FIXED: performer schema data disable option not passing value correct
FIXED: minor schema errors
FIXED: Missing organizer url from JSON-LD schema data
FIXED: organizer archive page showing all social icons
FIXED: elementor shortcode not working
FIXED: custom meta field wysiwyg field not working
FIXED: orgnizer and performer schema giving errors
FIXED: elementor compatibility
FIXED: custom meta field content formating
UPDATED: licenses page design
ADDED: pluggable filter evo_eventcard_box_html
ADDED: option in single event setting to override event color on single event page
ADDED: Event edit content to load via AJAX to speed up page load
ADDED: multi data type custom fields to appear in term new and edit pages
ADDED: repeating single event page URLs to support var/ri-current and ri-last
ADDED: ability to hide single event title on single event page
ADDED: support for location and organizer values in schedule view
ADDED: support for event status filter to honor filter relationship status
ADDED: copy event link button to social share options
ADDED: support for whatsapp share in social share options
FIXED: lightbox map not loading with ux_val=3a
FIXED: get direction data box styles
FIXED: eventtop tags hide not working
FIXED: UTC enabled event current time calculations
FIXED: hide past events current time correction
FIXED: event organizer schema not loading
FIXED: event type color override not passing into lightbox events
FIXED: auto complete events using incorrect times for conditions
FIXED: php compatibility with ux_val
FIXED: shortcode generator flashing on elementor edit page
FIXED: Live now no events styling with clickable no events
UPDATED: removed blank google map files not needed anymore
UPDATED: shortcode generator to load via ajax on admin
ADDED: pluggable filter evodata_taxonomy_terms to EVO_Event()->get_taxonomy_data
ADDED: instagram, whatsapp, tiktok to organizer social links
ADDED: Ability 4 more date ranges to WP Query method in settings
FIXED: organizer more info to pass repeat interval
FIXED: organizer more info with no address not showing anything in lightbox
FIXED: saving virtual event settings not showing confirmation message
FIXED: location address not saving
FIXED: Location names with quotes not showing in edit lightbox
FIXED: Location name over image not centered
FIXED: font awesome icons getting override by older versions
FIXED: widget area image stretching
UPDATED: fontawesome version 6.2.0
UPDATED: made EVO_Event class public on event edit page
UPDATED: Get directions layout and design
UPDATED: for online events, pass virtual event link as LOCATION value for ICS file
ADDED: New font family as the default font face of eventON
ADDED: new color scheme for calendar fonts
ADDED: separate user interaction type only for mobile users
ADDED: ability to link no events box to a link
ADDED: ability to change style of no events box
ADDED: New single event page eventtop style - Immersive flow
ADDED: No events box appearance in settings
ADDED: JQ trigger function to load google maps at any given point
ADDED: sorting and filter capabilities to standalone search box
ADDED: event filters enabled and used indicator bubble/check mark
ADDED: Clear filter button to reset all set filters to default
ADDED: hash support for single event link to scroll direct to event sections
ADDED: global ajax object
ADDED: organizer learn more on event card to load in lightbox
ADDED: eventtop organizer details to load in lightbox
ADDED: ability to select multiple organizers for an event
FIXED: settings missing file error
FIXED: eventtop designer top bar missing in settings
FIXED: child template files not working
FIXED: event type archive template formatting
FIXED: download all events ICS timezone errors
FIXED: sort bar open by default to indicate on sort button
FIXED: search box enter key press not working on dynamically created search box
FIXED: same location name and address to show only once
FIXED: organizer archive page link to organizer title
FIXED: error on admin edit event tax page without image
FIXED: taxonomy pages to run direct shortcode function to avoid expensive regex
UPDATED: backend UI styles
UPDATED: tiles with event detail below design and layout
UPDATED: tiles view design over all
UPDATED: a more bold filter design
UPDATED: organizer bigger image
UPDATED: multi data types to use a global taxonomy class to save and fetch data
UPDATED: related events layout design
UPDATED: organizer and location archive page designs
ADDED: organizer social link to display in eventcard as well
FIXED: single event page not loading the scripts
FIXED: google fonts not loading on admin pages
FIXED: login access restriction to single event page not working
FIXED: widget block arrow styles
FIXED: Custom time format on eventcard to honor am pm value set in eventon language
UPDATED: event edit page styles
ADDED: evo_event_permalink pluggable filter for event link
ADDED: google doc link on how to restrict API key
FIXED: array undefined error missed conditions
FIXED: mobile layout issues
FIXED: event edit time display in UTC timezone
FIXED: happening now live calendar time incorrections
FIXED: custom meta data icon not showing on eventtop
FIXED: schedule view all day events text not translated
FIXED: schedule view all day events not showing time as all day
FIXED: schedule view responsive layout
FIXED: live now event image not showing
FIXED: when event starts they stop appearing in the calendar currenttime > site time
