Version: 3.0.2
Update: More security improvement is introduced
Update: PeepSo Profile Avatar compatibility is introduced
Fix: Some known bugs related to Course, Login and Lesson pages are fixed
New: Instructors will be able to create Online Events over Google Meet
New: Dedicated Login page with Shortcode for Login page is introduced
New: "Accessing next Course Content based on Mandatory Pass in a Quiz" feature is introduced; Admin can enable it from Quiz Builder
New: Course Duplicating feature is introduced for the front-end Dashboard
New: Rich Text Editor is introduced for the Q&A Reply section
New: "Overview" and "Exercise File" tabs will now appear only when content is available under the particular tabs
New: On manual Enrollment to Paid Courses, an Invoice will be automatically generated, therefore, on changing Payment Status, Earning Report will be reflected
New: On the Manual Enrollment page, the students are searchable by Email Address now
Update: BunnyNet Compatibility is Improved
Update: Tutor LMS is now compatible with the latest BuddyBoss
Update: More security improvements are introduced
Update: The frontend dashboard Zoom Meeting page design is improved
Update: The frontend dashboard "Assignment" page design is improved
Update: Translations are improved on the Front-end Dashboard
Update: On Question & Answer page, the Table design is improved
Fix: Changes in text color on the Lesson Editor was not appearing on the Front-end Lesson page
Fix: Multiple files were not being uploaded while submitting an assignment
Fix: After changing course author, the new author was unable to edit lessons using WP-Editor
Fix: In some cases, just after starting a quiz, the unfinished quiz was being marked as completed
Fix: All questions are required, but still, sometimes the last question of a quiz was appearing optional
Fix: Instructors with an Admin Role were not removable from the Instructor List
Fix: The Course List page sorting option was not working properly
Fix: Submitted assignment's Attachment File Size was appearing wrong
Fix: The Assignment Submission page had a design overlap issue
Fix: "Zoom Meeting Archive" page and the Meeting links were publicly accessible
Fix: Math formulas were not appearing correctly on the Quiz Attempt pages
Fix: Toast Message was showing the same color for all message types
Fix: Course List Page pagination had some issues
Fix: Admin Panel Quiz Attempts page was showing the wrong Quiz Attempt count
Fix: The assignment Report page had a design issue on Upload files tab
Fix: Enroll date was showing incorrectly on the Student Details page and also report pages
Fix: Zoom Meeting List page was not showing the Pagination Bar by default
Fix: Students were not getting the On-site Notification for "Q&A Message Answered" cases
Fix: Minimum Days Before Balance is Available was selectable as "0" which should not go below "1"
Fix: In the case of Gutenberg Editor the Primary Author was not changeable
Fix: If the "Deduct Fees" option was disabled in the Settings, still the "Fee Description" and "Fee Amount & Type" options were appearing
Fix: Username was being sent instead of First Name and Last Name on email notifications
Fix: In the LMS Reports section, the Sales Report was not showing Badge design for Processing status
Fix: The "Disable Tutor Login" option was not working in case of Add to Wishlist
Fix: In some cases, error was appearing in the Review Section of the Course Details page
Fix: In the course journey, the "Delete Quiz Attempt" feature was appearing for students as well
Fix: On the Course List page, the "Enroll Now" button was not working until it was clicked twice
Fix: WooCommerce Products were selectable for multiple Courses which was causing errors
Fix: Unnecessary backslashes were coming under the Review tab
New: Custom Time setting for showing Answer in the Quiz Reveal mode is introduced
New: Admin/Instructor will be able to add Code Blocks inside a Lesson/Assignment/Quiz
New: "Enrollment Box" widget can be placed at the top of the Course Details page in Mobile View, Admin can manage it from Settings
Update: Introduced more security improvements
Update: Timezone Name List is now searchable on Zoom Meeting Add/Edit modal
Update: The Course Details page will now show WooCommerce Subscription Details information
Fix: The "Feedback submitted for Quiz Attempt" email template was sending wrong Dashboard link
Fix: Ordered/Unordered List tags were not supported in the Lesson pages
Fix: Zoom Meeting page was showing wrong spacing between the meeting details
Fix: Multiple answers-based questions were having trouble in case of quiz Reveal Mode
