**new:** [DeliveryTime] Added per day multiple delivery time slot support
**new:** [VendorSubscription/StripeExpress] Added Stripe Express support for the Vendor Subscription module
**new:** [ProductSubscription/StripeExpress] Added Stripe Express support for the Vendor Product Subscription module
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Updated vendor delivery time UI.
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Added delivery type (Home Delivery/Store Pickup) settings for admin
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Added store pickup time section under vendor dashboard order details page, also under the wooCommerce order details page store pickup-related information is displayed.
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Now vendors’ will be able to switch Delivery Time to Store location pickup from the order details page.
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Added `Full Day` support for delivery time for both admin and vendors.
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Added email notification support for customers after modifying order delivery time from the vendor dashboard.
**update:** [DeliveryTime] Added email notification support for customers & vendors after admin updates order delivery time from the wooCommerce admin dashboard order panel.
**update:** First day of the delivery time widget was set according to the site settings.
**update:** [Stripe Express] Added support for SEPA Direct Debit payment method to be used in favor of iDEAL during recurring vendor subscription
**update:** [Stripe Express] Removed Wallet payment methods from Add payment method page as they are not needed there
**update:** [Stripe Express] Removed Dokan prefix/postfix from customer/vendor end
**update:** [Stripe Express] Added theme-changing option for Stripe payment element
**update:** [MangoPay] Updated the MangoPay API library to the latest version.
**update:** [MangoPay] Set card payin with 3ds2 as mandatory
**fix:** [DeliveryTime] Custom date format isn’t working if the suffix is applied `eg: 1st` now has been fixed
**fix:** [VariableProduct] Some fields and options are missing for the variations section under the vendor dashboard product edit page
**fix:** [RequestForQuotation] When there are multiple requests for quotation rules, rules priority wasn’t considered and all the applicable rules were merged.
**fix:** [Refund] Tax Amount Box takes 3 Decimal Places under vendor dashboard order details page
**fix:** [Shipping] Fixed shipping cache wasn't removed after a shipping method has been enabled or disabled from the vendor dashboard.
**fix:** [StripeConnect] `No such customer found` error after changing API credentials of Stripe modules for Dokan Stripe Connect(non-3ds)
**fix:** [RMA] Fixes when a customer sends a refund request for multiple products, the amount of products shown in the quantity dropdown does not decrease accordingly
**fix:** [Geolocation] The geolocation map's pop-up on the shop page and the store listing page is not working fixes
**fix:** [VendorAnalytics] Tracking number is not being added to the source file when the Add Tracking Code setting is enabled.
**fix:** [TableRateShipping/WPML] table rate shipping vendor settings page wasn't accessible if the site language wasn't set to English.
**fix:** [TableRateShipping] Shipping Class column hides after switching to a secondary language.
**fix:** [Elementor] Spaces between paragraphs are too large under the store terms and condition page.
**fix:** [Stripe Express] UI conflict of payment request button with Astra theme in the single product page
**fix:** For all payment gateways, announcements and notices to non-connected sellers were showing for inactive withdrawal methods.
- **update:** [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Product create popup modal color aligned with the selected theme color.
- **update:** [StoreReview] Moved bulk action fields to the top of the store review lists under the vendor dashboard
- **update:** [SellerVacation/Auction] Added vacation mode support for Auction products
- **update:** [SellerVacation] Added vacation message fields as a required field under the vendor dashboard store settings page. Previously it was displaying an empty box on the store page if this field was empty.
- **update:** [Booking] Hide Accommodation Addon types checkboxes from the regular products' edit product page/form
- **fix:** [RMA] Fixed the Store Credit Coupon does not include any products at the time of coupon creation
- **fix:** [Booking] Fixed PHP Notice: Undefined index: add_resource_name while creating booking resource with empty resource person
- **fix:** [TableRateShipping] Fixed Vendor Table Rate Shipping's > Method Title does not work correctly
- **fix:** [StoreReview] Fixed unable to translate Guest string
- **fix:** [SellerVacation] Fixed product status doesn't show on the booking product listing page if the vendor enables vacation mode
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed store banner and profile images are not showing on the single store page after updating to Dokan Pro 3.7.6
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed a deprecation warning that shows up in Query Monitor on the front end of the site
- **fix:** [StoreOpenCloseTime] Fixed console error on shop page
- **fix:** [Auction] Fixed needed to save permalinks for the auction module to work after the WooCommerce Auction plugin is activated
- **fix:** [RequestAQuote] Fixed template files NewQuote.php and UpdateQuote.php have the same ID: dokan_request_new_quote
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Fixed the dropdown list of subscription packs on the vendor registration form is not working
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Fixed customer becomes vendor form ( showing all subscription packs) while the Dokan subscription module is enabled
- **fix:** [VendorShipping] Fixed after changing the shipping cost from the vendor dashboard, it does not update on the cart by reloading the page
- **fix:** [VendorShipping] Prevent vendors from inputting currency in the "Flat Rate" shipping method's cost fields.
