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Tutor LMS Pro - V2.7.1

Version: 2.7.1

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28 May 2024 - Version 2.7.1
02 Nov 2023 - Version 2.4.0
08 Oct 2023 - Version 2.3.0
09 Sep 2023 - Version 2.2.4
04 Aug 2023 - Version 2.2.3
06 Jul 2023 - Version 2.2.2
20 Jun 2023 - Version 2.2.1
14 Apr 2023 - Version 2.1.10
27 Oct 2022 - Version 2.1.1

Update: More security improvement is introduced

Update: PeepSo Profile Avatar compatibility is introduced

Fix: Some known bugs related to Course, Login and Lesson pages are fixed 

22 Oct 2022 - Version 2.1.0

New: Instructors will be able to create Online Events over Google Meet

New: Dedicated Login page with Shortcode for Login page is introduced

New: "Accessing next Course Content based on Mandatory Pass in a Quiz" feature is introduced; Admin can enable it from Quiz Builder

New: Course Duplicating feature is introduced for the front-end Dashboard

New: Rich Text Editor is introduced for the Q&A Reply section

New: "Overview" and "Exercise File" tabs will now appear only when content is available under the particular tabs

New: On manual Enrollment to Paid Courses, an Invoice will be automatically generated, therefore, on changing Payment Status, Earning Report will be reflected

New: On the Manual Enrollment page, the students are searchable by Email Address now

Update: BunnyNet Compatibility is Improved

Update: Tutor LMS is now compatible with the latest BuddyBoss

Update: More security improvements are introduced

Update: The frontend dashboard Zoom Meeting page design is improved

Update: The frontend dashboard "Assignment" page design is improved

Update: Translations are improved on the Front-end Dashboard

Update: On Question & Answer page, the Table design is improved

Fix: Changes in text color on the Lesson Editor was not appearing on the Front-end Lesson page

Fix: Multiple files were not being uploaded while submitting an assignment

Fix: After changing course author, the new author was unable to edit lessons using WP-Editor

Fix: In some cases, just after starting a quiz, the unfinished quiz was being marked as completed

Fix: All questions are required, but still, sometimes the last question of a quiz was appearing optional

Fix: Instructors with an Admin Role were not removable from the Instructor List 

Fix: The Course List page sorting option was not working properly

Fix: Submitted assignment's Attachment File Size was appearing wrong

Fix: The Assignment Submission page had a design overlap issue

Fix: "Zoom Meeting Archive" page and the Meeting links were publicly accessible

Fix: Math formulas were not appearing correctly on the Quiz Attempt pages

Fix: Toast Message was showing the same color for all message types 

Fix: Course List Page pagination had some issues

Fix: Admin Panel Quiz Attempts page was showing the wrong Quiz Attempt count

Fix: The assignment Report page had a design issue on Upload files tab

Fix: Enroll date was showing incorrectly on the Student Details page and also report pages

Fix: Zoom Meeting List page was not showing the Pagination Bar by default

Fix: Students were not getting the On-site Notification for "Q&A Message Answered" cases

Fix: Minimum Days Before Balance is Available was selectable as "0" which should not go below "1"

Fix: In the case of Gutenberg Editor the Primary Author was not changeable

Fix: If the "Deduct Fees" option was disabled in the Settings, still the "Fee Description" and "Fee Amount & Type" options were appearing

Fix: Username was being sent instead of First Name and Last Name on email notifications

Fix: In the LMS Reports section, the Sales Report was not showing Badge design for Processing status

Fix: The "Disable Tutor Login" option was not working in case of Add to Wishlist

Fix: In some cases, error was appearing in the Review Section of the Course Details page

Fix: In the course journey, the "Delete Quiz Attempt" feature was appearing for students as well 

Fix: On the Course List page, the "Enroll Now" button was not working until it was clicked twice

Fix: WooCommerce Products were selectable for multiple Courses which was causing errors

Fix: Unnecessary backslashes were coming under the Review tab

22 Aug 2022 - Version 2.0.9

New: Custom Time setting for showing Answer in the Quiz Reveal mode is introduced

New: Admin/Instructor will be able to add Code Blocks inside a Lesson/Assignment/Quiz

New: "Enrollment Box" widget can be placed at the top of the Course Details page in Mobile View, Admin can manage it from Settings

