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Advanced Custom Fields Pro - V6.2.7

Version: 6.2.7

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08 Mar 2024 - Version 6.2.7
19 Jan 2024 - Version 6.2.5
12 Nov 2023 - Version 6.2.2
12 Nov 2023 - Version 6.2.2
03 Apr 2023 - Version 6.1.0-beta1

* New - Custom Post Type and Taxonomy registration support via the ACF Admin UI. View the release post for full information

* New - A new field type selection browser providing details on each type of field. View the release post for full information

* New - PHP 8.1 and 8.2 support

* Enhancement - Post Object, Page Link and Relationship fields now support filtering by post status

* Enhancement - Checkbox fields which allow custom entries can now be filtered to set custom text for the “Add New Choice” button via the `custom_choice_button_text` property

* Fix - ACF Block field edit view buttons now work correctly inside reusable blocks

11 Nov 2022 - Version 6.0.4

* Improvement - JavaScript initialization performance while editing large field groups has been improved, especially in Safari

* Improvement - Tooltips for field settings are now shown as inline instructions

* Improvement - Saving a field group is now disabled until a field group title has been entered

* Improvement - Additional sanitization across various internal parts of the plugin

* Fix - Dragging and dropping a field in no longer opens the field settings in Firefox

* Fix - Copying the field name or key to the clipboard now works as expected for new or reordered fields, and subfields

* Fix - Saving a field group will now temporarily disable the "Save Changes" button while saving

* Fix - Block templates that include html comments as the first DOM element no longer crash the block editor on edit

* Fix - Block templates that include InnerBlocks on the DOM’s first level no longer trigger JS warnings

* Fix - Block templates that render other blocks now correctly render their InnerBlocks

* Fix - Legacy block attribute values are no longer overwritten by blank defaults of new versions

* Fix - Paginated Repeater fields now work with non-paginated Repeaters as subfields

* Fix - Repeater pagination is now properly disabled while inside blocks

* Fix - REST API no longer causes a PHP warning if `$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']` is not defined

* Fix - REST API now supports integer keys for the Select field

* Fix - REST API now supports passing `null` to Image and File fields

* Fix - Invalid ACF meta keys no longer cause a fatal error when retrieved with `get_fields()`

* a11y - The Relationship field is now fully accessible for keyboard navigation

* i18n - Select dropdown arrow is now aligned correctly in RTL languages

* i18n - Radio buttons are now aligned correctly in RTL languages

21 Oct 2022 - Version 6.0.3

* Security Fix - ACF shortcode security fixes detailed [here](

* Improvement - Field names and keys now copy to clipboard on click, and do not open a field

* Fix - The field type input now has default focus when adding a new field

* Fix - ACF no longer publishes `h1`, `h2` or `h3` CSS classes outside of the ACF admin screens

* Fix - Conditional field settings now work correctly across different tabs

* Fix - The field list for sub fields are now full width

* Fix - ACF admin notices now display with correct margin

* Fix - Admin CSS improvements when using ACF in an RTL language

* Fix - Clone fields now have the presentation tab for setting wrapper properties when in group display mode

* Fix - Appended labels on field settings will now be displayed in the correct place

* Accessibility - The move field modal is now keyboard and screen reader accessible

01 Oct 2022 - Version 6.0.2

Improvement - Field group and field rows no longer animate on hover to reveal the action links

Fix - Field order is now saved correctly when fields are reordered

Fix - WordPress notice styles outside of ACF's admin screens are no longer affected by the plugin's CSS

30 Sep 2022 - Version 6.0.1

* Improvement - ACF's header bar inside our admin pages is no longer sticky

* Improvement - ACF's admin pages no longer use a custom font

* Fix - Duplicating flexible content layouts now works correctly

* Fix - ACF CSS classes no longer target translated class names for sub pages, resolving issues when using ACF in a language other than English

* Fix - ACF no longer reactivates when using WPML with different domains per language

* Fix - i18n - Labels for some field settings no longer break onto multiple lines in languages other than English

* Fix - Radio field types no longer generate a warning in logs due to invalid parameter counts

* Fix - True/False field focus states no longer apply outside ACF admin screens

* Fix - Focus states for many field types no longer show when interacting with a mouse input

* Fix - ACF 6’s new Tab background colors no longer apply outside ACF admin screens, increasing readability

* Fix - User fields named “name” no longer have a different label presentation view

* Fix - Changing field types with subfields no longer removes those fields when switching field type and back

* Fix - Resolved a potential fatal error if a third party plugin sets the global `$post_type` something other than a string

* Fix - Tooltip alignment is no longer incorrect inside subfields

* Fix - Resolved a potential JS error when third party plugins modify the metabox sort order

15 Jul 2022 - Version 5.12.3

Security Fix - Inputs for basic file uploads are now nonced to prevent an issue which could allow arbitrary file uploads to forms with ACF fields (Thanks to James Golovich from Pritect, Inc.)

08 Apr 2022 - Version 5.12.2

* Fix - Cloned fields in custom named options pages now behave correctly

* Fix - Default values and the `acf/load_value` filter are now applied if a field value load [fails security validation](

* Fix - The ACF field is no longer present in REST responses if the ACF REST API setting is disabled

* Fix - Duplicating a flexible content layout or repeater row now also replaces the field ID in `for` attributes

01 Apr 2022 - Version 5.12.1

* New - REST API now supports the comment route for displaying ACF fields.