- **fix:** [SPMV] Fixed magnify popup style broken in SPMV search result page
- **fix:** Fixed some warning while bulk publishing products
- **fix:** [Coupons]: Dokan coupon is not applying for the variations if the parent product is selected for that coupon.
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Fixed Map is not loading on some pages
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] Some deprecated warnings while creating renewal order for Vendor Subscription.
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fatal error on elementor update when dokan container is not set
- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Smart payment button was not loading
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Selecting a child category doesn’t work on child category children.
- **new:** [Auction] Multistep product category implementation for Auction Module
- **new:** [Booking] Multistep product category implementation for Booking Module
- **update:** No message after clicking the `save changes` button on the vendor dashboard Ship Station settings
- **update:** Display active and inactive module count under the Dokan module page
- **update:** [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Added extended supports for Color Scheme Customizer module on frontend
- **fix:** [StripeConnect] Fixed a deprecated warning `Method WC_Subscriptions::redirect_ajax_add_to_cart is deprecated since version 4.0.0`
- **fix:** [VendorSubscriptionProduct] fixed a deprecated warning `Function WC_Subscriptions::is_duplicate_site is deprecated since version 4.0.0!`
- **fix:** [TableRateShipping] Fixed tooltip not working for table rate shipping under vendor dashboard
- **fix:** [Elementor] Single Store Page templates were not loading on latest version of Elementor
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings on Dokan Elementor module
- **new:** [Elementor] Single store page Featured, Latest, Best-selling, Top-rated products widget for Elementor module
- **new:** Introduced a new filter hook named `dokan_progressbar_translated_string`
- **new:** Product Inline Edit Support Catalog Mode for Products
- **new:** [Booking] Added Catalog Mode support for Booking Products
- **new:** [RequestAQuote] Added Catalog Mode support
**fix:** [RequestForQuotation] Fixed category list wasn’t rendered properly and was missing most of the category items.
- **new:** [ColorSchemeCustomizar] Added dashboard navigation active menu color settings.
- **update:** Removed default values from withdraw disbursement settings
- **update:** [ColorSchemeCustomizar] Added dashboard navigation custom border color settings.
- **fix:** [Stripe] Fixed fatal error on parsing gateway title and a warning after checkout is completed
- **fix:** Fixed data clear pop not showing after checking the data clearing settings checkbox.
- **update:** Added disconnect button to the Skrill payment method
- **update:** Redirect the user to the corresponding payment settings page instead of the payment list page after connecting the payment method.
- **update:** Respect the Dokan withdraw enable/disable method during a show of non-connected seller notice.
- **update:** [Elementor] Update Elementor Store Open/Close times widget & add hover feature to the Store Open/Close times widget.
- **fix:** Fixed some empty method names in Payment Methods section of Vendor Dashboard > Withdraw
- **fix:** [RequestAQuote] Fixed a console warning on WordPress admin panel
- **fix:** After completion of 100% again clicking update settings of store/payment/social profile will popup progress bar again
- **fix:** Progress bar doesn’t update if a vendor is created by the admin
- **fix:** Progress bar doesn’t update if a customer becomes a vendor
- **fix:** No progress bar update for PayPal marketplace, Mangopay, razor pay, custom payment method update
**new:** [ColorSchemeCustomizer] Updated admin color picker settings page and included 7 different color pallets for admin to choose from.