Fix: Wrong event date was being highlighted on the Tutor Calendar
Fix: Instructor Earning was not being updated when Autocomplete Order is Enabled
Fix: On the Course List page, the Course Price was showing twice, and the Booking percentage was showing a long fractional value when using EDD
Fix: On the "My Profile" page the Registration Date was showing wrong
Fix: Wrong count was appearing on the first Question after starting a Quiz
Fix: Quiz Time Counter was not working on Safari Browser
Fix: Users were unable to click the Cross button to leave a Zoom Meeting in the Course Journey
Fix: Column Title in "My Quiz Attempts" was showing wrong
Fix: The settings page input fields were accepting negative value
Fix: Profile Edit related Tutor LMS Hooks were not working
Fix: Gradebook was showing "F" to unattempted Quizzes and Pending Assignments
Fix: On the Question & Answer page the Sort By dropdown options were not Translatable
Fix: The "More" option's text on the Course Details page was not translatable
Fix: "Mark as Complete" button was not appearing in Mobile View for Tutor Starter
Fix: A huge gap was appearing around the Course List when 2 Column Layout Design was selected
Fix: In the Course Builder, the Price fields of WooCommerce were conflicting with EDD
Fix: When a course was permanently deleted, the course-related data were not being deleted
Fix: The Course Journey pages (Quiz/Assignment) were not mobile responsive
Fix: Course "% Complete" text was not translatable on the Lesson page in Mobile View
Fix: The "Student Ratings & Reviews" text on the Course Details page was not translatable
Fix: The Course List Filter had CSS issue
Fix: In Tutor Settings, Tooltip was overlapping the Panel border
Fix: The "Quiz Attempts" frontend page design was broken in the Mobile View
Fix: Hide Admin Bar and Restrict Access to WP Admin for Instructor was conflicting for Free Users
Fix: After a revised Assignment Submission student was not being redirected to the Assignment Overview page
Fix: Settings was not being saved in some specific cases
Fix: Settings was throwing a console error regarding TinyMCE
Fix: Settings was being saved in other cases, but the "Save" button was not being marked as saved
New: Admin will be able to change the Main Instructor for a Course
New: Next and Previous button is introduced for the Quiz page once a Quiz is Completed
New: Instructor/Admin will be able to set "Sale Price" (Discounted Price) in the Course Builder
New: Once a Course is created from WP Admin, it will create an associated WooCommerce Product as well
New: "Minimum Days Before Balance is Available" settings is introduced for Balance Withdrawal time management
New: Admin will be able to hide Quiz Details from "My Quiz Attempts" page
New: On all lesson completion, the course will be Completed automatically, Admin can enable it from Settings
New: Tutor Calendar will now highlight the Zoom Meeting Event Days
Fix: In WP Dashboard, the Quiz Attempts page was showing Course information under the "Quiz Info" column
Fix: Zoom Meeting page was showing an error if Meeting Title or Description would contain Single Quote
Fix: Admin was not being able to Enable/Disable the Course Sorting option from WP Admin or Shortcode
Fix: Email Footer Customization was not working
Fix: The "Reply" boxes were remaining uncollapsed when the "Load More" button is clicked on a Single Course page under the "Q/A" Tab
Fix: On the "Completed A Course" email the Certificate Download link was appearing outside the Email Body
Fix: An unnecessary alert message was appearing on the "Become an Instructor" page
Fix: When strict mode is on, it was showing Wrong Alert Text
Fix: The Empty Data Alert Message on the Course Analytics page was not translatable
Fix: The "Assignment Submitted" date-time was showing as per GMT but not Site's Time on the Assignment Details page of WP Admin
Fix: Enrolled users were able to see all the plans when Paid Membership Pro is Enable
Fix: Course Content Access option for Admin and Instructor was not working with Paid Membership Pro
Fix: Other roles except Admin (like Editor) were not being able to access WP Admin when Hide Admin Bar is enabled
Fix: Copied Course Assignments were not deletable from the Assignments page on the Front-site
Fix: In a Course, the General Zoom Meeting List was not appearing on the Course Edit page for Admin and Instructors
Fix: On the new Tutor LMS installations, the Preset Color default setting was being "Custom" instead of "Default"
Fix: Share Percentage setting was appearing even when Revenue Sharing is disabled
Fix: Unwanted link was appearing in the WP Dashboard Page
