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WPForms - Drag & Drop WordPress Form Builder - V1.8.9 NULLED

Version: 1.8.9 NULLED

Item cover for download WPForms - Drag & Drop WordPress Form Builder


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30 Jun 2024 - Version 1.8.9 NULLED
04 May 2024 - Version NULLED
01 May 2024 - Version NULLED
28 Apr 2024 - Version NULLED
25 Apr 2024 - Version 1.8.8 NULLED
16 Mar 2024 - Version NULLED
05 Mar 2024 - Version NULLED
02 Mar 2024 - Version 1.8.7 NULLED
13 Feb 2024 - Version NULLED
24 Jan 2024 - Version NULLED
19 Jan 2024 - Version NULLED
15 Jan 2024 - Version NULLED
29 Dec 2023 - Version NULLED
23 Dec 2023 - Version NULLED
27 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
25 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
12 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
14 Oct 2023 - Version 1.8.4 NULLED
29 Aug 2023 - Version NULLED
27 Aug 2023 - Version NULLED
07 Jun 2023 - Version 1.8.3 NULLED
14 Apr 2023 - Version NULLED
01 Apr 2023 - Version NULLED

### Fixed

- Limit Length functionality was broken in the Paragraph Text field.

02 Mar 2023 - Version NULLED

### Changed

- Updated DOMPurify library to 3.0.1.

### Fixed

- An error occurred when the DreamHost Panel Login plugin and WPForms Lite were both active and WPForms Pro was activated.

- Some dropdown fields in the Marketing settings area of the Form Builder were rendered incorrectly in Safari after making a selection.

- Form template block in the Form Builder could overflow the container on smaller screen sizes.

- Long links in the HTML email messages did not wrap and caused overflow issues.

- Google reCAPTCHA v2 could not be reset on server-side validation failure.

23 Feb 2023 - Version NULLED

### Fixed 

- Invisible reCaptcha was incorrectly processed resulting in failed form submissions with a wrong error message.

15 Feb 2023 - Version 1.8.0 NULLED

### Added

- Prevent spam submissions using the new Cloudflare Turnstile anti-spam integration. You can find it on the Settings > CAPTCHA page.

### Changed

- Custom Captcha and Section Divider fields are now excluded from custom fields mapping in marketing addons.

- Filter by country and filter by keyword error messages are now displayed above the Submit button.

- Non-public taxonomies should not be displayed in Dynamic Choices' available sources.

- The "Resend Notifications" link on the Entry page is disabled instead of being hidden if any addon blocks this functionality.

- External usage of removed PHP classes is now handled gracefully without generating fatal errors.

- Redundant Transaction IDs are not displayed for recurring subscription payments in the View Entry > Payment section.

- The performance of the Email field validation is improved when using an allowlist or denylist.

- Files uploaded through Modern File Upload and Rich Text fields to the Media Library now have attachment titles in the "Field label: Original file name" format.

- State and Country subfields of the Address field now allow selecting the default value from the dropdown if it contains choices.

- State and Country subfields of the Address field now allow unsetting the default value.

- Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.3.

### Fixed

- The Dropdown field text indentation was incorrect in the Form Builder in Firefox.

- Various notification modals' titles had inconsistent sizes in the Form Builder.

- Users without permission to view Entries should not see links for entry counts in the Dashboard widget.

- The header column background did not fill the entire column height in the Compact view of the Entry print preview.

- Validation errors in various modals were inconsistent in the Form Builder.

- When duplicating an inactive field, the settings of the active field are now removed properly.

- Malformed HTML in the Entry Preview Notice field could brake the Form Builder markup.

- It was impossible to remove an expired license key after upgrading to WPForms Pro if it was initially set in WPForms Lite.

- The expired, disabled and invalid license notices were shown twice after entering the key in the WPForms Lite, then installing and activating WPForms Pro.

- The Page Break field was inserted in the incorrect position if the form contained a notice about a certain field being not available under the current license.

- Some cache files were unnecessarily re-downloaded on the front end.

- The Single Item field with a User Defined type could be submitted with a negative amount.

- Prevent other plugins from adding custom buttons to the Content Field TinyMCE editor to prevent functionality breakage.

- Images in the Rich Text field were ignoring alignment settings in the entry notification email.