**new:** [VendorStaff] An email is sent to the vendor staff if the vendor changes the password.
**update:** Updated Dokan Pro and all modules settings page design according to the new settings page
**update:** if ‘Selling Product Types’ is set to ‘I plan to sell only digital products’ then when creating new variations of a variable product the 'Downloadable' and 'Virtual' checkboxes will be checked automatically if the corresponding values are empty. otherwise, the saved values will be placed
**update:** [ProductAdvertisement] delete advertisement product reference after the base product has been moved to the trash
**update:** [ProductAdvertisement] create advertisement base product after saving advertisement settings
**fix:** WPML translated endpoint not working in payment settings page
**fix:** Distance rate shipping doesn't show the proper shipping method title under Cart and Checkout page
**fix:** Distance rate shipping method rules order not saved
**fix:** Coupon percentage discount type doesn't respect WooCommerce decimal/thousand settings for coupon amount
**fix:** admin shipping method deletion doesn't delete vendor shipping methods
**Update:** [Stripe Express] Added filter `dokan_stripe_express_payment_method_title` to manipulate payment method title
**Update:** [Stripe express] Billing, shipping, and tax data processing for payment request
**Update:** [Stripe express] Updated some validation to restrict some unnecessary process
**Fix:** [Stripe express] Live mode API wasn't working
**new:** Stripe Express - Enable split payments, multi-seller payments, Apple Pay, Google Pay, iDEAL and other marketplace features available in Stripe Express.
**new:** [ProductAdvertising] Added reverse withdrawal support
**new:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added reverse withdrawal payment purchase support
**update:** [MangoPay] Some UX for MangoPay payment settings in vendor dashboard.
**update:** Introduce a callback to withdraw methods to determine if a seller if connected to that withdraw method
**fix:** Negative vendor earning entry while refunding a multivendor order fully.
**fix:** marketplace coupon bound to some vendors applies to other vendors' products
**fix:** vendor coupon applies to sale items even if its exclude sale item flag is true
**fix:** [MangoPay] Empty state error was being thrown for some addresses where state is not required.
**fix:** [Stripe Connect] Payment element's designs of other Stripe gateways were breaking.
- **new:** [Module] Request for Quotation Doc Link# https://wedevs.com/docs/dokan/modules/dokan-request-for-quotation-module/
- **chore:** Minimum WooCommerce version is set to 5.0
- **chore:** Minimum WordPress version is set to 5.4
- **update:** Now vendor can choose if a Free shipping rule should be applied before or after deducing the coupon discount amount.
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added Store Support unread ticket status icon, and added email settings and new email templates to send support status email to admin.
- **update:** [Auction] Added filters to the auctions products under vendor dashboard
- **update:** [Auction] Added email search in auctions activity page
- **fix:** With a manual booking, vendor is being charged instead of the customer
- **fix:** Fixed a translation issue for automatic withdraw page’s minimum withdraw amount
- **fix:** Vendor shipping zone is not selected properly on the cart page due to caching issue.
- **fix:** Stop the nonce verification failed message after saving store settings
- **fix:** [Auction] Fixed pagination under auctions products list page
- **fix:** [SPMV] min/max price show product not working if cloned products price diff is less than 1.
- **fix:** The Shipping tax is not calculated on Flat Rate shipping if there is any other method under the Flat Rate shipping method
- **fix:** [MangoPay] Fixed live API key not working issue
- **fix:** Customer does not get the verification link in the email if 'Enable Subscription in registration form' is enabled in Vendor Subscription
- **update:** Added withdraw method icon filter hook: dokan_withdraw_method_icon
- **update:** Added withdraw method heading filter hook: dokan_vendor_dashboard_payment_settings_heading
- **update:** Added icons in images directory inside corresponding assets directory of withdraw methods if the icon file is missing
- **update:** [VendorVerification] Added vendor proof of residence upload feature
- **update:** [StoreReview] Added email notification for new store reviews
- **fix:** Fixed Availability Range of the bookable product can not be deleted when the product is checked to be Accommodation Booking type.
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed some deprecated warnings and a fatal error while using the latest version of Elementor.
- **fix:** [Booking] Fixed Booking not visible in Day view of the calendar if site language is other than English
- **fix:** [Geolocation] The product location of the pending review products are automatically changed to same as store on publish has been fixed.
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Vendor are being able to create variations even after restricting using subscription packs has been fixed now.
- **notice:** added survey notice for dokan pro
- **fix:** [PayPalMarketplace] Fixed invalid parameter value error while creating vendor subscription if price contain more that 2 digits after decimal points.
- **fix:** [SPMV] Fatal error under Single Product Multiple Vendor module while trying to clone auction product
- **fix:** Fixed some translation issue under Vendor Subscription, Vendor Verification, Paypal Marketplace, Mangopay, RazorPay, and Product Advertising module
- **fix:** [OrderMinMax] Fixed a warning after clicking Order Again on a completed order
- **fix:** [Product Addons] Completion of successful add-on creation alert message has wrong css class
- **fix:** Fixed adding two products from different vendors and one of them is virtual, will receive a warning error on the cart page.