Fix: Search was not working while manually enrolling someone from the Modal
Fix: The "Reply" boxes were remaining uncollapsed when the "Load More" button is clicked on a Single Course page under the "Q/A" Tab
New: Admin will be able to moderate Course Review submitted by Students, Admin can enable it from Settings
New: Order Filter option by Date and by Course Name is introduced on the Course List page
New: "Load More" option is added for "Q&A" Tab on the Course Details page
New: "Load More" option is added for the "Comments" Tab in the Lesson' page
New: Instructor will be redirected to "My Courses" page while clicking on the course "Publish" button, Admin can enable it from Settings
New: Admin will be able to do Enroll multiple students to a Course on a newly designed Manual Enrollment page
Update: The "Quiz Attempts" page is now more optimized to load faster
Update: In "Content Drip" when there is a pre-requisite course, Student will see the Alert page with new design
Update: More strings are now translatable in other languages than English
Fix: In case of "Content Drip" the "Course content available sequentially" option was not working
Fix: Content Drip is not working as expected for Instructors/Admins when "Course Content Access" is enabled
Fix: Lock icon was not appearing when content is restricted by Content Drip
Fix: Some stats were showing wrong count information in the Reports page
Fix: In the WP Admin, the "Instructor" page the "Status sort" option was not working
Fix: In some cases, Admin was not being able to see "Q&A" Tab even though "Course Content Access" is enabled
Fix: In Mobile View the Quizzes were not Sortable and Draggable
Fix: Quiz Ordering used to get changed after updating any specific Quiz
Fix: After adding a Custom Link to Tutor Dashboard Menu (with custom code), the design would appear broken
Fix: Adding multiple instructor feature was not working
New: Course Details page design is improved for a better experience
New: The Active Topic in the Lesson List sidebar now remains uncollapsed for a better experience inside the course
New: On the Course Journey page, the currently active Lesson/Quiz/Assignment menu will remain highlighted
New: Once a Course is purchased using WooCommerce, the Order Status will become “Completed”, Admin can enable it from Settings
New: Certificates created by Admins will be usable (not editable) by Instructors, Admins can enable it from Settings
New: Students and Instructors will see “Terms & Conditions” information and link on the Signup page to be compliant with regulatory laws
New: Non-Video lessons will show Next and Prev navigation option
New: A button to go to Frontend Course Builder has been introduced for the Gutenberg Editor
Update: Single Course page is redesigned with changes in Instructor List, Curriculum, and Course Contents
Update: The Courses page of the Admin Panel is redesigned with an introduction to Course Image
Update: All table designs are improved in both Front-site and Admin Panel
Update: Accordion is redesigned throughout the entire platform
Update: Gradebook delete confirmation alert is now shown on modal
Update: Numerous pages optimized for faster loading and better performance
Update: “Students must be logged in to see the Course Contents” option is reintroduced
Update: On top of the Course Journey Page, the Course Title will now appear instead of the “Lesson/Assignment/Quiz” name
Update: Greater translation compatibility updated
Fix: The Rich Text Editor was not saving any changes made in the “Text” Mode
Fix: "Q&A", "Announcements", and "Resources" were not accessible to Admin and Instructors
Fix: “Question & Answer” Page was showing archived Q&As too
Fix: On the User Dashboard page, the Active Course count was appearing wrong
Fix: The Wishlist icon was not showing that a course is on the wishlist
Fix: In a student's individual Report page the Enroll Date was showing wrong
Fix: When editing a Quiz, the "Default" option was not staying active by default
Fix: On the Course Details page any language other than English was causing the “Last Updated” time to show incorrectly
Fix: On the Enrolled Courses page under the “Completed Courses” tab, course blocks were showing incorrect button names in case of Restrict Content
Fix: In Content Drip, in the “Content available after X days from enrolment" option, the number field to set days was too narrow
Fix: On some websites, in the case of Lesson, the default "Featured Image" was not appearing on the Lesson's page in the Course Journey
Fix: Video tab collapse was not working in the Course Builder
Fix: The title and description of the “Quiz Attempts allowed” settings were wrong before.