- Users with roles other than Administrator could not add the reCAPTCHA/hCaptcha field and dismiss notices even if they had sufficient permissions.

- Number Slider field validation failed if a maximum value was not a multiple of steps.

- Buttons inside of notices inside of 4-column layout fields were formatted incorrectly.

- Max File Uploads could have been set to 0 or an empty value, causing File Upload field validation to fail.

- The Previous page of the Page Break field could not be opened without filling in the Credit Card Number field.

- Entries export was not working on non-direct file systems, e.g. SSH2, FTP, etc. (including using Git).

- Image Choices in Multiple Choice fields were not displaying the image in the entry preview when the choice label contained HTML.

- HTML markup in the Default Text of Paragraph Text fields was not being displayed on the front end and in the Form Builder preview.

- Placeholders and Default values of various subfields of the Address field are now consistent in the Form Builder preview.

- Admin bar icons were broken after submitting a form with the Rich Text field.

13 Jan 2023 - Version NULLED

### Fixed

- Layout fields were not shown when they were on any page other than the first page of a multi-page form and conditional logic was enabled on at least one field within the Layout field.

- Incorrect spacing around the Submit button in the Form Builder was fixed.

- Missing assets were added to the plugin.

11 Nov 2022 - Version 1.7.8 NULLED

### Added

- Introducing a completely new Content field to help you easily add formatted text to your forms.

- Submitted files can now be attached to the notification email, that is configurable on the Form Builder > Notifications screen.

- All anti-spam protection settings are grouped in one place in the Form Builder > Settings for easier access.

- You can now completely block form submissions from certain countries.

- You can also block form submissions that contain particular keywords.

- New hooks at the beginning and end of each page of the Page Break field.

### Changed

- Recently added Form Templates are now available in the "New Templates" category.

- Non-responsive (desktop) version of the Form Builder is not accessible on mobile devices.

### Fixed

- jQuery deprecation notices were triggered in the browser's console.

- Close button in dropdowns was displayed incorrectly in certain places.

- A PHP warning was raised on certain site configurations when the user tried to submit a form.

- Toggle control animation was working incorrectly in certain cases.

- Required fields were still highlighted as incomplete after being filled on the Form Builder > Marketing screen.

- Text was overlapping the down arrow on dropdowns in the 2021 theme.

- The Currency field dropdown went outside of the page border in the Form Builder.

- WPForms Challenge user experience was improved.

- Smart tag list was too big in fields with warnings.

- Some input masks caused the text in the Text field to be right-aligned.

- Compatibility with the 2023 theme was improved.

- Search was incorrectly processing the `0` term when performed on the Entries Overview page.

- Entry Preview functionality didn't work on the Form Preview page when Conversational Forms was enabled.

- A PHP warning related to the Entry CSV Attachment was raised when navigating through different form revisions.

- Entry CSV Attachment settings were not saved properly when saved too quickly after the page load.

15 Oct 2022 - Version NULLED

### Added

- There is a new filter `wpforms_builder_panel_sidebar_section_classes` to change builder panel sidebar section classes.

### Changed

- Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.0.

### Fixed

- Placeholder text in the Dropdown field was cut off in the Form Builder.

- The Form Builder had an inconsistent text strings escaping.

- The information about "no form templates to display" did not disappear when a category was changed.

07 Oct 2022 - Version NULLED

### Fixed

- Email Notifications options for completed payments were displayed in an incorrect place - below the Settings > Notifications > Advanced section in the Form Builder.

- Very long field labels were not wrapped and were breaking mid-word.

29 Sep 2022 - Version 1.7.7 NULLED
18 Aug 2022 - Version 1.7.6

### Added

- Entries can now be checked against the Akismet API to prevent spam submissions.

- When exporting entries on the Tools > Export page all items can be selected or deselected easily with a single click in Form Fields and Additional Information sections.

### Changed

- Only 3 uploaded files are now displayed in the table on the Entries list page.

- Paragraph and multiline long values are properly truncated to improve readability on the Entries list page.

- Display fields available according to license level as active in the Form Builder, even if the required addon is not installed or activated.

- Single Item field placeholder option is now displayed only when a User Defined type is selected.