- **fix:** JS console error while loading product category & product add new pages has been fixed
- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Update seller enable for receive payment status if not already updated due to failed web hook event
- **fix:** [VendorSubscription] Remove validation if no subscription is active under vendor registration form
- **fix:** [StoreSupport] fixed get support popup not working properly in single product page if only Store Support module is activated
- **fix:** [RMA] Send refund button is not working under RMA refund request screen
- **fix:** [Stripe] 'Your card number is incomplete' issue on checkout pay order page
- **fix:** [Booking/Auction] Fixed product geolocation is not working for Booking and Auction Products
- **fix:** Fixed follow button not working under 'My Account' > 'Vendors' section
- **update:** Set delivery time week start date similar to WordPress week start settings
- **update:** [MangoPay] Applied some logic to restrict unnecessary implementations for MangoPay
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Restart Payment flow in case of funding source error on PayPal ie: user doesn’t have enough balance
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Display user friendly error messages instead of generic message
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Set Shipping and Tax fee recipient to seller despite of admin settings, previously it was displaying error on checkout page if shipping fee recipient was set to admin
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added purchasing capability for not logged in user
- **update:** Stop loading unnecessary style and script files on every page #1628
- **update:** [StoreSupport] Added localization support for date time picker library #1783
- **fix:** vendor info was set to null if vendor haven’t assigned to any store category
- **fix:** Dokan was creating unnecessary rows in the termmeta table, now has been fixed #1796
- **fix:** fixed fatal error while checking dokan_is_store_open(), if admin didn't run dokan migrator
- **fix:** fixed fatal error on dokan migrator
- **fix:** [EU Compliance Fields] Fixed a fatal error while saving Germanized trusted product variation fields data
- **fix:** [EU Compliance Fields] fatal error on wcpdf invoice integration on php version 8.0+
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed a warning due to compatibility issue with latest version of Store Support Module
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed social profile Elementor icon widget wasn’t working properly due to conflict with latest version of font awesome library #1793
- **fix:** [StoreReviewe] fixed a fatal error while clicking Sell This Item from spmv module
- **fix:** [Dokan Stripe] Fixed gateway fee was returning 0 in case of several partial refunds requested for same order #1678
- **fix:** [Product Enquiry] Fixed loading icon always displaying after product enquiry email is sent #1797
- **new:** [SPMV] Added product search feature under Add New Product page if Single Product Multi Vendor module is enabled. #1576
- **update:** Added seller verification badge under Store listing page, single store page, and single product page #1708
- **update:** Option to close progress bar if profile completeness score is 100% #1726
- **update:** [EU Compliance Fields] Added EU Compliance Customer Fields in Order details Billing and Billing section of Customer profile #1724
- **update:** Module page design updates #1754
- **fix:** [StoreSupport] Activating Store Support from Modules has no reflection on the single store page unless vendor update their settings #1702
- **fix:** Tools - Page Installation Pages button does not work appropriately #1719
- **fix:** Hide add new coupon button from coupon create page #1720
- **fix:** Shipping continent is not being shown under the shipping tab on the single product page. #1721
- **fix:** [Booking] Disable shipping option when virtual is enabled for bookable products #1722
- **fix:** [Booking] Resource available quantity field is empty #1723
- **fix:** Added Dokan Upgrader to delivery time schema updates #1770
- **fix:** Styles are not being saved If the announcement is drafted or edited after scheduled #1771
- **fix:** [Booking] Showing an extra comma in the Booking resource's Parent products when a connected product is deleted. #1772
- **fix:** Multiple store open close time wasn't working for Store Open/Close time Widget
- **fix:** [Elementor] Single Store Page template was missing from Elementor template selection dropdown
- **fix:** [Elementor] Product Widgets disappeared from Elementor single Product Page template edit panel
- **fix:** SEO section is not appearing while the latest Yoast SEO plugin (17.8) is installed and activated #1658
- **fix:** Refund not working if order has sub order #1656
**new:** [Vendor Verification] No email sent to vendors after vendor verification status has been changed #1569
- **new:** Added date filter on Dokan —> Reports —> Logs page #1397
- **update:** [Geolocation] Reset Geolocation fields data after user clears that fields in WooCommerce shop page #1574
- **update:** [Vendor Verification] added four new action hooks after verification submit button in vendor dashboard (dokan_before_id_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_phone_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_address_verification_submit_button, dokan_before_company_verification_submit_button) #1572
- **update:** [Vendor Subscription] Added trial text after trial value on vendor subscription list page #1571
- **update:** [Auction] some sanitization issue fixed for auction module #1496
- **update:** Now Export button will export all logs based on applied filters #1397
- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Added missing param on woocommerce_admin_order_item_headers hooks #1578
- **fix:** Product variation image upload button wasn’t working due to js error #1575
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Geolocation fields asking for user address each time user visit shop page #1574
- **fix:** Fixed WC mail template overwrite wasn’t working #1567
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] fixed Vendor Subscription category limitation doesn't work in the quick edit panel.