Fix: Zoom meeting’s page was not being closed while clicking the cross icon.
New: Email Notification to students when a new Lesson is Created if enabled
New: Email Notification to students when a new Quiz is Created if enabled
New: Email Notification to students when a new Assignment is Created if enabled
New: Admin can show Course Description in Full or in Collapsed View on the Course Details page
New: Quiz Retry Mode revamped to allow instructors to specify Attempts Allowed
New: The student's Active Topic now remains uncollapsed while the rest remain collapsed
New: In "Strict Mode" a student needs to pass all lessons/quizzes/assignments to complete the Course
Update: A Better Time Format for Lesson and Quiz is introduced
Fix: Email Scheduler Cron was not working properly
Fix: Certificate List in the Course Builder displays the height of the Certificates incorrectly
Fix: Tutor Pro displayed an incorrect Alert Message when the Tutor Free plugin is inactive
Fix: Student’s Registration Time was displaying the incorrect date on the Students List Page in the Admin panel
Fix: Design issue of Email to students on Quiz Completed and incorrect link to Quiz Result
Fix: Link to Course Progress Page button was incorrect on a Student’s Completed Courses page
New: The Course Title is added on the Q&A details page
New: Course Filter is added to the Mobile View of the Course List page
Update: Improved RTL Support
Update: Tutor LMS is now compatible with the latest WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin
Fix: Password Reset mail was not being sent
Fix: "Earning Graph" under "Overview" and "Earning" was showing different statistics
Fix: Multiple duplicates of "Auto Draft" were being generated on publishing a course
Fix: "Announcement" Tab was publicly accessible from the Course Details page
Fix: "Resources" Tab was accessible publicly from the Course Details page
Fix: "Q&A" Tab was accessible publicly from the Course Details page
Fix: "Course List" and "Course Details" page was showing the "Start Learning" button to guests
Fix: "Multiple Answer" type answers were being saved without selecting Correct Answer
Fix: In the case of "Multiple Answer" type answers, the Image Option was not working
Fix: Course Topics were not being deletable
Fix: "In Progress Courses" was not visible to students on the Dashboard
Fix: "Fees" were not being deducted from Total Amount before sharing Profit between Admin and Instructors
Fix: YouTube "Share" and "Copy" buttons were clickable in Tutor Player
Fix: Instructor specific Commission Rate was not being shown for Instructors on the Instructor List page
Fix: The "Next" and "Preview" buttons were not working for guests
Fix: Student's Registration Time was not showing as per the defined Time Zone
Fix: PHP Notices were appearing while installing the Tutor LMS Certificate Builder plugin
Fix: On course update, emails were being sent to Instructors even if it is disabled from the Settings
Fix: Title and Labels of Registration Link and Pagination Settings are changed
Fix: Fixed known bugs related to Email like Blank Subject, Nonworking Shortcode, Wrong Email Body, etc.
