remove incorrect deprecation notice for woocommerce_price_trim_zeros.
* New: Add wc_nyp_before_price_label and wc_nyp_after_price_label hooks to price-input.php template.
* Fix: Respect Woo's woocommerce_price_trim_zeros filter and trim the trailing zeros from entered price.
* Update: Tested against WooCommerce 5.6.
* New: Add wc_nyp_sort_by_suggested_price filter to change _regular_price to suggested price if true. False defaults to minimum price.