- The Date/Time field displays options from `01` to `12` instead of from `00` to `11` when the format is set to `12 H`.

- Address field' country name is now displayed instead of the country code throughout the plugin admin area.

- Empty post titles and term names in Dynamic Choices are now treated the way WordPress does.

- Modern Dropdown field fuzzy search sensitivity is adjusted to display only exact matches.

- Allow typing choices in the modern Dropdown field with the Multiple Options Selection option enabled.

- WPForms Challenge experience is improved for new users.

- Lite Connect is now disabled in non-production environments.

- Lite Connect functionality improves handling of staging and cloned sites, and changed domain names.

- Unnecessary PHP packages are no longer shipped in WPForms Lite.

- Stylesheets loaded in the Form Builder and on certain plugin pages are better optimized and shrank to improve performance.

- WPForms now better integrates with the WP Mail SMTP plugin to enable overriding From Name and From Email values in existing forms.

- Form Notifications now have better validation of From Email settings.

- Displaying and counting the total number of entries is improved across the admin area of the plugin.

- Start using new `elementor/widgets/register` hook introduced in Elementor 3.5.0.

- The intl-tel-input library has been updated to v17.0.17 to support more regions and area codes.

- Updated DOMPurify library to 2.3.10.

- Updated jquery.validate library to 1.19.5.

### Fixed

- Improved compatibility with Twenty Twenty-Two theme.

- No more missing form ID in the date dropdown `id` HTML attribute.

- Added meaningful `alt` text to form submission spinner image to stop being flagged by certain SEO scanners.

- Address field's Country value on the Entries list page was truncated with the International scheme set.

- Lite Connect import admin notice on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page was positioned incorrectly.

- Page break titles overlapped on certain screen sizes when using the Connector progress indicator.

- Single Item field Placeholder value was not updating correctly in the Form Builder preview.

- Constant Contact Authorization Code and Account Nickname fields are now required on the Settings > Integrations page.

- Constant Contact connection can now be added even if the Authorization Code is invalid.

- Error occurred upon form submission when Time in Date/Time field was set to 00AM.

- Fields that required unique answers did not work with page breaks.

- A form with a smart Phone field that requires a unique value didn't get submitted if the phone field value was invalid, even if the phone field was hidden by conditional logic.

- Form cannot be submitted now until all uploads in separate modern File Upload fields are finished.

- Conditional Logic was not working when the value was updated on paste from the clipboard.

- Modern File Upload field was not fully cleared when hidden and shown again with Conditional Logic applied.

- Validation of required fields on Marketing or Payment sections in the Form Builder was triggered even if the field is hidden.

- Action Scheduler was triggering a PHP fatal error on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page on PHP 5.6.

- Images breaking out of containers on smaller screens if Multiple Choice and Checkboxes fields were set to use image choices.

- `query_var` smart tag was not working in Confirmations and Notifications.

- Incorrect results were displayed when search by term was combined with a date filter.

- Plugin and addons could not be updated via WP CLI.

- Custom templates had an incorrect badge, "Addon" instead of "Custom".

- The Confirmation Message label overlapped the editor when WYSIWYG mode was disabled.

- A list of IP addresses forwarded by Cloudflare or some other proxies could not be parsed if it contained spaces.

- Default form title was not changed when switching form templates.

- Both `page_title` and `page_id` smart tags were returning incorrect values on non-singular pages if the form was used outside the Loop.

- WPForms Block preview (on block hover) was rendered incorrectly in Site Editor.

- Users with roles other than Administrator could not see all export options even if they had sufficient permissions.

- Display only those sections that the user has permissions to view and interact with on the WPForms > Tools page.

- Rich Text field label was misplaced if positioned below the Single Line Text field with the Address Autocomplete option enabled.

- Sorting entries by Total column worked incorrectly when combined with pagination.

- User-uploaded files remained in the /uploads/wpforms/ directory when an Entry was deleted.

- Partially uploaded user files were not deleted when the upload was interrupted or canceled.

- Files with extensions containing an underscore or a hyphen were not supported by the File Upload field.

- Custom validation errors were not displayed with hCaptcha enabled upon AJAX form submission.

- Validation errors were not shown when the field with an input mask was not fully filled.