Fix: Login Modal was not appearing for Guest users upon clicking Follow
New: Instructor List Page is built using its Shortcode
New: Course List Page is redeveloped with SEO friendly URL
New: Faster filtering options for course list page
New: Now you can drag & drop quizzes to your liking in Quiz Builder
Update: Compatibility with the latest Restrict Content Pro
Update: Code Optimization is done for better Page Load Performance
Update: Design is now more optimized and improved
Update: Course Expiry Date is added to Single Course Page
Update: "Pending Course" Tab is added under "My Courses" for Instructor
Update: There is now a comma separator on the single course page price
Fix: Multiple mobile responsive issues have been resolved
Fix: In Add-ons Page the Tab Titles were wrongly shown
Fix: The wrong email was being sent on a question submitted by a student
Fix: Course Price was not accepting floating value Price
Fix: Markups and Shortcodes were not working in some description fields
Fix: The course list page, pagination, and filter were not working properly
Fix: Deleted Zoom Meeting information was throwing PHP Error
Fix: Zoom Meeting was not being created while using Gutenberg Editor
Fix: In Evaluation "Your Points" field was accepting random values
Fix: Clicking on "Share", "Wishlist", and "Bookmark" was taking the user to Login
Fix: "My Courses" page was showing a $0 Price for all displayed courses
Fix: Active Status of Tutor Menu was showing wrongly in WP Admin
Fix: "Abandon Quiz" Modal was appearing for the wrong action
Fix: The announcement could have been created without selecting a course
Fix: Deleting a student was deleting their user account too
Fix: Bulk Actions was not working in the courses, instructors, students' page
Fix: A student was being enrolled in the same course multiple times
Fix: The Tutor Free Download link was wrong when only Tutor Pro was active
Fix: Lesson Page container was being narrow on some Screens
Fix: WP Editor was not working while creating a lesson
Fix: Admin and Instructor were not being able to access their course content
Fix: Trashed Courses were still being shown on the all course list
Fix: "BuddyPress Groups" was showing the same options multiple times in Course Builder
Fix: Closing an announcement modal didn't remove the data
Fix: In Course Journey, the "Overview Tab" was not appearing by default
Fix: While creating Zoom Meeting, Date Picker wasn't working
Fix: For the "Match Question" type Quiz Design was showing up as broken
Fix: WooCommerce "Autocomplete Order" Hook was not working with Tutor LMS
Fix: Payment was not going to the Processing state while using Stripe payment
Fix: No Income was visible under Instructor's Wallet page
Fix: While creating a Course, a duplicate course was being created due to "Auto Save"
Fix: Subscribers were able to access the "Create a Course" page
Fix: "Preferred Course Filter" options were not working in settings
Fix: Admin submitted courses were ending up in the course review section
Fix: The Content Drip add-on date picker was showing the wrong date format
Fix: Wrong instructor count was showing up on the reports page
Fix: Report was showing wrong calculation for course enroll, lesson and quiz count
Fix: Loco Translator was not Translating "True" and "False" Text
Fix: "Erase upon uninstallation" option of "Settings" was not working before
Fix: Different profile picture was showing up in different pages
Update: Tutor Player has been upgraded
Update: Option to set Course Base Logo as the Email Logo
Update: Auto redirect to Course action added upon WooCommerce order completion
Update: Email Footer Text now displays default content
Fix: AJAX based “Add to Cart” button in the Courses page is not working
Fix: In the backend, clearing search field does not remove search parameter from the URL
Fix: “Automatically Load Next Lesson” is not working
Fix: HTML5 video input is active even if it is unselected from Settings
Fix: Gutenberg content is not working in Single Course About section
Fix: Error in Dedicated Login Page and redirection is also not working
