- Improvement: Handled jQuery deprecated functions.
- Fix: PHP 8.x compatibility.
- Improvement - Fonts related warning in google page speed insights due to custom fonts.
- Fix: Customizer layout breaks due to conflict with astra pro plugin.
- Improvement: Compatibility with the WordPress 6.0
- Fix: Fonts are not loading in the Google Font Manager tab.
- Fix: The row background image scroll effect does not work on mobile device properly.
- Fix: Icon image is not visible in Info table element.
- Fix: A non-numeric value encountered error coming from Modal box element.
- Improvement: Compatibility with the WordPress 5.8
- Fix: Advanced Carousel element not working properly.
- Fix: The Price Box element is not showing horizontally.
- Fix: Hotspot module styling options are not applying properly.
- Fix: Functional code is showing when the interactive banner is used with the Advanced carousel.