- Fixed issue where using a value from Date Time Calculator inside a function such as `floor()` would not work as expected.
- Improved exception handling of malformed formulas on the frontend.
Fixed issue where shorthand variables would sometimes behave inconsistently on more complex forms.
Fixed issue with modulo (`%`) operator not working correctly after submission.
Fixed issue where shorthands in formulas would not work as expected if multiple formulas used the same shorthand field variable.
Updated the priority at which we process calculations to allow other plugins to modify the formula first.
- Fixed issue where shorthand variables would stop working if Populate Anything refreshed any fields used in the formula.
- Fixed issue where shorthand variables could incorrectly replaced by partial matches. As an example, `F43` could be replaced with the value of `F4` if it was processed first.
Added new [`gpac_should_clean_merge_tag_value`](https://gravitywiz.com/documentation/gpac_should_clean_merge_tag_value) JavaScript filter.
- Fixed issue where exponents did not support raising a number by a power containing a function.
- Fixed an issue where exponent results between frontend and after submission could be inconsistent when parentheses and functions are used.
- Added internationalization to strings in Advanced Calculations so they can be translated.
- Added new `pi()` function that returns π to a precision of 20 decimal places.
- Fixed issue where the Formula Cheatsheet link was not present in Gravity Forms 2.4. Additionally, the "Validate Formula" button now works as expected with Gravity Forms 2.4.
- Added support for conditionals with multiple conditions such as `if ( ({Number C:5} < -15) || {Number C:5} > 10 )`.
- Added support for field variables with modifiers such as `{Nested Form A:4:total}`