Fix: On Enrollment, error is occurring while sending Emails
Fix: My Profile page gives error after updating to the latest version
Fix: My Profile page Date is not translating
Fix: Instructor Course Menu option appears on Student Dashboard page in the mobile version
Fix: Paid Membership Pro is disabled in the Add-ons page but still appears as one of the eCommerce Engine options under the Monetization settings
Fix: Tutor Settings get reset back to the old values after saving
Fix: Lesson and Quiz sequence is not saving
Fix: Enrolment expiry info not showing
Fix: While WooCommerce is enabled, clicking on “Add to Cart” requires logging in again
Fix: Quiz export is adding extra answer for questions
Fix: Enable “Course Content Access” feature not working as Admins and Instructors cannot see course content when enabled
Fix: Author name is hard coded under Lesson comment replies
Fix: Zoom Layout of backend Course Builder is broken
Fix: Email Template’s background, typography, logo and margin padding has issues
Fix: Sticky Calendar positioning has issue
Fix: In Zoom Meeting List page at Backend, the Expired button has design issue
Fix: Create Zoom Meeting page has design issue
Fix: Course Placeholder height has issue
Fix: Quiz List View has issue with responsiveness
Fix: Registration Date & Time is not translating
Fix: HTML code appears on the Course Details page
Fix: Profile Page gives an error if the language is changed
Fix: Forgot Password Alert shows markups
Fix: Metabox shows warning in the Frontend Course Builder while uploading a video
Fix: Backend Editor is not accepting Unicode Character if DB collation is non-utf
New: Visually appealing appearance with a more unified design system
New: Edit email template content from the editor without having to override the plugin
New: Exclusive in-house designed email templates for email notification events
New: Personalized dashboard for instructors and students focused on task automation
New: Notification bar on top of the dashboard to let learners and instructors stay updated
New: Improved Analytics with more extensive statistics
New: New Q&A features for instant and more engaging communication
New: Event calendar with handy features to organize and schedule assignments
New: New Assignment features with the option to retake and add instructor's feedback
New: Announcement tab in the course detail page to display announcements created from the backend for courses
New: Preview certificate before downloading upon completing the course
New: Use preset or custom color palettes to configure the entire site's colors
New: Brand new Quiz interface with a new student window and other handy settings
New: Collect all of your reviews and ratings in one centralized location
New: Dynamic membership plan on the right sidebar of the course details page
New: Enhanced Instructor list and public profile layouts with Backend & Frontend preview
New: Flexible Gradebook with easy grading point system setup
New: More intuitive certificate setup page with the guided creation process
New: Enhanced course catalog features with extensive course page
New: Improved accessibility and responsiveness across all devices
And many under the hood improvements
New: Precaution alert before upgrading to major release of Tutor
Update: Added Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 and Block Based Theme
Fix: Security issue and XSS vulnerabillity fixes
New: Visually appealing appearance with a more unified design system
New: Edit email template content from the editor without having to override the plugin
New: Exclusive in-house designed email templates for each event
New: Personalized dashboard for instructors and students focused towards task automation
New: Notification bar on top of the dashboard to let learners and instructors stay updated
New: Improved Analytics with more extensive statistics
New: New Q/A features for instant and more engaging communication
New: Event calendar with handy features to organize events, schedule assignments, and more.
New: New Assignment features with the option to retake and add instructor's feedback.