Update: Introduced more security improvements

Update: Timezone Name List is now searchable on Zoom Meeting Add/Edit modal

Update: The Course Details page will now show WooCommerce Subscription Details information

Fix: The "Feedback submitted for Quiz Attempt" email template was sending wrong Dashboard link

Fix: Ordered/Unordered List tags were not supported in the Lesson pages

Fix: Zoom Meeting page was showing wrong spacing between the meeting details

Fix: Multiple answers-based questions were having trouble in case of quiz Reveal Mode

Fix: Wrong event date was being highlighted on the Tutor Calendar

Fix: Instructor Earning was not being updated when Autocomplete Order is Enabled

Fix: On the Course List page, the Course Price was showing twice, and the Booking percentage was showing a long fractional value when using EDD

Fix: On the "My Profile" page the Registration Date was showing wrong

Fix: Wrong count was appearing on the first Question after starting a Quiz

Fix: Quiz Time Counter was not working on Safari Browser

Fix: Users were unable to click the Cross button to leave a Zoom Meeting in the Course Journey

Fix: Column Title in "My Quiz Attempts" was showing wrong

Fix: The settings page input fields were accepting negative value

Fix: Profile Edit related Tutor LMS Hooks were not working

Fix: Gradebook was showing "F" to unattempted Quizzes and Pending Assignments

Fix: On the Question & Answer page the Sort By dropdown options were not Translatable

Fix: The "More" option's text on the Course Details page was not translatable

Fix: "Mark as Complete" button was not appearing in Mobile View for Tutor Starter 

Fix: A huge gap was appearing around the Course List when 2 Column Layout Design was selected

Fix: In the Course Builder, the Price fields of WooCommerce were conflicting with EDD

Fix: When a course was permanently deleted, the course-related data were not being deleted

Fix: The Course Journey pages (Quiz/Assignment) were not mobile responsive

Fix: Course "% Complete" text was not translatable on the Lesson page in Mobile View

Fix: The "Student Ratings & Reviews" text on the Course Details page was not translatable

Fix: The Course List Filter had CSS issue

Fix: In Tutor Settings, Tooltip was overlapping the Panel border

Fix: The "Quiz Attempts" frontend page design was broken in the Mobile View

Fix: Hide Admin Bar and Restrict Access to WP Admin for Instructor was conflicting for Free Users

Fix: After a revised Assignment Submission student was not being redirected to the Assignment Overview page

26 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.8

Fix: Settings was not being saved in some specific cases

Fix: Settings was throwing a console error regarding TinyMCE

Fix: Settings was being saved in other cases,  but the "Save" button was not being marked as saved

23 Jul 2022 - Version 2.0.7

New: Admin will be able to change the Main Instructor for a Course

New: Next and Previous button is introduced for the Quiz page once a Quiz is Completed

New: Instructor/Admin will be able to set "Sale Price" (Discounted Price) in the Course Builder

New: Once a Course is created from WP Admin, it will create an associated WooCommerce Product as well

New: "Minimum Days Before Balance is Available" settings is introduced for Balance Withdrawal time management

New: Admin will be able to hide Quiz Details from "My Quiz Attempts" page

New: On all lesson completion, the course will be Completed automatically, Admin can enable it from Settings

New: Tutor Calendar will now highlight the Zoom Meeting Event Days

Fix: In WP Dashboard, the Quiz Attempts page was showing Course information under the "Quiz Info" column

Fix: Zoom Meeting page was showing an error if Meeting Title or Description would contain Single Quote

Fix: Admin was not being able to Enable/Disable the Course Sorting option from WP Admin or Shortcode

Fix: Email Footer Customization was not working

Fix: The "Reply" boxes were remaining uncollapsed when the "Load More" button is clicked on a Single Course page under the "Q/A" Tab

Fix: On the "Completed A Course" email the Certificate Download link was appearing outside the Email Body

Fix: An unnecessary alert message was appearing on the "Become an Instructor" page

Fix: When strict mode is on, it was showing Wrong Alert Text

Fix: The Empty Data Alert Message on the Course Analytics page was not translatable

Fix: The "Assignment Submitted" date-time was showing as per GMT but not Site's Time on the Assignment Details page of WP Admin

Fix: Enrolled users were able to see all the plans when Paid Membership Pro is Enable

Fix: Course Content Access option for Admin and Instructor was not working with Paid Membership Pro

