Version: 1.8.6
* Tweak: Make new options to set form labels inside the setting panel.
* Tweak: Disable auto core pages installer and replace it with a manual way using notice buttons.
* Tweak: Add a new option to switch between forms using AJAX requests.
* Tweak: Make improvements in Recaptcha functionalities and fix the issues with modal forms.
* Tweak: Synchronize likes of post types, which are translated with WPML plugin.
* Fix: Display user profiles problem when permalink is based on user id.
* Fix: Styling issues in the forms.
* Fix: Replace javascript deprecated methods.
* Fix: Add WPML missed translations.
* Tweak: Add uninstall.php to clear out plugin data.
* Fix: Fix convert tags performance issue.
* Fix: Fix reset password link issue.
* Fix: Fix cookie issue in reset password.