* Update: Small change to the way hooked components work.
* Update: Custom icon frontend support.
* Add: Woocommerce product gallery dynamic source.
* Update: Screen reader text for pagination.
* Update: Prevent issue with RankMath in sitemap XML sitemap.
* Fix: Issue with Slide transition in advanced slider.
* Fix: Issue with modal focus transfer when closed.
* Fix: Author images alt text.
* Add: ActiveCampaign subscribe to form block.
* Update: Custom icons to save sets as data and not files.
* Update: Taxonomy Select for conditionals.
* Update: Dynamic Content, custom field selection reload when source changes.
* Update: Custom field rest call to use relationship as source.
* Update: Modal button color selection.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery styles.
* Fix: Issue with ACF archive custom meta.
* Fix: Slider transition issue.
* Fix: Extra min height control issue with slider.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery block and conditional display.
* Fix: Issue with animate on scroll not working consistently after layout shift.
* Fix: Language strings, missing in translation.
Fix: Issue with missing selection when using custom field for dynamic link.
Fix: Issue with post grid carousel not rendering in admin.
* Add: Pods Framework support to dynamic content.
* Update: Author custom fields in link settings.
* Update: include kadence_blocks_pro_product_carousel_atts filter.
* Update: Add option to show author image in meta for post carousel grid block.
* Update: Improve css when selecting dynamic fields.
* Fix: Issue with carousel when empty.
* Fix: Issue with show more and loop templates.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic content selector in split content.
* Fix: Issue with thumbnail gallery slider showing navigation dots.
* Fix: Issue with image overlay block and loop templates.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic html block and relationship content.
* Fix: Translations not working.
* Fix: Issue with fallback text in dynamic content.
* Fix: Issue with animate on scroll and some elements.
* Fix: Link style in dynamic list block.
* Fix: Autoplay speed.
* Add: Add option for auto scroll carousel.
* Fix: Issues with dynamic content not pulling in context.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic galleries and thumbnails.
* Fix: Issue with slow scrolling carousel.
* Update: By default force sticky posts to not increase the posts per page when using post grid without pagination.
* Update: Option to disable link on title in post grid block.
* Fix: Issue with form entries search.
* Fix: Issue with animate on scroll when below a carousel.
* Fix: Issue with inline dynamic content not showing meta field options.
* Fix: Issue with relationship ACF field where return is an object.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic galleries in columns.
* Fix: Issue with form entries meta not being removed correctly when entry is deleted.
Fix: Issue with carousel not loading with async.
* Add: Dynamic HTML Block.
* Add: Relationship Dynamic Content Options.
* Add: Filter to optionally enable dynamic content for password protected posts.
* Update: Splide js.
* Fix: Issue with Typography component not saving.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic gallery using slider type.
* Fix: Issue with post grid padding when only one direction set in mobile and tablet.
* Fix: Issue with autoplaying carousels in tabs.
* Fix: Issue with portfolio grid block pagination.
* Add: BoxShadow controls to modal block link.
* Update: Modal block with option to hide popup content when block is not selected.
* Fix: ACF checkboxes not showing highlighted in custom post meta for dynamic list.
* Fix: Issue with Advanced Slider Inner Max Width.
* Fix: Issue with carousel in tabs.
* Fix: Issue with modal link icon when using em units.
* Fix: Carousel Order being one off once rendered.
* Fix: Autoplay always one in post grid carousel.
* Update: Improve responsive settings selection when in widgets block editor.
* Fix: Issue with ACF and Dynamic Gallery.
* Fix: Issue were portfolio carousel block and product carousel block on the same page created a conflict
* Fix: Issue with post grid carousel, autoplay, gap settings and missing styles.
* Fix: Issue with meta font size in post grid block.
* Fix: Issue with content padding and background in post grid block.
* Add: Option to clear animation settings.
* Tweak: Possible issue with taxonomies.
* Fix: Issue with dynamic fallback image in image block.
* Add: taxonomy as a conditional display option.
* Update: Dynamic content for image block.
* Update: Add more Image ratio options for post and portfolio grid.
* Fix: Conditionally display controls.
* Update: Prevent split content block from showing broken if advanced heading disabled.
* Fix: issue with animate on scroll loading in sidebar.
* Fix: Issue with modal and section not showing dynamic content correctly archive.
Fix: issue with dynamic content src archive description adding extra paragraph tag.
* Update: Tweak some javascript around animation on scroll.
* Update: API Class.
* Update: Dynamic Content filters, better context control.
* Update: Image overlay link field with clear link option.
* Update: Split Content block cover image when text is larger then min-height setting.
* Update: CSS specificity with post grid title color.
* Update: MailChimp API requests item limit.
* Add: Aria Label option to video popup.
* Add: Mapping for fields for Webhook.
* Add: Post Grid title hover color option.
* Fix: Thumbnail gallery load layout shift.
* Fix: Issue with Image overlay.
* Fix: Issue with post grid selecting by custom taxonomy.
* Fix: Issue with product carousel individual select.
* Update: Dynamic content to work better in query block.
* Fix: Modal z index.
* Fix: Issue with color picker in some blocks.
* Fix: IP address issue in entries.
* Add: Mailchimp tag support.
* Fix: Hex color input.
* Fix: ACF Site Options.
* Update: Video Pop dynamic image.
* Fix: Individual select for post grid.
* Add: Text transform control to image overlay.
* Add: Max width to image overlay.
* Add: Basic Responsive support for split content in editor.
* Update: Automatically exclude current post in post blocks.
* Update: in Element preview with latest post using dynamic content.
* Fix: issue with split content overlap.
* Fix: Overlay color opacity select.
* Fix: Post Block issue with google fonts when added to a sidebar.
* Fix: Issue with widget screen.
* Fix: Issue with post grid carousel in tabs.
* Update: Split content image link settings.
* Fix: Modal button border-radius setting.
* Fix: Activation issue.