[new] Action to duplicate Order Bumps
[new] Export and import Iconic Sales Booster for WooCommerce data
[new] Allow changing the order bump status
[new] Filter `iconic_wsb_fbt_thumbnail_size` to change the thumbnail size in the FBT section
[fix] Frequently Bought Together data copied by WPML
[new] Compatibility with WooCommerce eCurring gateway
[new] Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions
[fix] Product variation offer when the condition is a product variation
[fix] Image and name of the variation product on the After Add to Cart Modal
[new] Order Bump shortcode `[iconic_wsb_order_bump]`
[fix] Show the popup on the cart page if the option "Redirect to the cart page after successful addition" is enabled
[fix] Product variations unavailable on the product page
[new] Compatibility with Variation Swatches for WooCommerce by RadiusTheme
[fix] Adding products to the cart when order bump is using "After Order Review" or "After Checkout Form" position
[fix] Offered product to be added if it belongs to the excluded category added on the order bump condition
[fix] Prevent PHP notice when preparing data to be added to the cart
[new] Getting started onboarding section
[update] New setting to allow "frequently bought together" discount to be applied when items are added separately
[fix] Allow "frequently bought together" products to be added multiple times
[new] After Add to Cart modal can appear on archive pages
[new] Filter order bump and after checkout cross sales by category and introduced 'only' and 'none' sub filters
[fix] Issue with Front End Asset Load
[new] Additional locations for Frequently Bought Together
[fix] FBT Panel updates when item added
[fix] Order Bump not Accepting Decimal Discounts
[fix] Fatal Error when setting session
[fix] Offer text not applied to at checkout bumps
[fix] Error if discount left empty
[new] Option to show after add to cart modal when there are no cross sells
[new] Allow order bump to include more of the same product
[fix] If multiple items cannot be added to the cart, only last message is shown
[fix] Ajax woo product search results not in correct format
[fix] Fix warning when adding a product to cart through Order Bump
[fix] Prepend Offer text to duplicate item in checkout
[update] Allow decimal discount values
[update] Allow comma as decimal seperator
[update] Remove markup from the price in FBT discount message
[update] Allow empty value in FBT discount field
[update] Add success/error notice for Frequently Bought Together AJAX call
[update] Update dependencies
[fix] Fix issue with variations in After Checkout popup
[fix] FBT: Fix price not updating issue
[fix] FBT: Tax exclusive discount for "other" locations
[new] Option to show Order Bump even if the offer product is already in the cart
[new] FBT: set unchecked setting
[fix] Fix compatibility issue with WooCommerce Attribute Swatches by IconicWP
[fix] Ensure variation name is used when creating an order bump or after checkout offer
[fix] Loco translate compatibility
[fix] FBT: Fix issue with adding products with custom attributes to the cart