* Fix - Resolved an issue that made empty notices show up in the block-based cart.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented variation-level rules from applying to the cart.
* Fix - Re-declared compatibility with the new Custom Order Tables.
* Tweak - Added support for category 'Group of' rules in the block-based cart.
* Tweak - Declared compatibility with the new Custom Order Tables.
* Tweak - Disabled 'Exclude from Category rules' when product/variation-level 'Group of' rules are defined. Product/variation-level 'Group of' rules automatically override category 'Group of' rules.
* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented checkout when a product with multiple categories with conflicting 'Group of' rules was added to the cart.
Fix - Fixed "Exclude" checkboxes styles.
Fix - Add missing minified scripts.
* Add - Added compatibility with the Cart and Checkout blocks.
* Improvement - Add admin validation when filling in, changing and saving Minimum, Maximum and Group of quantity values.
* Improvement - Add admin notices to products/variations that are already saved with invalid Minimum and Maximum quantity values.
* Improvement - Automatically correct invalid values when configuring or saving the Minimum/Maximum quantity settings.
* Fix - Cast product price and quantity to float to avoid type error.
* Fix - Specific variation title not showing in quantity error notice.
* Fix - Styling of checkbox labels and tooltips in add new product page.
* Dev - Remove inline JavaScript scripts and create separate script files that are enqueued via the 'wp_enqueue_scripts' and 'admin_enqueue_scripts' hooks.
* Add - Implement support for automatic translation files delivery.
* Add - PHP Compatibility GitHub Action.
* Tweak - WC 6.8.0 compatibility.
* Fix - Tweak- Bump tested up to WordPress 6.0.
* Fix - Update composer.json to include the /languages folder in the release.
* Add - Quantity attribute to add to cart link.
* Fix - Wrong quantity calculation when both group of quantity setting and minimum setting are set.