Fix: Other roles except Admin (like Editor) were not being able to access WP Admin when Hide Admin Bar is enabled

Fix: Copied Course Assignments were not deletable from the Assignments page on the Front-site

Fix: In a Course, the General Zoom Meeting List was not appearing on the Course Edit page for Admin and Instructors

Fix: On the new Tutor LMS installations, the Preset Color default setting was being "Custom" instead of "Default"

Fix: Share Percentage setting was appearing even when Revenue Sharing is disabled

Fix: Unwanted link was appearing in the WP Dashboard Page

Fix: Search was not working while manually enrolling someone from the Modal

Fix: The "Reply" boxes were remaining uncollapsed when the "Load More" button is clicked on a Single Course page under the "Q/A" Tab

15 Jun 2022 - Version 2.0.6

New: Admin will be able to moderate Course Review submitted by Students, Admin can enable it from Settings

New: Order Filter option by Date and by Course Name is introduced on the Course List page

New: "Load More" option is added for "Q&A" Tab on the Course Details page

New: "Load More" option is added for the "Comments" Tab in the Lesson' page

New: Instructor will be redirected to "My Courses" page while clicking on the course "Publish" button, Admin can enable it from Settings

New: Admin will be able to do Enroll multiple students to a Course on a newly designed Manual Enrollment page

Update: The "Quiz Attempts" page is now more optimized to load faster

Update: In "Content Drip" when there is a pre-requisite course, Student will see the Alert page with new design

Update: More strings are now translatable in other languages than English

Fix: In case of "Content Drip" the "Course content available sequentially" option was not working

Fix: Content Drip is not working as expected for Instructors/Admins when "Course Content Access" is enabled

Fix: Lock icon was not appearing when content is restricted by Content Drip

Fix: Some stats were showing wrong count information in the Reports page

Fix: In the WP Admin, the "Instructor" page the "Status sort" option was not working

Fix: In some cases, Admin was not being able to see "Q&A" Tab even though "Course Content Access" is enabled

Fix: In Mobile View the Quizzes were not Sortable and Draggable

Fix: Quiz Ordering used to get changed after updating any specific Quiz

Fix: After adding a Custom Link to Tutor Dashboard Menu (with custom code), the design would appear broken

Fix: Adding multiple instructor feature was not working

29 May 2022 - Version 2.0.5

New: Course Details page design is improved for a better experience

New: The Active Topic in the Lesson List sidebar now remains uncollapsed for a better experience inside the course

New: On the Course Journey page, the currently active Lesson/Quiz/Assignment menu will remain highlighted   

New: Once a Course is purchased using WooCommerce, the Order Status will become “Completed”, Admin can enable it from Settings

New: Certificates created by Admins will be usable (not editable) by Instructors, Admins can enable it from Settings

New: Students and Instructors will see “Terms & Conditions” information and link on the Signup page to be compliant with regulatory laws

New: Non-Video lessons will show Next and Prev navigation option

New: A button to go to Frontend Course Builder has been introduced for the Gutenberg Editor

Update: Single Course page is redesigned with changes in Instructor List, Curriculum, and Course Contents

Update: The Courses page of the Admin Panel is redesigned with an introduction to Course Image

Update: All table designs are improved in both Front-site and Admin Panel

Update: Accordion is redesigned throughout the entire platform

Update: Gradebook delete confirmation alert is now shown on modal

Update: Numerous pages optimized for faster loading and better performance 

Update: “Students must be logged in to see the Course Contents” option is reintroduced

Update: On top of the Course Journey Page, the Course Title will now appear instead of the “Lesson/Assignment/Quiz” name

Update: Greater translation compatibility updated 

Fix: The Rich Text Editor was not saving any changes made in the “Text” Mode

Fix: "Q&A", "Announcements", and "Resources" were not accessible to Admin and Instructors

Fix: “Question & Answer” Page was showing archived Q&As too

Fix: On the User Dashboard page, the Active Course count was appearing wrong

Fix: The Wishlist icon was not showing that a course is on the wishlist 

Fix: In a student's individual Report page the Enroll Date was showing wrong

Fix: When editing a Quiz, the "Default" option was not staying active by default

Fix: On the Course Details page any language other than English was causing the “Last Updated” time to show incorrectly

Fix: On the Enrolled Courses page under the “Completed Courses” tab, course blocks were showing incorrect button names in case of Restrict Content

Fix: In Content Drip, in the “Content available after X days from enrolment" option, the number field to set days was too narrow

Fix: On some websites, in the case of Lesson, the default "Featured Image" was not appearing on the Lesson's page in the Course Journey

Fix: Video tab collapse was not working in the Course Builder

Fix: The title and description of the “Quiz Attempts allowed” settings were wrong before. 

