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HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist - V5.9

Version: 5.9

Item cover for download HTML5 Audio Player with Playlist

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This versatile audio player offers HUGE amount of customization options and layout possibilities.

Player ads supports for all HTML5 audio formats to Soundcloud, RSS Podcasts, iTunes, Apple HLS m3u8 Live streaming, Youtube audio and video, and radio sources including Shoutcast, Icecast and Radiojar.

Load playlist from HTML markup, XML, JSON, database, automatically ready folder with audio files including ID3 metadata. Load audio sources from Google Drive, Amazon S3 or any public link that plays in the browser. Mix different audio sources in the same playlist. Load new playlist at runtime.

Use it as single audio player, or with full playlist support. Use the player anywhere in the page, stick it to page bottom or open the player in a popup window and listen music continuously across your webpage.

Player responsive nature will adapt to any screen size and any device, whether you are on desktop browser, tablet or on your mobile phone.

Player is packed with a large amount of features and customization options from different layouts, skins, color customization, social sharing, powerfull API for controling playback, different audio platforms, playlist support, and more…

Features and options:

  • Destop, mobile and tablet support (fully responsive)
  • jQuery 1.7.x – jQuery 2.+ / 3.+ Compatible
  • Conditional script loading (improves usability and performance)
  • Highly customizable with HTML and CSS
  • Any icon support in player (SVG, font awesome, material design, image icons…)
  • Only mp3 audio format required for all browsers and devices (other supported formats include wav, aac… etc)
  • Support for media from Google Drive, Amazon S3.. (any public link that plays in browser)
  • Compatible with Squarespace
  • Playlist options available:
    • Audio playlist (mp3, aac, wav..)
    • XML playlist
    • JSON playlist
    • Playlist from folder of audio files (id3 tags)
    • Google drive playlist
    • Podcasts RSS
    • iTunes
    • SoundCloud
    • Apple HLS Live Streaming m3u8
    • Youtube audio and video music
    • M3u playlist
    • Radio support (Shoutcast, Icecast, Radiojar)
  • Playback options:
    • random playback
    • loop playlist, single audio, off
    • playback speed
    • start / end time
    • AB loop
  • Load more options on total scroll in playlist
  • Support for multiple audio ads before, during and after song plays (random)
  • Mix different media types in the same playlist
  • Audio advertisements (play ads during song)
  • Play music continously across web pages:
    • by remembering playback position (single dong / whole playlist)
    • with option to open player is a separate popup window
  • Automatically hide currently playing audio source to prevent audio download
  • Support for multiple instances in the same page
  • Optional keyboard audio navigation (pause/play, mute/unmute, next, previous)
  • Social sharing (facebook, twitter, tumblr, whatsapp)
  • API methods
  • Callbacks


1. SoundCloud requires API key (make sure you have one or that you can obtain it from SoundCloud)

2. We cannot guarantee compatibility with all RSS podcasts out there, so if you want to make sure our application works with your podcast, provide us a podcast link before purchase so we can check.

3. This is a jQuery plugin. If you would like a Wordpress audio plugin we have several to choose from:

Some other jQuery audio players recommendations:

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30 Jul 2021 - Version 5.9
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Created 30-07-2021
Updated 30-07-2021
الفئة Images and Media
حجم الملف 240.38 MB
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الآراء 1379
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