New: Announcement tab in the course detail page
New: Preview certificate before downloading upon completing the course
New: Use preset or custom color palettes to configure entire site's colors
New: Brand new Quiz interface with a new student window and other handy settings
New: Collect all of your reviews and ratings in one centralized location
Update: Dynamic membership plan on the right sidebar of the course details page
Update: Enhanced Instructor list and public profile layouts with Backend & Frontend preview
Update: Flexible Gradebook with easy grading point system setup
Update: More intuitive certificate setup page with guided creation process
Update: Enhanced course catalog features with extensive course page
Update: Improved accessibility and responsiveness across all device
New: Now you can add Videos using a Shortcode
Fix: Issue of HTML codes disappearing after saving a Quiz
Fix: Issue regarding video not working using Embedded code
Fix: Presto Player Shortcode wasn't saving in the video source
Update: Better user input field sanitization ensure SQL Injection
Update: Better security of HTML output of user-provided input
Update: XSS vulnerability protection is made stronger
Fix: Wrong assignment list in student reports page at backend dashboard
Fix: User diplay name issue in analytics page at frontend dashboard
Fix: Custom certificate template not downloading
New: Certificate Builder plugin compatibility
Update: Gradebook data generates automatically
Update: Generate Gradebook button removed
Fix: Gradebook data not deleting on course retake
Fix: XSS vulnerability in registration page
New: Event Calendar
New: Notifications
Fix: Date Picker not working issue in frontend Announcement Tab
Fix: CSV Download button disabled for empty reports
New: Advanced analytics for instructors in the Frontend Dashboard
New: Download option of reports for the instructors in CSV format
New: Pagination settings for Tutor shortcodes added
Update: Security enhancements
Fix: Withdrawal message shown for students/non-approved instructors
Fix: Disabling total enrolled number issue in the course page
Fix: Date picker format not applying issue for all the places in Tutor LMS
Fix: On reveal mode for Quiz, user couldn't go forward if the answer was wrong
Fix: User can type characters in the date field
Fix: View Quiz Attempts URL show nothing when clicked
New: Analytics page for instructor in frontend dashboard
New: Review counts (given and received) in the dashboard review section's tabs
New: Approval email notification to instructors for their submitted courses
New: Auto-enrollment after registering from the "Enroll Now" button
New: Enrolled course count in a separate column in the Student's list
Fix: Shortcode to show instructor list not working issue
Fix: PHP error generating from undefined variable $default
Fix: Assignment of duplicate courses redirecting to the original course assignment issue
Fix: Showing same levels multiple times in single course page for Paid Membership Pro addon
Fix: Countdown timer translation issue for Zoom meetings
Fix: Expired values showing up as pagination values for the Zoom meeting list
Fix: Font spacing and custom font issue for generated Tutor certificates on chrome browser.
Fix: Removing or clicking a product from the cart, took users to the WooCommerce shop instead of the course page
Fix: "Start Quiz" button now disabled after once clicked
Fix: Full site membership for Paid Membership Pro does not implement on uncategorized courses
New: Filters for instructor list in the backend dashboard
New: Previous button for a single quiz (default enabled from settings)
New: Pop up for review after course completion
Update: "Add Option" button for the "True/False" quiz is disabled by default
Update: Redundant demo link for quizzes are removed
Update: Improved loading icon while generating a certificate
Update: New "Go home" button added for "Access Denied Page" when registration is disabled
Update: Zoom API key check and save actions combined
Update: Meeting host dropdown disabled
Fix: Course topic title and description editing issue
Fix: Duplicate order statements in earning section of instructor profile
Fix: Date Formats of Tutor LMS were not matched with the set WordPress date format
Fix: Translations issues for several internal texts
Fix: PHP error for content drip addon while trying to fetch property post_type of non-object
Fix: Header footer shown twice while using Oxygen Tutor LMS integration
New: Popup alert message when students abandon a quiz
New: Popup alert message when admin/instructor tries to delete an enrolment
Update: Set WooCommerce product as sold individually when created automatically from frontend course builder
Update: Enrolment required page design update
Update: Notification design update for when WordPress registration is disabled
Fix: Course retake button appears even if disabled from dashboard
Fix: Pagination not appearing in quiz attempt
Fix: Matching quiz layout CSS issue for long text
Fix: Student can submit the quiz even after time limit is expired
Fix: Email event list checkboxes not showing in dashboard if WPML add-on enabled
Fix: Course progress not deleting when enrolment is deleted
Fix: Quiz not showing immediately after creating in course builder
Fix: Lesson count shows 0 in enrolled courses on the frontend dashboard
Fix: XSS vulnerability in student list in the dashboard
Fix: The option “When time expires” fixed in Quiz settings
New: WPML compatibility addon
New: Course retake feature
New: Quiz attempt filter in backend dashboard
Update: Paid Membership Pro Integration architecture
Fix: Assignment attachment not deleting from server when assignment is deleted