* ADD: `jquery-date-range-picker` in to dashboard edit & add booking popup;
* ADD: `'jet-booking/google-calendar-url/utc-timezone'` hook for timezone manipulation in Google calendar event link;
* ADD: `'jet-booking/form-fields/check-in-out/default-value'` hook for default `check-in-out` field value;
* UPD: Booking admin popups templates;
* FIX: Advanced price rates default value.
* ADD: JS filter `'jet-booking/calendar/config'` for calendar widget config;
* ADD: JS filter `'jet-booking/apartment-price'` for apartment price;
* FIX: Booking calendar layout;
* ADD: Dynamic tags: Available units count, Bookings count;
* ADD: Additional custom labels;
* UPD: Allow filtering settings value before return with `'jet-booking/settings/get/' . $setting-key`;
* UPD: Custom labels default value initialization;
* FIX: Order of advanced prices application;
* FIX: `check-in-out` field searched dates;
* FIX: Dynamic tag price per day/night;
* FIX: Advanced price popups data duplication;
* FIX: Filter result with Checkout only option.
* ADD: Checkout only days option;
* ADD: `jet-booking/form-action/pre-process` hook to allow handle booking from 3rd party plugin or theme;
* UPD: Update error message in admin popups;
* FIX: Overlapping bookings issue while update booking in admin area;
* FIX: Price rates popups overlays;
* FIX: JetEngine form while plugin setup;
* FIX: Booking list pagination;
* FIX: Minor WooCommerce integration errors;
* FIX: Compatibility with Elementor 3.7.
* ADD: Creating booking from admin area;
* ADD: Days off functionality;
* ADD: Disable weekdays and weekends functionality;
* UPD: Admin Booking page popups;
* FIX: One day booking seasonal price;
* FIX: iCal sync wrong check out date;
* FIX: Searched dates display in date fields with One day booking option;
* FIX: Admin Calendar page styles.
Fixed: minor JS/PHP issue
FIX: Per Day booking type same dateCheck-in and Check-out.
* ADD: Cookies filters searched date store type;
* UPD: WooCommerce order booking details in admin area;
* FIX: Seasonal prising empty rates issue;
* FIX: Booking apartment unit ID;
* FIX: Cron iCal interval synchronization;
* FIX: Default WC product ordering with JetBooking integration;
* FIX: JetBooking dynamic tags;
* FIX: Date range filed in popup after ajax call;
* FIX: Items with units booked dates using per day booking period;
* FIX: Edit&Details popups view in booking list page;
* FIX: Calendar widget editor render;
* FIX: Session filters searched date store type.
* FIX: apply units;
* FIX: returning a string instead of output;
* FIX: get_booked_apartments ignore apartments with invalid statuses;
* FIX: Elementor 3.6 compatibility.
* FIX: Translation strings
* FIX: Seasonal prices without post editor
ADD: Seasonal prices
FIX:Synchronizing calendars
FIX: JetFormBuilder compatibility
FIX: Price per 1 day/night
* FIX: iCal compatibility
* ADD: JetFormBuilder plugin compatibility