* Fix - ACF now validates access to option page field values when accessing via field keys the same way as field names. [View More](

* Fix - REST API now correctly validates fields for POST update requests

* Fix - Fixed an issue where invalid field types caused an error during REST API requests

* Fix - Fixed a PHP warning when duplicating an empty field group

* Fix - Fixed a bug preventing block duplication detection changing an ACF Block’s ID if it was nested deeper than one level inside another block

* Fix - Fixed a bug where the `acf-block-preview` wrapper might not appear around a block if it was saved in edit mode

* i18n - Updated several translations from user contributions (Thanks to Dariusz Zielonka, Mikko Kekki and Alberto!)

25 Feb 2022 - Version 5.12
04 Dec 2021 - Version 5.11.4

* Fix - Fixed several Select2.js conflicts with other plugins

* Fix - Fixed an issue where block name sanitization could change valid block names containing double hyphens

* Fix - Fixed an issue where blocks with integer IDs could fail to load example field data

27 Nov 2021 - Version 5.11.3

Fix - Fixed a bug when accessing field values for options pages registered with a custom post_id

21 Nov 2021 - Version 5.11.1

* Enhancement - Added "acf/admin/license_key_constant_message" filter to allow changing of the "Your license key is defined in wp-config.php" message

* Fix - Added warning for when get_field() or similar functions are called before ACF has initialized. [Learn more](

* Fix - Fixed fields not appearing on user REST API endpoints if their field group location was set to a user form other than "all"

* Fix - Fixed warning in REST API if a custom field type did not have the "show_in_rest" property

* Fix - Fixed an error that could occur if value of WYSIWYG field was not a string

13 Nov 2021 - Version 5.11

* New - Fields can now be viewed and updated with the WordPress REST API (props @mishterk)

* New - License key can now be defined in code with the "ACF_PRO_LICENSE" constant

* Enhancement - Improved error handling for expired or deactivated licenses

* Enhancement - Improved support for various block editor features, such as block styles and padding/spacing

* Enhancement - Added support for using WordPress "Screen Options" to hide field groups in Classic Editor

* Enhancement - Support filters adding custom classes on date and time field inputs

* Enhancement - Support filtering ACF shortcode attributes (with the "shortcode_atts_acf" filter)

* Fix - Removed usages of PHP "extract()" function

* Fix - Fixed a security issue with user field

* Fix - Fixed a security issue with "acf_get_value()"

* Fix - Correctly set ".acf-block-preview" wrapper when previewing a block in auto mode

* Fix - Resolved an issue with select2 rendering for nav menu fields

* Fix - Fixed an issue with file validation that occurred when removing a file that failed validation

* Fix - Fixed a notice in "acf_prepare_field()"

* Fix - Prevented an issue where setting an empty string for the return format of date and time fields would cause JS errors

* Fix - Fix issues with conditional logic for multi-select fields (props @bhujagendra-ishaya)

* Fix - Added support for Google Maps schema change which prevented Google Maps fields from correctly saving the city for some areas

* Fix - Fixed an issue where removing the collapsed property of a repeater prevents viewing previously collapsed rows

* i18n - Updated Polish Translations (props @webnatural)

* Dev - Formatted JavaScript to WordPress code standards

02 Sep 2021 - Version 5.10.2

* Fix - Fixed block duplication issues which created blocks with duplicate block IDs

* Fix - Fixed an issue with ACF errors displaying in the media library outside of ACF fields

* Fix - Changed label of "Enable Opacity?" to "Allow transparency" in the colour picker

* Fix - Revert "style" attributes of ACF Blocks to 5.9.x behaviour for template compatibility

* Fix - Allow safe HTML inside select2 field labels

* Fix - Don't render the "acf-block-preview" div when preloading blocks in edit mode

28 Aug 2021 - Version 5.10.1

* Fix - Fixed conflict with WooCommerce loading SelectWoo which is not directly compatible with Select2.

28 Aug 2021 - Version 5.10.0

* Enhancement - Improved security by running all user-generated content through `wp_kses()` by default

* Enhancement - New ACF Blocks features

    * Switched to v2 of the Blocks API for WordPress 5.6+

    * Block preloading now enabled by default

    * Block preloading now supports blocks set to "Edit" mode

    * Add support for full height alignment setting

* Enhancement - Added setting to color picker field to enable an opacity slider

* Enhancement - Allow deletion of first field group location rule if multiple rules have been added thanks to Arthur Shlain

* Fix - Fixed vulnerability with `acf_shortcode()` where users with subscriber role could view arbitrary ACF data, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki

* Fix - Fixed vulnerability where users with subscriber role could move fields and view field groups, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki

* Fix - Fixed issue where fields in legacy widgets weren't saving in new widget block editor

* Fix - Fixed issue with custom field validation in scheduled posts

* Fix - Fixed warnings thrown by clone field if the cloned field group is empty

* Fix - Fixed issue where Select2 search input wouldn't have focus in WordPress 5.8+

* Fix - Fixed issue with Select2 value sorting when Yoast SEO is installed

* Fix - Fixed deprecation warnings in block editor in WordPress 5.6+

* i18n - Updated Swedish translation thanks to Erik Betshammar

15 Jan 2021 - Version 5.9.4
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 08-03-2024
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