- Duplicated entries were created in the database when an entry of the form with more than 30 fields was edited.

- Smart Tags could be added to Sender Email and Sender Name if the fields were managed by the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

- The Confirmation message block had incorrect margins in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme.

- Occasional errors during migration were fixed when upgrading from some older versions of WPForms.

- The Confirmation Redirect URL can no longer be saved with an empty value.

- Default choices were displayed on the frontend if a Dynamic Choices source had no objects (Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Checkboxes fields were affected).

31 Jul 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- Migrations logic was broken in certain cases when addons have their own migrations.

- Security-related improvements around email generation for notifications.

24 Jul 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- Some users were not able to use templates when creating a form.

21 Jul 2022 - Version

### Added

- New filter to modify CSS classes of the form submit button on the frontend.

### Changed

- The PayPal Standard transaction URL now uses a new format on the Entry details page.

- Improve cached templates handling in the Form Builder.

### Fixed

- Retrieving a current URL should not strip a custom port.

- "JavaScript file not found" error when the "Load Assets Globally" option was enabled in Settings > General.

- WordPress database error when upgrading from WPForms Lite to WPForms Pro.

- Do not cache an incorrect or empty response from the Templates API.

- PHP warning raised in certain notifications configuration when PayPal payment status is changed to Completed.

17 Jul 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- Increase chances for the templates inside the Form Builder to load properly, so occasional empty form creation from a template should be gone.

- PHP fatal error was generated in some cases when Lite Connect attempted to generate site key too many times.

01 Jul 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- v1.7.5 migration did not complete when a database prefix other than `wp_` was used.

- Form Tags: incorrect links to filter by tags were generated right after saving tags.

29 Jun 2022 - Version 1.7.5

### Added

- Form Tags: add tags to forms with an ability to filter by them; bulk add/edit/delete tags for multiple forms.

- Payment details stored in entries are now searchable.

- Display the status of the Lite Connect setting and the date-time when it was enabled (Tools > System Info).

- New `{unique_value}` smart tag.

### Changed

- The sodium library is now included in WordPress core, so we removed it from the plugin.

- Action Scheduler library was updated to 3.4.2 to fix deprecation notices with PHP 8.1.

- The jquery.validate library updated to 1.19.4.

- Conditional logic can now be applied to custom fields.

- Do not allow not completed Challenge to appear in the regular Form Builder.

### Fixed

- For some fields, their default values were not always previewed in the Form Builder.

- Regularly clean up additional information we store for each task we run within the plugin.

- No fatal error anymore in Allow/Deny email lists with very long or international emails.

- Correctly handle additional CSS classes for each WPForms block on the same page (Block Editor).

- Properly process survey field values when they were updated to become empty.

- Modals order was incorrect when the Lite Connect feature was enabled or disabled on mobile.

- Notification for the last step of the WPForms Challenge was not displayed on the Posts Page with the Gutenberg plugin.

- Some Form Templates could be empty upon fresh installation.

- Several minor issues in the Challenge flow are now fixed.

- Total value for items with a cost lower than 1 dollar was calculated incorrectly.

- Color Palette was not shown in the Form Builder for duplicated fields.

- Do not register Gutenberg block styles on the front end when no form is present on a page.

- Access Controls: Entries list showed all forms with the 'View Others Forms' capability.

- Form Builder exited automatically when a user with allowed permissions created a form.

- Limit the number of attempts to get the site key in Lite Connect.

- Multiple Items (Radio) choice showed "Empty" on a single entry page if a selected choice value is undefined/empty.

- Search results didn't show old abandoned and partial entries after the latest addon update.

- Entries Search on the Entries Table page was not fully cleared when a user cleared the search.

- Several issues were fixed with the ability to move certain fields (Page Break and Entry Preview).

- Elementor popup was not processing conditional logic on the initial load.

- Added focus state indication for admin tabs.

- Duplicated column name appeared in the columns configs on the Entries Table page when a user tried to change settings.

- Edit Entry: the Date field with a custom format was shown improperly.

- GDPR sub-settings remained enabled if GDPR is disabled and sub-setting was left enabled.

- Duplicate/Trash form actions did not work after sorting forms by Name, Author, or Created Date.

