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WooCommerce Mix and Match Products - V2.7.0

Version: 2.7.0

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06 May 2024 - Version 2.7.0
17 Oct 2023 - Version 2.5.0
30 Jul 2023 - Version 2.4.10
11 Nov 2022 - Version 2.2.2

* Fix: Double-charging for child items when ordering again. #466.

* Fix: Front-end validation allow overfilled container to be reduced. #461.

* Fix: Child Category IDs are not imported. #467. 

* Tweak: Make get_child_item_by_product_id() method public.

27 Oct 2022 - Version 2.2.1

* Tweak: Use core cart functions for detecting parent/child relationships in cart item filters.

* Tweak: Add wrapping <span> when doing wc_ajax_mnm_update_container_order_item. For compat with mini-extensions.

* Tweak: Admin edit orders, handle updates with no changes.

02 Sep 2022 - Version 2.1.2

* New: Child item step validation on the front-end.

* Fix: Quantity input should default to child minimum if one exists.

* Fix: Add aria-live="polite" on status message.

* Fix: Apply Flatsome compatibility classes only in grid layout.

* Tweak: Animate toast-style error notices for individual child items.

* Tweak: Add query_id parameter to wc_get_products() params when querying child items by category.

11 Aug 2022 - Version 2.1.1

* Fix: Double-application of taxes in front-end status price display.

* Fix: Replace deprecated jQuery.isFunction()

30 Jul 2022 - Version 2.1.0

* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.7.0.

* New: Filter woocommerce_subscriptions_switch_link_text in Subs 4.5.0

* New: Add `wc_mnm_editing_container_in_order_configuration` filter.

* Fix: Add validation to editing container configuration in order admin.

* Fix: Only apply switch link changes to Mix and Match products.

* Fix: Quantity input display when min=max. #438.

* Fix: Fatal error in admin notices - WC_MNM_Install does not exist when WooCommerce is not active.

* Fix: One Page Checkout compatibility with full-width display. #441.

* Tweak: Make reset link behaves more like "clear".

* Tweak: Remove duplicate value attribute from add to cart button.

* Tweak: Add alt class to reset button.

* Dev: Add support for changing frontend validation messages based on context.

15 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.10

* Fix: Fatal error in cart, undefined function esc_html__x().

* Fix: version_compare() with null as first param is deprecated in php 8.1 #436

* Fix: Metabox link to run upgrade, will actually run upgrade and not scroll to top. #435

* Fix: Do not prompt upgrade routine on new installs.

08 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.9

* New: Introduce subscription switching text string setting for customizing text of subscription switch link for Mix and Match products.

* Fix: Support displaying SVG icons directly in metabox, better support for alternative layouts.

* Fix: Reorder validation so max messages are used when min=0 and max=X.

* Fix: Magic getter passthrough for product methods on child item object.

30 Jun 2022 - Version 2.0.8

Fix: Limit loop classes in OceanWP theme compat to grid layout.

17 Jun 2022 - Version 2.0.7

* Important: Slight spacing tweaks in a few strings. Double-check translations.

* New: Introduce Flatsome theme compat module. Closes #350.

* Fix: Min/Max Quantities compat - unset group by quantity as minimum. Closes #316.

* Fix: Don't run foreign key ALTER sql when updating if foreign keys already exist. Removes DB error in log. Closes #426.

* Fix: Update foreign keys to use database prefix.

* Tweak: Add [Frontend] context to customer-facing translatable strings.

17 Jun 2022 - Version 2.0.6

* Fix: When discounting from sale price, use regular price to calculate discounted price if product has empty sale price. Restores strikethrough discount html.

* Fix: PHP notice for undefined $price variable in sale price filter.

* Fix: Support grid styles in quickview modal in Storefront theme.

* Tweak: Change strings and buttons to use "edit|reset selections" instead of "configuration"

* Tweak: Astra support for mobile grids.

* Tweak: Use h4 headings for child product titles.

* Tweak: Remove styles from reset button, inherit from theme button styles.

* Tweak: Refine Mix and Match configuration display in cart block.

12 Jun 2022 - Version 2.0.5

* Fix - Load order/dependencies for the Cart and Checkout blocks scripts.

* New - Display container config in mini cart.

11 Jun 2022 - Version 2.0.3

* Fix: Fatal error with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions < 3.2.

* Tweak: Apply style rules by class only and not by list elements.

* Tweak: Add compatibility module for WoodMart theme.

* Tweak: Remove wrapping div from add to cart button.

* Tweak: Change success class to woocommerce-message.

* Dev: Add wc_mnm_grid_has_flex_layout filter.

21 May 2022 - Version 1.12.1

* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.5.0.

* Fix: Import/export of child variations.

* Dev: Add update warning notice for when 2.0 is released.

05 Feb 2022 - Version 1.12.0

* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.1.0.

* Note: This release is largely targeted towards improved compatibility with mini-extensions. If you are using any mini-extensions, please look to see if there's an update.

* Dev: Frontend refactor container config to be array of objects. container.api.get_container_config( 'v2' ) to fetch new array[]{ product_id: 99, product_qty: 3 } .

* Dev: Add parameter to wc_mnm_template_add_to_cart() to optionally call add to cart template for a specific product. Improved compatibility with mini-extensions, ie: Grouped MNM.

* Dev: Revamp frontend price/rounding formatting functions to accept custom args.

* Dev: Frontend calculate totals and subtotals from config instead of HTML inputs. This will allow for compat with custom layouts, ie: Select Layouts.

* Dev: Pass false to 'wc-mnm-reset-configuration' triggerHandler to disable update_container(). Also related to compat for custom layouts.

25 Dec 2021 - Version 1.11.6

* Fix: Missing action parameter in add to cart form element.

* Fix: Completely remove WooCommerce Payments payment request buttons for Mix and Match products.

24 Nov 2021 - Version 1.11.5

* Fix: Load RTL stylesheets when not in SCRIPT_DEBUG mode.

* Fix: Load correct stylesheet when in QuickView Modal.

* Tweak: Moved 'add-to-cart' input value to button.

18 Nov 2021 - Version 1.11.4

* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.9.0.

* Fix: Hide PayPal Payments payment request buttons for Mix and Match products.

* Fix: Hide WooCommerce Payments payment request buttons for Mix and Match products.

* Tweak: Display quantity in child product title if min and max allowed quantities are the same.

* Tweak: Wrap main quantity input and add to cart button in div element.

30 Sep 2021 - Version 1.11.3
<p>* Update: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.6.0.</p><p>* Fix: Add woocommerce_product_has_options core filter to WC_Product_Mix_and_Match class.</p><p>* Fix: Only validate container stock if config is still valid. Resolves issue with empty containers getting added to cart via ajax.</p><p>* Fix: Quick view support for products with "after summary" forms.</p><p>* New: Add wc_mnm_show_edit_it_cart_link filter. Return false to hide "edit" link in cart. Requires Quick View 1.5.0.</p>
25 Mar 2021 - Version 1.11.0
19 Oct 2020 - Version 1.10.4
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  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 06-05-2024
Catégorie Add-ons
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