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WooCommerce Product Search - V4.12.0

Version: 4.12.0

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20 Apr 2023 - Version 4.12.0
02 Jan 2023 - Version 4.10.0

* WordPress 6.1 compatible.

* WooCommerce 7.2 compatible.

* Requires at least WordPress 5.8.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 6.0.

* Using WP_Rewrite's $pagination_base instead of hardcoded 'page' as pagination permalink base.

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_pagination_base filter.

* Guarded non-accurate filter response optimizations against producing empty or incomplete content when errors occur during buffer processing.

19 Sep 2022 - Version 4.8.0

* WordPress 6.0 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.9 compatible.

* Fixed an issue where certain inline scripts were dropped on subsequent wp_enqueue_scripts invocations, thus live search and filtering would not work, observed with block-based themes.

* Fixed inappropriate price limits obtained in certain execution flows where the post_status for the product post type was inadequate for the $wp_query.

16 Jul 2022 - Version 4.7.0

* WordPress 6.0 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.7 compatible.

* Updated indexer for PHP 8.x compatibility fixing PHP Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated

06 Apr 2022 - Version 4.6.0

* WordPress 6.0 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.4 compatible.

* Resolves an issue where a product menu item could cause the price filter to extend the price limits to the full range of products.

* Accessibility improvement to avoid prematurely hiding results provided by the Product Search Field when long clicks or secondary clicks are used.

* Organized the extension's settings sections into its Settings submenu within the new WooCommerce Admin menu.

* Resolved an issue where excluded terms would have no effect with WPML.

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_request_term_ids_include filter.

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_request_term_ids_exclude filter.

* Fixes price slider handle positions should reflect correct current values set when present in page request.

* Fixes price slider's upper limit handle should react on first change.

02 Apr 2022 - Version 4.5.0

* WordPress 6.0 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.3 compatible.

* Revised restrictive term processing limits, potentially yielding incomplete results.

* Improved tag filter consistency avoiding the inclusion of tags which are not related to products within the current context.

* Improved filter query performance slightly with added restrictions that exclude marker entries (related to count and term queries).

* Corrected tag product counts for those with no related products within current context, to show zero when applicable.

* Avoid confusion over notice related to reports provided, removing it on the extension's reports.

* Fixed Request-URI Too Long errors caused by input field generation bug on Queries report.

* Added the CSV export feature to the report on Queries.

14 Feb 2022 - Version 4.4.0

* WordPress 6.0 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.2 compatible.

* Requires at least WordPress 5.6.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.8.

* Updated documentation links.

* Updated the Product Search Field block to include the WPML Language Filter option.

* Reverted block registration to desired order as the block registry does not offer them in reverse order anymore (tested with WP 5.9 & WP 6.0).

26 Jan 2022 - Version 4.3.0

* WordPress 5.9 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.1 compatible.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.6.

* Attributes from variable products that are not used for variations are added to the index for their variations.

* Indexer administrative section reloads hourly to renew status nonce.

* Fixed depth not taken into account when rendering hierarchical term filters.

* Fixed option show ancestors had no effect when disabled and rendering a product category filter.

28 Nov 2021 - Version 4.2.1

* Fixes a comparison bug in the redirect_canonical filter used to avoid redirect loops in certain circumstances.

* Increased the implicit limit of items for category and attribute filter dropdowns (using 100000 to override the default used by the selectize component's maxOptions parameter).

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_selectize_max_options filter.

13 Nov 2021 - Version 4.2.0

* WordPress 5.8 compatible.

* WooCommerce 5.9 compatible.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.5.

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_use_engine filter.

* Added compatibility with the WooCommerce Composite Products extension (skip handling its AJAX requests).

06 Nov 2021 - Version 4.1.0

* WordPress 5.8 compatible.

* WooCommerce 5.8 compatible.

* Improved filter and search results consistency with Catalog Visibility options for products.

* Fixed limited processing when PHP memory_limit is set to -1 to have no memory limit.

* Fixed a PHP Notice when inconsistent data is encountered while indexing a product variation.

* Legacy widgets are not offered in the block editor as of this release by default.

* Added the WPS_LEGACY_WIDGETS constant which can be set to true to enable legacy widgets offered in the block editor.

* Fixed missing fill color in some block icons.

* Improved indexing schedule queries and reduced scheduling overhead.

* Fixed not applying weights on product filter search.

* Fixed query time logged twice on product filter search.

* Fixed blinker timeout set to 0 should disable it, for product search field and product filter search field.

12 Aug 2021 - Version 4.0.1

* Fixes issues with dropdown style not being applied to category or attribute filters (appearing to be haphazard due to disorderly Javascript execution paths).

* Omitting shop page check for customizer so block widget content is shown regardless of setting to show on shop pages only.

07 Aug 2021 - Version 4.0.0

* WooCommerce 5.5 compatible.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.0.

* WordPress 5.8+ full widgets block editor compatibility.

* Full block editor compatibility with new blocks added for all search and filter facilities provided by the extension.

* Added the Product Search Field block.

* Added the Product Filter – Search block.

* Added the Product Filter – Category block.

* Added the Product Filter – Attribute block.

* Added the Product Filter – Price block.

* Added the Product Filter – Rating block.

* Added the Product Filter – Reset block.

* Added the Product Filter – Sale block.

* Added the Product Filter – Stock block.

* Added the Product Filter – Tag block.

* Added the Product Filter – Products block.

* Blinded inline scripts against unwanted modification during content rendering (wptexturize etc).

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_is_shop filter.

* Added the woocommerce_product_search_is_shop() API function.

* Added support for shop_only attributes on filter shortcodes and corresponding API functions.

* Fixed automated search filter output in wp_footer corrupting responses to certain JSON requests, e.g. filter block output for ServerSideRender.

* Fixed Javascript errors when trying to set properties of certain document elements when absent.

* Removes the assistant as it is superfluous if the widgets block editor is used. The block browser can be used instead.

* Requires fully updated database, removed backward-compatibility for configurations that have no object_term table.

23 Jun 2021 - Version 3.8.0
17 Mar 2021 - Version 3.6.1
08 Mar 2021 - Version 3.6.0
16 Jan 2021 - Version 3.5.1
24 Dec 2020 - Version 3.4.0
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 20-04-2023
Catégorie Add-ons
Taille du fichier 1.84 MB
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