- **fix:** Vendor Dashboard created coupon expired date doesn't work correctly #1560
- **fix:** [Import/Export] Fixed importing products does not get the store geolocation data #1475
- **fix:** 'Connect With Wirecard' button in vendor payment settings page was hidden, now it is shown #1526
- **feat:** Added Admin coupon support
- **feat:** Table Rate Shipping (new module)
- **feat:** Rank Math SEO Integration (new module)
- **feat:** Product Bulk Edit feature for vendors/seller
- **feat:** [Vendor Verification] Company Verification Support for vendors (you need to enable Germanized module also to get this feature)
- **update:** Added integration of sweetalert2 for alert, prompt, confirm, toast notification
- **update:** [RMA] WC decimal separator support added in RMA module
- **update:** Vendor dashborad shipping class suggestion added. dokan-lite issue id no: #1259
- **update:** [Store Support] added dynamic date time format support for Store Support module
- **update:** [SMS Verification] Updated Twillio SDK
- **update:** [WholeSale] Previously vendor and vendor staff does not have the ability to become a wholesale customer, this feature has been added now
- **update:** [Geolocation] Remove previously added autodetect feature for geolocation module
- **update:** Prevent vendor to create category. Previously vendors were capable of creating categories while importing product from CSV file.
- **fix:** [Vendor Staff] Fixed No email is triggered when an user is added form the wp-admin panel Users menu
- **fix:** Send button collapsed (broken layout) on the RTL version of Dokan —> Announcement —> Add Announcement page
- **fix:** Fixed tooltips doesn't work on the Vendor Dashboard > Orders Edit Page
- **fix:** New tag wasn’t creating from vendor dashboard product quick edit section
- **feat:** [Auction] Added auction activity feature for vendors
- **new:** Added two new filter hooks named dokan_pro_scripts and dokan_load_settings_content_shipping so that some feature can be extended via theme authors
- **update:** [PayPal Marketplace] Added 60+ new country supports for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module.
- **update:** [Geolocation] Detect user geo location automatically
- **fix:** [PayPal Marketplace] Vendors, previously, could not purchase any product if they are subscribed to a vendor subscription plan, which has now been fixed
- **fix:** [Delivery Time] Vendor dashboard’s Store Settings form fields were not saving if delivery time module was enabled
- **fix:** [Geolocation] Fixed search filter URL redirect issue. Previously, when a user submitted Dokan geolocation filter form, it was redirecting in the current page URL instead of the Store listing page.
- **fix:** [Product Inquiry] Vendor Contact form didn't contain “Reply To” email address when a customer would contact a vendor via the product inquiry form. Issue has been resolved now.
**fix:** multiple issue fixed in WPML integration with Dokan
**feat:** Store Location Pickup: Customers no longer have to wait for their product's delivery but rather collect it at their preferable time. They can choose from vendor-provided single or multiple pickup locations during check out and grab their purchases conveniently.
**feat:** [PayPal Marketplace] Vendor Subscription support added for Dokan PayPal Marketplace Payment Gateway
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] filter subscription by package and by stores
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] Sort subscription by start date
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Relation Type column added under WooCommerce order table, (support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
**new:** [Vendor Subscription] Subscription Related Orders meta box added under order details page (Support added only for Dokan PayPal Marketplace module)
**new:** Added export order permission for staffs, vendors and admins
**update:** auto process api refund for orders placed using non dokan payment gateways
**update:** [Vendor Analytics] User readable Analytics chart data title added
**update:** [Import/Export] sample file download link added in Vendor product CSV import form
**update:** Center map on location search in store listing geolocation
**fix:** fixed js deprecated warnings on various pages
**fix:** [Elementor] multiple deprecated warning fixed
**fix:** Refund amount and tax over refund check
**fix:** Dokan Pro interference removed from WooCommerce Product Import
**fix** [RMA] Fixed multiple warnings.
**fix** [RMA] Only display correct/selected refund reason in new RMA request page.
**fix:** [RMA] RMA not working for variable product
**fix:** Fixed product attribute value sanitization issue
**fix:** [Vendor Staff] Remove admin login url from vendor staff email
**fix:** hide dokan shipping setting after WPML activation
**fix:** SKU not importing when ID field is blank
**fix:** Export all button disabled when there is no data in vendor
**fix:** Hide product addon settings when creating a grouped product
**fix:** Post object and type check when change vendor support topic status
- **feat:** [Booking] Added manual booking support feature for vendors
- **new:** Order note for Suborder and main order added when an refund request gets canceled.