- Improved styling of the warning/loading message for the Modern File Upload field.

- Notices appeared in the debug.log when the user created a Custom Template and used it in the Form Builder.

- Entries Overview: search attributes were removed when searching for an empty HTML tag.

- Empty license was shown improperly in some cases inside the Site Health.

- Fatal error on PHP 8 after a PayPal payment.

- hCaptcha pointer had a weird thick dark border since WordPress 6.0.

- Check GDPR settings before trying to use a cookie.

21 May 2022 - Version

### Changed

- DOMPurify library updated to 2.3.8.

07 May 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- LiteConnect auth key request didn't work with plain permalinks and with subdirectory install.

- Do not display the import entries notice if the license key is not valid.

- Improved Form Locations compatibility with the Full Site Editor template parts.

28 Apr 2022 - Version 1.7.4

### Added

- Form Locations! On the Forms Overview page easily check all places where each form is currently embedded.

- Back up form submissions into the cloud and restore them to your database as Entries after upgrading to a paid plan.

- New `{entry_details_url}` smart tag.

### Changed

- Improved text wrapping of field labels and descriptions.

- Each smart tag inserted by a user in the Form Builder will now be placed as the last one in relevant inputs.

- Show error message during Entry Export if some error occurs.

- Admin dashboard widget can now change the color scheme and graph style.

- The input field in the Form Embed wizard popup in the Form Builder is now focused by default.

- Updated DOMPurify lib to 2.3.6.

### Fixed

- Adding Entry Preview field after visiting the Revisions panel.

- Search result was not reset when the user clicked "x" sign in the search field on the Addons page.

- Strength validation was failing when the Password field was empty and not required.

- Entry Preview field didn't show fields with an input value of `0`.

- Some fields' `0` value was shown as empty on Edit Entry and Print pages.

- Form's Entries page unread/read and starred/unstarred notices were behaving incorrectly.

- Entry values weren't exported (.xlsx) if form fields had the same label.

- Entry export didn't work for non-admins with 'View Entries' access.

- Error occurred when the user clicked on the Export Entries download link.

- Configurations on the Payments tab in the Form Builder were not previewed when a user was previewing form revisions.

- Dynamic choices were not prefilling values for the Multiple Choice field on the Edit Entry page.

- Plugin data should not be deleted when Lite was deleted, and Pro is still active.

- The form could be saved while still adding a field, but it should not.

- Improved compatibility with Elementor popups.

- Cleaned up deprecation notice for `_register_controls()` with recent Elementor versions.

18 Mar 2022 - Version 1.7.3
05 Feb 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- Compatibility with current versions of the User Journey and Form Locker addons.

04 Feb 2022 - Version

### Fixed

- Compatibility with PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1.

- Compatibility with WordPress 5.9, including its new Full Site Editing feature.

- Broken cache directory path if `WP_CONTENT_DIR` is set in the `wp-config.php` without trailing slash.

- PHP Notice when using the `wpforms_log()` function in certain conditions.

- Type mismatch brakes a list of scheduled actions in Action Scheduler if typed arguments are passed.

05 Jan 2022 - Version 1.7.2
20 Nov 2021 - Version

## Fixed

- Uploads via Modern File Upload field fail if `ext-fileinfo` PHP extension is disabled.

- File Upload field not storing the upload with Conditional Logic configured in certain ways.

- Edge case when form tokens (anti-spam protection) failed verification at certain time of a new day.

13 Nov 2021 - Version

## Fixed

- Email address validation against allowlist or denylist always fails.

- Country flag from Phone field position on top of Dropdown field choices on Edit Entry page.

- Legacy Stripe field not showing years in credit card expiration subfield.

11 Nov 2021 - Version 1.7.1

### Added

- Time values are now validated against Limit Hours settings of the Date / Time field.

### Changed

- Updated bundled Dropzone.js library to 5.9.3.

- Improved translations by removing confusion if non-translatable placeholders are used.

- Improved support for WordPress Core UI colors and admin themes in admin bar menu.

- Improved format and limits validation of modern File Upload field.

- Improved display of empty and hidden field labels in Form Builder preview. 

- Field helper notification in the Form Builder now can be dismissed.

- Improved and standardized look of classic and modern Dropdown field across Form Builder, admin area and frontend.