Fix: Zoom meeting’s page was not being closed while clicking the cross icon.

15 May 2022 - Version 2.0.3

New: Email Notification to students when a new Lesson is Created if enabled

New: Email Notification to students when a new Quiz is Created if enabled

New: Email Notification to students when a new Assignment is Created if enabled

New: Admin can show Course Description in Full or in Collapsed View on the Course Details page

New: Quiz Retry Mode revamped to allow instructors to specify Attempts Allowed

New: The student's Active Topic now remains uncollapsed while the rest remain collapsed

New: In "Strict Mode" a student needs to pass all lessons/quizzes/assignments to complete the Course

Update: A Better Time Format for Lesson and Quiz is introduced

Fix: Email Scheduler Cron was not working properly

Fix: Certificate List in the Course Builder displays the height of the Certificates incorrectly

Fix: Tutor Pro displayed an incorrect Alert Message when the Tutor Free plugin is inactive

Fix: Student’s Registration Time was displaying the incorrect date on the Students List Page in the Admin panel

Fix: Design issue of Email to students on Quiz Completed and incorrect link to Quiz Result

Fix: Link to Course Progress Page button was incorrect on a Student’s Completed Courses page

15 May 2022 - Version 2.0.3

New: The Course Title is added on the Q&A details page

New: Course Filter is added to the Mobile View of the Course List page

Update: Improved RTL Support

Update: Tutor LMS is now compatible with the latest WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin

Fix: Password Reset mail was not being sent

Fix: "Earning Graph" under "Overview" and "Earning" was showing different statistics

Fix: Multiple duplicates of "Auto Draft" were being generated on publishing a course

Fix: "Announcement" Tab was publicly accessible from the Course Details page

Fix: "Resources" Tab was accessible publicly from the Course Details page

Fix: "Q&A" Tab was accessible publicly from the Course Details page

Fix: "Course List" and "Course Details" page was showing the "Start Learning" button to guests

Fix: "Multiple Answer" type answers were being saved without selecting Correct Answer

Fix: In the case of "Multiple Answer" type answers, the Image Option was not working

Fix: Course Topics were not being deletable

Fix: "In Progress Courses" was not visible to students on the Dashboard

Fix: "Fees" were not being deducted from Total Amount before sharing Profit between Admin and Instructors

Fix: YouTube "Share" and "Copy" buttons were clickable in Tutor Player

Fix: Instructor specific Commission Rate was not being shown for Instructors on the Instructor List page

Fix: The "Next" and "Preview" buttons were not working for guests

Fix: Student's Registration Time was not showing as per the defined Time Zone

Fix: PHP Notices were appearing while installing the Tutor LMS Certificate Builder plugin

Fix: On course update, emails were being sent to Instructors even if it is disabled from the Settings

Fix: Title and Labels of Registration Link and Pagination Settings are changed

Fix: Fixed known bugs related to Email like Blank Subject, Nonworking Shortcode, Wrong Email Body, etc.

Fix: Login Modal was not appearing for Guest users upon clicking Follow

06 May 2022 - Version 2.0.2

New: Instructor List Page is built using its Shortcode

New: Course List Page is redeveloped with SEO friendly URL

New: Faster filtering options for course list page

New: Now you can drag & drop quizzes to your  liking in Quiz Builder

Update: Compatibility with the latest Restrict Content Pro

Update: Code Optimization is done for better Page Load Performance

Update: Design is now more optimized and improved

Update: Course Expiry Date is added to Single Course Page

Update: "Pending Course" Tab is added under "My Courses" for Instructor

Update: There is now a comma separator on the single course page price

Fix: Multiple mobile responsive issues have been resolved

Fix: In Add-ons Page the Tab Titles were wrongly shown

Fix: The wrong email was being sent on a question submitted by a student

Fix: Course Price was not accepting floating value Price

Fix: Markups and Shortcodes were not working in some description fields

Fix: The course list page, pagination, and filter were not working properly

Fix: Deleted Zoom Meeting information was throwing PHP Error

Fix: Zoom Meeting was not being created while using Gutenberg Editor

Fix: In Evaluation "Your Points" field was accepting random values

Fix: Clicking on "Share", "Wishlist", and "Bookmark" was taking the user to Login