- **new:** Added Net Sale section under vendor dashboard where Total order amount was deducted from the refunded amount
- **new:** Dokan a new button to get admin setup wizard on tools page
- **new:** Added Apple Signin feature under Dokan Social Login ( https://wedevs.com/docs/dokan/settings/dokan-social-login/configuring-apple/ )
- **new:** Added refund request canceled notification email template for vendors
- **new:** Implemented sorting feature for admin Refund page
- **fix:** [Booking] fixed Dokan booking details shows wrong order information after admin creates manual booking from WordPress admin panel
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed deprecated warning notice while customising store page with Elementor module
- **fix:** [Elementor] Fixed WhatsApp doesn't get Store Name and URL in Elementor
- **fix:** Fixed Shipping class amount adding with other shipping class amount issue
- **fix:** Fixed inconsistency on sales report for refunded order due to caching issue
- **fix:** [Booking] Display fatal error, after deleting booking product which is associated with any customer.
- **fix:** [Wholesale] The wholesale price digits next to the comma removes while saving variations from the admin screen
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] Getting error while canceling the Vendor Subscription if subscription order gets deleted
- **fix:** [Stripe] Fixed last used card number was always stored on stripe non 3ds mode for non-subscription products
- **fix:** [Product Addons] vendor addon validation applies to all vendors' products if add to cart url was accessing from browser address bar
- **fix:** [Vendor Verification] Fixed WordPress site health shows critical issues when the vendor verification module is enabled (PHP Session)
- **fix:** Fixed Social Login style is broken on the checkout page login form
- **fix:** Fixed Social API Logins has session Deadlock issues by setting session time to 5 minutes
- **fix:** Fixed fatal error while changing order status if product has been deleted
- **fix:** [Product Subscription] Fixed product subscription pagination problem under vendor dashboard
- **fix:** [Vendor Subscription] Fixed vendors can publish their products under review also
- **fix:** Admin Refund page search by store name wasn't loading refunded list items
**fix:** activating module(s) deactivating other active modules
- **update:** Added translation support for text 'Back to add-on lists' under html-global-admin-add.php file
- **update:** Added new Store Support email templates
- **update** Automatic coupon apply for new products
- **fix:** vendor subscription pricing table html broken in german translation
- **fix:** administrator user role added in user search for ShipStation Auth query
- **fix:** [Dokan Stripe] Card is not saving while purchasing WooCommerce Subscription products (3ds/non3ds)
- **fix:** Fixed pagination error on Vendor Review page
- **fix:** fixed couple of translation issue for Booking module.
- **fix:** Fixed Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class DokanPro\Modules\Subscription\Helper not found.
- **New** Pending request validation added in refund request validation.
- **New** Single validation error message will be displayed during refund request validation failure.
- **New** Dokan CSV exporter has rewritten to minimize product export errors.
- **New** Dokan CSV exporter has a new option called variation with variable product export.
- **New** Dokan CSV Importer has rewritten to minimize product import errors.
- **New** Dokan Import Export logic will not be imposed during product import export from WooCommerce product export importer.
- **New** Admin can add new vendor staff from wp-admin users add/edit page
- **New** [Dokan Auction] Validation error feedback for auction product same SKU
- **New** [PayPal Marketplace] added a settings fields to get bn code from admin
- **Update** Pending request validation added in refund
- **Update** [Vendor Review] Review date time display according to admin selected date time format
- **Update** [Wirecard] Dokan Wirecard module compatibility with WordPress version 5.8
- **Fix** [Delivery Time] JS error fix for fresh installation vendor info
- **Fix** [Wholesale] Product addon and RMA addon not working with wholesale product fixes
- **Fix** New subscription order is being created for profile save is resolved
- **Fix** 'Error: dokan is not defined' in checkout page after transaction is processed via paypal marketplace
- **Fix** fatal error ‘Class Abstract_Dokan_Background_Processes not found’ while activating dokan lite and pro together