* **Improvements**
* BuddyBoss: Improved trigger "User updates profile information" to avoid launch it when information did not change.
* **New Features**
* New integration: Easy Affiliate.
* Easy Affiliate: New trigger: User becomes an affiliate.
* Easy Affiliate: New trigger: User earns a referral.
* **New Features**
* New integration: SureCart.
* SureCart: New trigger: User makes a purchase.
* **Developer Notes**
* Moved old changelog to changelog.txt.
* **Improvements**
* WordPress: New field to update Display Name on action "Update User".
* **Developer Notes**
* Added new hooks to extend the automation clone functionality.
* **Bug Fixes**
* ActiveCampaign: Fixed a PHP warning related to webhooks.
* **Improvements**
* Improved the auto logs cleanup to work even with large amounts of logs entries.
* **Improvements**
* Added more nonce checks to prevent CSRF attacks.
* **Bug Fixes**
* WP Simple Pay: Fixed display of form titles.
* **New Features**
* New tag: {date:FORMAT:VALUE} to place relative dates like {date:d/m/Y:+1 month}
* New tag: {timestamp:VALUE} to place relative timestamps like {timestamp:+1 month}
* **Improvements**
* Updated add-ons API.
* **Bug fixes**
* Presto Player: Fixed tags to get data from logged automations.
* **Bug Fixes**
The Events Calendar: Fixed warning when confirming RSVP since Events Tickets has 2 different ways to launch the same hook with different parameters.
* **Improvements**
* Improved URL sanity checks to prevent duplicated ampersands in "Redirect user to URL" action.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Fixed incorrect check to meet if a plugin integration should be loaded.
* **New Features**
* New integration: Download Manager.
* New integration: JetFormBuilder.
* New integration: StudioCart.
* JetFormBuilder: New trigger: User submits a form.
* JetFormBuilder: New anonymous trigger: Guest submits a form.
* StudioCart: New trigger: User purchases a product.
* **Improvements**
* LearnDash: Added name of groups in "Make user the leader of a group" action label.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Fixed user ID assigned on "Delete user" action.
* **Bug Fixes**
* MailPoet: Fixed variable type error in "Add subscriber to list" action due to MailPoet new version.
* **New Features**
* BuddyBoss: New tags: Invitation tags to get the inviter and invited IDs.
* **Bug Fixes**
* BuddyPress: Fixed the add user to group action to prevent to work with strings as group ID.
* BuddyBoss: Fixed the add user to group action to prevent to work with strings as group ID.
* Fixed a PHP notice in AutomatorWP settings screen.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Fixed incorrect function in the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) integration.
* **New Features**
* New integration: Advanced Custom Fields (ACF).
* Advanced Custom Fields: New trigger: User updates post field with a value.
* Advanced Custom Fields: New action: Update post field with a value.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Fixed some incorrect text domain names.
* **Improvements**
* ActiveMember360: All actions adapted to last version of ActiveMember360.
* **Bug Fixes**
* wpForo: Updated wpForo install check to meet wpForo main class change in 2.0.0.
* Fixed parameters check when excluding URLs.
* **Bug Fixes**
* ActiveCampaign: Fixed a bug that causes contact is not detected in ActiveCampaign if email contains special characters.
* **New Features**
* Added the "All posts" automation, an automation to run actions on all or on a filtered group of posts manually, on a specific date or on a recurring basis (Ideal for automate maintenance tasks on your site posts like clean up the older posts or email administrators about pending ones).
* **Improvements**
* Improved the redirect URL Javascript checks.
* **New Features**
* Added the "All users" automation, an automation to run actions on all or on a filtered group of users manually, on a specific date or on a recurring basis.
* **Improvements**
* Improved the redirect URL action to work even when other plugins do a redirect.
* Removed a non required check of a Javascript file exists in AutomatorWP > Settings screen.
* Prevent PHP warnings during activation caused by CMB2 library.
* **New Features**
* New integration: Autonami.
* Autonami: New trigger: User added to list.
* Autonami: New trigger: Tag added to user.
* Autonami: New anonymous trigger: Contact added to list.
* Autonami: New anonymous trigger: Tag added to contact.
* Autonami: New action: Add a tag to the user.
* Autonami: New action: Add a tag to a contact.
* **Improvements**
* Style improvements to table fields display.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Prevent PHP warnings during activation caused by checking the existent database tables during activation.
* **Improvements**
* Performance improvement reducing the database queries to check if a table exists.
* FluentCRM: Performance improvement reducing the database queries to build the contact tags.
* **New Features**
* New integration: Thrive Quiz Builder.
* Thrive Quiz Builder: New trigger: User completes a quiz.
* BuddyBoss: Added the ability to add a link preview to the "Add an activity to user" action.
* WooCommerce: New tag: Order Currency.
* WooCommerce: New tag: Order Currency Symbol.
* **Bug Fixes**
* LearnPress: Fixed hidden button "Continue" in lessons.
* **New Features**
* WordPress: Added the ability to select a different user in the action "Add, change or remove role to user".
* **Improvements**
* GamiPress: Check if user to reward on actions exists.
* Tested with WordPress 6.0.
* **New Features**
* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post.
* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post of a type.
* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post of a taxonomy.
* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a field of a post.
* **Improvements**
* Prevent to display revisions from on post selector fields.
* **Improvements**
* Mailchimp: Make tags selector be able to query all tags in the account.
* **New Features**
* BuddyBoss: Added the activity author ID tag.
* BuddyPress: Added the activity author ID tag.
* **Improvements**
* WooCommerce: Added a link to the order on logs entries where an order is assigned.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Mailchimp: Fixed a small bug that caused credentials not getting saved correctly.
* **New Features**
* Added the "Post Type Label" tag to display the post type label.
* **Improvements**
* Mailchimp: Only load Mailchimp libraries when needed.
* **New Features**
* Mailchimp: New action: New Integration: Mailchimp.
* Mailchimp: New action: Add tag to user.
* Mailchimp: New action: Subscribe user to an audience.
* Mailchimp: New action: Add note to user.
* **New Features**
* New Integration: Amelia.
* Amelia: New trigger: User books an appointment.
* Amelia: New anonymous trigger: Guest books an appointment.
* **Improvements**
* Added support for datetime fields.
Added support to render options with multiples values in triggers or actions labels.
* **Improvements**
* LearnPress: Updated enroll user to course action to match with the latest LearnPress version.
* WPLMS: Updated check to meet if WPLMS is installed to match latest WPLMS v4.3.
* **Developer Notes**
* Updated CMB2 library to 2.10.1.
* **Improvements**
* Dashboard updated with new links to documentation.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Fixed issue with the reset password link and URL replacement.
* **New Features**
* New Integration: Divi.
* Divi: New Trigger: User submits a form.
* Divi: New Anonymous Trigger: Guest submits a form.
* **New Features**
* WooCommerce: Added the order customer note tag.
* **Improvements**
* LearnPress: Updated enroll user to course action to match with the latest LearnPress version.
* Reorder the integrations list alphabetically in the edit automation screen.
* **Bug Fixes**
* Fixed incorrect call of the wp_update_user() function.
* **Developer Notes**
* Tested with WordPress 5.9.
* **Bug Fixes**
* WishList Member: Prevent to render levels without ID on membership levels option fields.