Fix: "My Courses" page was showing a $0 Price for all displayed courses

Fix: Active Status of Tutor Menu was showing wrongly in WP Admin

Fix: "Abandon Quiz" Modal was appearing for the wrong action

Fix: The announcement could have been created without selecting a course

Fix: Deleting a student was deleting their user account too

Fix: Bulk Actions was not working in the courses, instructors, students' page

Fix: A student was being enrolled in the same course multiple times

Fix: The Tutor Free Download link was wrong when only Tutor Pro was active

Fix: Lesson Page container was being narrow on some Screens

Fix: WP Editor was not working while creating a lesson

Fix: Admin and Instructor were not being able to access their course content

Fix: Trashed Courses were still being shown on the all course list

Fix: "BuddyPress Groups" was showing the same options multiple times in Course Builder

Fix: Closing an announcement modal didn't remove the data

Fix: In Course Journey, the "Overview Tab" was not appearing by default

Fix: While creating Zoom Meeting, Date Picker wasn't working

Fix: For the "Match Question" type Quiz Design was showing up as broken

Fix: WooCommerce "Autocomplete Order" Hook was not working with Tutor LMS

Fix: Payment was not going to the Processing state while using Stripe payment

Fix: No Income was visible under Instructor's Wallet page

Fix: While creating a Course, a duplicate course was being created due to "Auto Save"

Fix: Subscribers were able to access the "Create a Course" page

Fix: "Preferred Course Filter" options were not working in settings

Fix: Admin submitted courses were ending up in the course review section

Fix: The Content Drip add-on date picker was showing the wrong date format

Fix: Wrong instructor count was showing up on the reports page

Fix: Report was showing wrong calculation for course enroll, lesson and quiz count

Fix: Loco Translator was not Translating "True" and "False" Text

Fix: "Erase upon uninstallation" option of "Settings" was not working before

Fix: Different profile picture was showing up in different pages

02 Apr 2022 - Version 2.0.1

Update: Tutor Player has been upgraded

Update: Option to set Course Base Logo as the Email Logo

Update: Auto redirect to Course action added upon WooCommerce order completion

Update: Email Footer Text now displays default content

Fix: AJAX based “Add to Cart” button in the Courses page is not working

Fix: In the backend, clearing search field does not remove search parameter from the URL

Fix: “Automatically Load Next Lesson” is not working

Fix: HTML5 video input is active even if it is unselected from Settings

Fix: Gutenberg content is not working in Single Course About section

Fix: Error in Dedicated Login Page and redirection is also not working

Fix: On Enrollment, error is occurring while sending Emails

Fix: My Profile page gives error after updating to the latest version

Fix: My Profile page Date is not translating

Fix: Instructor Course Menu option appears on Student Dashboard page in the mobile version

Fix: Paid Membership Pro is disabled in the Add-ons page but still appears as one of the eCommerce Engine options under the Monetization settings

Fix: Tutor Settings get reset back to the old values after saving

Fix: Lesson and Quiz sequence is not saving

Fix: Enrolment expiry info not showing

Fix: While WooCommerce is enabled, clicking on “Add to Cart” requires logging in again

Fix: Quiz export is adding extra answer for questions

Fix: Enable “Course Content Access” feature not working as Admins and Instructors cannot see course content when enabled

Fix: Author name is hard coded under Lesson comment replies

Fix: Zoom Layout of backend Course Builder is broken

Fix: Email Template’s background, typography, logo and margin padding has issues

Fix: Sticky Calendar positioning has issue

Fix: In Zoom Meeting List page at Backend, the Expired button has design issue

Fix: Create Zoom Meeting page has design issue

Fix: Course Placeholder height has issue

Fix: Quiz List View has issue with responsiveness

Fix: Registration Date & Time is not translating

Fix: HTML code appears on the Course Details page

Fix: Profile Page gives an error if the language is changed

Fix: Forgot Password Alert shows markups

Fix: Metabox shows warning in the Frontend Course Builder while uploading a video