- Display "Save and Resume" link in Page Break field preview in Form Builder if Save and Resume is turned on. 

### Fixed

- Empty fields are displayed on Entry details after editing an Entry with Page Break or Entry Preview fields.

- Strip slashes from Paragraph Text field when the value is dynamically populated.

- SMTP settings page linked to Setup Wizard even when SMTP settings are already configured.

- Occasional fatal error when moving Page Break field while another field is being added on slow Internet connections.

- Entry Print Preview displays empty admin page if Entry ID is not valid.

- File upload error when custom validation of any other field fails.

- Notifications count in the admin bar is misaligned.

- Field helper notification in the Form Builder overlaps and blocks Duplicate and Delete actions when hovered.

- Inconsistent new lines in different field types in Entry Preview.

- Non-latin (Punycode) email addresses are not converted for display in email suggestion hints.

06 Oct 2021 - Version 1.7.0

### Added

- New field - Rich Text.

- Uncanny Automator integration.

- New filters to programmatically hide certain field values from the Entry Preview output.

26 Aug 2021 - Version 1.6.9

### Added

  • - New field - Entry Preview.
  • - Keyboard Shortcuts informational popup in the Form Builder, triggered with `Ctrl + /` shortcut.
  • - Separate category for templates added by addons.
  • - Smart Tags support in Confirmation Messages.
  • - Advanced Entry search by Entry ID, Entry notes, user IP, and user agent.
  • - Punycode support for the Email field to allow using international domain names.
  • - Compatibility with PHP 8.

### Changed

  • - Display only WPForms related actions on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page.
  • - Enable AJAX form submission by default for new forms created using Blank template and addon templates.
  • - Default state on the CAPTCHA Settings screen on new installs is now set to None.
  • - Improved consistency of various modal popups in the Form Builder.
  • - Do not allow Entry editing when there are no fields with editable values.
  • - Speed up form preview in the Form Builder by limiting the number of choices displayed.
  • - Updated ActionScheduler library to 3.2.1.
  • - Updated Flatpickr JS library to v4.6.9.

### Fixed

  • - Tooltip is not working for the Form Locker Message box options.
  • - Avoid error by allowing objects implementing the `__invoke()` method as a hook callback.
  • - Missing down arrow in the Dropdown field in the Twenty Twenty-One theme on a fresh install.
  • - Clicking on the Field Options tab in the Form Builder always opens options for the first field in the form.
  • - Form Setting panels can be broken by horizontally resizing textarea fields.
  • - Unable to remove or duplicate the Section Divider field with an empty label.
  • - Insert/edit link button not working in the Confirmation Message editor.
  • - Prevent editor styles from loading on various settings pages.
  • - Missing Conditional Logic class in the Lite version causing errors when using custom integration that extends the `WPForms_Provider` class.
  • - Console error in Chrome when re-ordering choices in the Dropdown, Checkboxes and Multiple Choice field settings.
  • - Unrelated admin notices are no longer displayed on the WPForms admin pages.
  • - Modern Dropdown and Custom Captcha fields not initialized properly in the Divi Builder.
  • - Dropdown preview in the Form Builder not updated if the first option's value is empty.
  • - Password strength meter generating JavaScript error in WordPress <5.5.
  • - Preserve reply-to in the Notifications settings when creating a form from a template.
  • - CSS improvements of View and Edit Entry pages when there are no fields.
  • - The Address field in the International format now renders correctly when subfields are turned off.
  • - Translations are not fully loaded when changing the site language.
  • - Minor button styling issue in WordPress 4.9.
  • - Various Dropdown field CSS issues in the Form Builder.
  • - Misaligned icon in the Dashboard widget.
05 Jul 2021 - Version

- Renamed a misspelled `wpforms_display_sumbit_spinner_src` filter to `wpforms_display_submit_spinner_src`, old name is now deprecated.

16 Jun 2021 - Version
13 May 2021 - Version 1.6.7
17 Feb 2021 - Version 1.6.5
22 Oct 2020 - Version
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 30-06-2024
Catégorie Calendars
Theme Type NULLED
Taille du fichier 10.70 MB
Commentaires 0
Vues 3142
Ventes 1
Downloaded 1