Fix: Loading issue on click Add to Cart button.
* Improvement: Added applied discount info in order and order item meta _wdr_discounts.
* Improvement: Set 3 for 10 fixed .1 difference on subtotal.
* Improvement: Show free shipping rule reports since v2.5.0.
* Add: Show total order count and sales on report section.
* Fix: Disable coupon option doesn't working with free shipping.
* Fix: Applied message is not displaying in cart for free shipping.
* Fix: Limit option is not working with Free shipping.
* Fix: Warning on PHP 8.
* Fix: Onsale page query improvement for on-sale filter.
* Fix: BXGY cheapest variants together strikeout issue fix.
* Fix: Wrong price on subtotal promotion message while set including tax.
Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_get_price_of_cart_item_on_find_cheapest_item
* Feature: Option to schedule sale page product rebuild on daily once.
* Improvement: Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_refresh_shipping_options_on_order_review
* Fix: Cart coupon Condition not working when cart is empty.
* Fix: Strikeout not displayed for BXGY cheapest individual product on product page and cross sell block.
* Fix: BXGY discount applies before matches.
* Fix: esc_attr() applied to prevent XSS issues.
* Improvement: Removed backslash while using single quote on promotion message.
* Improvement: Load rule id on discount table info for BXGY and Set discount.
Fix: Multiple messages on having BXGY cheapest rules.
* Feature - Apply coupon through URL option.
* Improvement - Compatible option for Multi-Currency by WPML.
* Improvement - Compatible for WooCommerce Multi-Currency by TIV.NET.
* Improvement - Compatible for WooCommerce Price Based on Country by Oscar Gare.
* Improvement - Quantity calculation for Cart Item Product Combination Condition on having multiple product with same Id.
* Improvement - PHP 8 compatible.
* Fix - BXGY categories are not displaying in report.
* Fix - Not in list filter for variant sku also consider for discount.
Improvement - WooCommerce 6.1 compatible
* Improvement - Disable free shipping rule in statistics.
* Improvement - Event: advanced_woo_discount_rules_admin_rule_notices.
* Improvement - Warning on product doesn't exists / out of stock for BXGY.
* Fix - Purchase history quantities for Specific Product condition doesn't considered variants.
* Fix - Not displaying variant name when having more than 3 combination of attributes.
* Fix - Auto add next available variant when a variant in not purchasable.
* Improvement - Event advanced_woo_discount_rules_calculate_cheapest_discount.
* Improvement - Event advanced_woo_discount_rules_use_sale_badge_percentage_customization.
* Improvement - Revert First order condition doesn't worked for mix guest and login
* Fix - Not displaying variation title in BXGY auto add select on cart.
* Fix - BXGY doesn't auto remove on checkout on rule failed.
* Fix - Handle BXGY sale badge on user group condition.
* Improvement - Taxonomy cache improvement.
* Improvement - Load the awdr_pro.js in footer.
* Fix - First order condition doesn't worked for mix guest and login
* Fix - Handle auto add products based on language while having wpml.
* Fix - Product not auto added when previously added is not in stock.
* Fix - Buy X get X not applies while having less quantity.
* Fix - Error while auto add (on product doesn't exists).
* Fix - Free shipping with other exclusive rule.