FIXED: live now calendar upcoming event countdown time error
FIXED: widgets admin area error
FIXED: elementor register controls() error
FIXED: Restrict single event page to loggedin users not working
UPDATED: moment.js to version 2.29.4
FIXED: array undefined error
FIXED: Event tag types not showing without tags active
FIXED: Location map not working
FIXED: custom meta data field not showing in eventtop
ADDED: support for eventon element color picker with input field
ADDED: Tabbed view support into shortcode generator using shortcode [add_eventon_tabs]
FIXED: virtual moderator not saved showing user as moderator
FIXED: event type taxonomy archive page error
FIXED: multiple eventON gutenberg blocks not working properly on same page
FIXED: quick edit time pm value save as am
FIXED: text error for healthcare guide
FIXED: repeat events link not sharing correct on social share
FIXED: search not passing correct $_POST values for sanitizing
FIXED: schedule view showing end time for hide end time
FIXED: virtual event HTML content getting stripped of tags
FIXED: hide end time still shows on edit all events page
FIXED: eventcard location text not all caps
FIXED: Google fonts not loading in backend
FIXED: ICS add to calendar all day events saving as different date
FIXED: all day events saving adjust set times
UPDATED: virtual stream url is optional now
FIXED: end time was saving as end hour
FIXED: syntax error on class-meta_boxes-health.php 74
UPDATED: Do not delete eventon settings changed to not delete by default
ADDED: evo_helper->sanitize_array()
ADDED: download all events as ICS to include event url in description field
ADDED: pluggable filters to expand healthcare data
ADDED: select2 dropdown for virtual event moderator field
ADDED: Option to set virtual event end time (BETA)
ADDED: ability to hide next events in live now calendar
FIXED: repeat event all day showing time
FIXED: tiles with ux_val=3a causing eventcard to not load
FIXED: colorful eventtop text color in appearance
FIXED: font family missing some classes for secondary font
FIXED: repeat events settings not showing with translations
FIXED: event custom meta field dynamic data link value not working
FIXED: gutenberg editor not updating in real time
FIXED: widget area layout issues via block based widgets
FIXED: js > evo_cal_get_basic_eventdata() passing event name as html
UPDATED: backender placeholder font color for input field
UPDATED: virtual event eventtop tag to be shown based on event attendance mode
UPDATED: virtual event settings configuration for event edit moved to separate lightbox
UPDATED: backend lightbox styles and functions
ADDED: eventtop_style='4' clean eventtop with gaps
ADDED: legacy tile detail under image with clean style using tile_style='2'
FIXED: learn more link showing without a link
FIXED: Responsive styles and various other style conflicts
FIXED: single event box styles
FIXED: undefined function EVO_Error() caught via wordpress
FIXED: Live now calendar responsive issues
FIXED: PHP8 compatibility
ADDED: shortcode hide_cancels=yes to hide all cancel events from calendar events
ADDED: view_switcher to allow switching between different calendar views quickly using view_switcher='yes' - addons required
ADDED: event card designer via Settings
ADDED: Event image and color for related events in new bigger layout
ADDED: support to hide various parts of eventtop via shortcode hide_et_dn, hide_et_tags, hide_et_tl, hide_et_extra
ADDED: support for showing only certain parts of an event using [add_single_eventon event_parts='yes']
ADDED: virtual events filter for event filtering
ADDED: event type filter for event filtering
ADDED: event attendance mode option for event edit settings
ADDED: settings option to hide below eventtop tags
ADDED: Option to select event query method via Settings > WP EventON Core Settings
ADDED: new event health field Vaccination Required
ADDED: new eventtop date design style via eventtop_date_style='1'
ADDED: Schedule View as part of eventON
ADDED: pluggable filter eventon_event_title_editbtn for edit button on eventtop
ADDED: Ability to select single event eventtop style via settings > Single Events
ADDED: Event location coordinates generation via wp_remote_get
ADDED: Generate location coordinates button
FIXED: event type widget not working correct
FIXED: past and future event text translation error
UPDATED: calendar filtering function for post_tags specific only to events to show
UPDATED: Live now calendar styles and layout with show_et_ft_img='yes'
UPDATED: tiles event details below design and layout refresh
UPDATED: cancelled events display style
UPDATED: Shortcode generator layout and styles
UPDATED: EventON Settings page styles and layout
UPDATED: Handlebar.js library to latest 4.7.7 version
UPDATED: Moved most of ajde library to EVO_Settings() and EVO()->elements
IMPORTANT: default calendar eventtop style to colorful eventtop with gaps
ADDED: option to disable csv export all events formatting chracters
ADDED: shortcode option to hide happening now events only
FIXED: paypal third party button supporting currencies
FIXED: widget arrow positions
FIXED: several settings related translation strings missing
FIXED: event type widget not saving correctly
FIXED: compatibility with wordpress 5.8
FIXED: live now events with featured image styling
FIXED: widget live now icon styles
FIXED: taxonomy archive page styles formatting issues
FIXED: tooltips to use global object using elements
UPDATED: event edit page UI styles