Fix: Backend Editor is not accepting Unicode Character if DB collation is non-utf

18 Mar 2022 - Version 2.0.0

New: Visually appealing appearance with a more unified design system

New: Edit email template content from the editor without having to override the plugin

New: Exclusive in-house designed email templates for email notification events

New: Personalized dashboard for instructors and students focused on task automation

New: Notification bar on top of the dashboard to let learners and instructors stay updated

New: Improved Analytics with more extensive statistics 

New: New Q&A features for instant and more engaging communication

New: Event calendar with handy features to organize and schedule assignments

New: New Assignment features with the option to retake and add instructor's feedback 

New: Announcement tab in the course detail page to display announcements created from the backend for courses

New: Preview certificate before downloading upon completing the course 

New: Use preset or custom color palettes to configure the entire site's colors 

New: Brand new Quiz interface with a new student window and other handy settings 

New: Collect all of your reviews and ratings in one centralized location

New: Dynamic membership plan on the right sidebar of the course details page

New: Enhanced Instructor list and public profile layouts with Backend & Frontend preview

New: Flexible Gradebook with easy grading point system setup

New: More intuitive certificate setup page with the guided creation process

New: Enhanced course catalog features with extensive course page

New: Improved accessibility and responsiveness across all devices

And many under the hood improvements

01 Mar 2022 - Version 1.9.16

New: Precaution alert before upgrading to major release of Tutor

02 Feb 2022 - Version 1.9.15

Update: Added Compatibility with WordPress 5.9 and Block Based Theme

Fix: Security issue and XSS vulnerabillity fixes

23 Jan 2022 - Version 2.0.0-beta

New: Visually appealing appearance with a more unified design system

New: Edit email template content from the editor without having to override the plugin

New: Exclusive in-house designed email templates for each event

New: Personalized dashboard for instructors and students focused towards task automation

New: ​​Notification bar on top of the dashboard to let learners and instructors stay updated

New: Improved Analytics with more extensive statistics 

New: New Q/A features for instant and more engaging communication

New: Event calendar with handy features to organize events, schedule assignments, and more. 

New: New Assignment features with the option to retake and add instructor's feedback. 

New: Announcement tab in the course detail page

New: Preview certificate before downloading upon completing the course 

New: Use preset or custom color palettes to configure entire site's colors 

New: Brand new Quiz interface with a new student window and other handy settings 

New: Collect all of your reviews and ratings in one centralized location

Update: Dynamic membership plan on the right sidebar of the course details page

Update: Enhanced Instructor list and public profile layouts with Backend & Frontend preview

Update: Flexible Gradebook with easy grading point system setup

Update: More intuitive certificate setup page with guided creation process

Update: Enhanced course catalog features with extensive course page

Update: Improved accessibility and responsiveness across all device

22 Jan 2022 - Version 1.9.14

New: Now you can add Videos using a Shortcode

Fix: Issue of HTML codes disappearing after saving a Quiz

Fix: Issue regarding video not working using Embedded code

Fix: Presto Player Shortcode wasn't saving in the video source

Update: Better user input field sanitization ensure SQL Injection

Update: Better security of HTML output of user-provided input

Update: XSS vulnerability protection is made stronger

12 Jan 2022 - Version 1.9.13

Fix: Wrong assignment list in student reports page at backend dashboard

Fix: User diplay name issue in analytics page at frontend dashboard

29 Oct 2021 - Version 1.9.12

Fix: Custom certificate template not downloading

19 Oct 2021 - Version 1.9.11

New: Certificate Builder plugin compatibility

Update: Gradebook data generates automatically

Update: Generate Gradebook button removed

Fix: Gradebook data not deleting on course retake

Fix: XSS vulnerability in registration page

09 Oct 2021 - Version 1.9.10

New: Event Calendar

New: Notifications

Fix: Date Picker not working issue in frontend Announcement Tab

Fix: CSV Download button disabled for empty reports

18 Sep 2021 - Version 1.9.9

New: Advanced analytics for instructors in the Frontend Dashboard

New: Download option of reports for the instructors in CSV format

New: Pagination settings for Tutor shortcodes added

Update: Security enhancements

Fix: Withdrawal message shown for students/non-approved instructors

Fix: Disabling total enrolled number issue in the course page

Fix: Date picker format not applying issue for all the places in Tutor LMS

Fix: On reveal mode for Quiz, user couldn't go forward if the answer was wrong

Fix: User can type characters in the date field

Fix: View Quiz Attempts URL show nothing when clicked

New: Analytics page for instructor in frontend dashboard

04 Sep 2021 - Version 1.9.8

New: Review counts (given and received) in the dashboard review section's tabs

New: Approval email notification to instructors for their submitted courses

New: Auto-enrollment after registering from the "Enroll Now" button

New: Enrolled course count in a separate column in the Student's list

Fix: Shortcode to show instructor list not working issue

Fix: PHP error generating from undefined variable $default

Fix: Assignment of duplicate courses redirecting to the original course assignment issue

Fix: Showing same levels multiple times in single course page for Paid Membership Pro addon

Fix: Countdown timer translation issue for Zoom meetings

Fix: Expired values showing up as pagination values for the Zoom meeting list

Fix: Font spacing and custom font issue for generated Tutor certificates on chrome browser.

Fix: Removing or clicking a product from the cart, took users to the WooCommerce shop instead of the course page

Fix: "Start Quiz" button now disabled after once clicked

Fix: Full site membership for Paid Membership Pro does not implement on uncategorized courses

22 Aug 2021 - Version 1.9.7

New: Filters for instructor list in the backend dashboard

New: Previous button for a single quiz (default enabled from settings)

New: Pop up for review after course completion

Update: "Add Option" button for the "True/False" quiz is disabled by default

Update: Redundant demo link for quizzes are removed 

Update: Improved loading icon while generating a certificate

Update: New "Go home" button added for "Access Denied Page" when registration is disabled

Update: Zoom API key check and save actions combined

Update: Meeting host dropdown disabled

Fix: Course topic title and description editing issue

Fix: Duplicate order statements in earning section of instructor profile

Fix: Date Formats of Tutor LMS were not matched with the set WordPress date format

Fix: Translations issues for several internal texts

Fix: PHP error for content drip addon while trying to fetch property post_type of non-object

Fix: Header footer shown twice while using Oxygen Tutor LMS integration

05 Aug 2021 - Version 1.9.6

New: Popup alert message when students abandon a quiz

New: Popup alert message when admin/instructor tries to delete an enrolment

Update: Set WooCommerce product as sold individually when created automatically from frontend course builder

Update: Enrolment required page design update

Update: Notification design update for when WordPress registration is disabled

Fix: Course retake button appears even if disabled from dashboard

Fix: Pagination not appearing in quiz attempt

Fix: Matching quiz layout CSS issue for long text

Fix: Student can submit the quiz even after time limit is expired

Fix: Email event list checkboxes not showing in dashboard if WPML add-on enabled

Fix: Course progress not deleting when enrolment is deleted

Fix: Quiz not showing immediately after creating in course builder

Fix: Lesson count shows 0 in enrolled courses on the frontend dashboard

Fix: XSS vulnerability in student list in the dashboard

Fix: The option “When time expires” fixed in Quiz settings

19 Jul 2021 - Version 1.9.5

New: WPML compatibility addon

New: Course retake feature

New: Quiz attempt filter in backend dashboard

Update: Paid Membership Pro Integration architecture

Fix: Assignment attachment not deleting from server when assignment is deleted

14 Jul 2021 - Version 1.9.4
  • New: Zoom added to the Frontend dashboard
  • New: Field to add Course Tags in Frontend course builder
  • Update: Design update in Zoom backend dashboard
  • Fix: Lesson video duration were not fetched for autofill URL
  • Fix: Deprecated warnings in PHP 8
26 Jun 2021 - Version 1.9.3
09 Jun 2021 - Version 1.9.1
15 May 2021 - Version 1.8.10
24 Mar 2021 - Version 1.8.6
05 Mar 2021 - Version 1.8.4
07 Feb 2021 - Version 1.8.1
05 Jan 2021 - Version 1.7.7
08 Dec 2020 - Version 1.7.5
14 Nov 2020 - Version 1.7.4
Product Added to the system.
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  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
Support :
  • Our support team is available 24/7, if you have any question or need help in installing or configuring digital products purchased on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 14-11-2020
Updated 28-05-2024
Catégorie Add-ons
Taille du fichier 7.49 MB
Commentaires 0
Vues 1599
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Downloaded 1