Version: 4.0.34
* Fixed : Nav Menu Manager role had no label on Edit Permissions screen after storage
* Fixed : Nav Menu Manager role did not allow menu creation
* Fixed : get_pages() call with large include or exclude array caused excessively large query
* Fixed : Fatal error when a network group is deleted
* Fixed : Classic Editor - limited authors may be locked out of editing new page if access depends on inheriting specific permissions from a required parent page
* Fixed : Edit Category / Tag - Extra update button, not needed for non-Administrators who don't have multiple Specific Permission metaboxes
* Compat : Nested Pages - support constants to disable context menu items for non-Administrators
* Compat : Elementor - Templates > Add New in wp-admin failed with fatal error
* Compat : WPML - Tags, Menus cannot be edited under some configurations
* Compat : PublishPress Revisions - Category Permissions for revision submission failed if term_id differs from term_taxonomy_id
* Teaser : All published posts blocked on some installations if teaser is enabled
* Fixed : Category Permissions set for "(all)" post types were not stored properly
* Fixed : Category / Term restrictions were not applied to post creation / edit by REST API
* Fixed : On new page creation, author could be locked out of editing if restrictive editing permissions are assigned and autosave occurs before manual save
* Fixed : Non-administrators can access Appearance menu, theme settings in WordPress 5.9
* Compat : Groovy Menu plugin
* Fixed : Category Permissions were not applied under some configurations
* Fixed : PHP Warning on post update by non-Administrator
* Fixed : Role Usage screen failed to load on some installations
* Compat : WP All Export plugin
* Compat : WPML - Language counts were not displayed on Posts / Pages screen
* Compat : PublishPress - Non-Administators could not see unpublished posts on calendar
* Fixed : Editing capabilities for posts with custom statuses were not enforced
* Fixed : Edit Group / User Permissions - roles could not be removed
* Fixed : Non-administrators could not edit Menus on some installations
* Fixed : PHP Warnings on admin dashboard
* Fixed : Category / Term blockages were not applied
* Fixed : Error saving posts with private status
* Fixed : Error redirecting following post save if the save operation sets a status which blocks the user from further editing
* Fixed : Status Control - status-specific supplemental roles could not be selected on Edit User / Group Permissions screen
* Fixed : PublishPress integration - Fatal error on PublishPress > Settings > Statuses screen
* Fixed : PHP 8 - Warning on Edit Permission Group screen
* Compat : WordPress 5.9 - fatal error adding / editing posts (work around WP hooking late-defined function _disable_block_editor_for_navigation_post_type)
* Fixed : Specific Permissions could not be added using editor metaboxes until after post is saved
* Fixed : Status Control - Pre-publish button is recaptioned from "Schedule..." to "Workflow..." under some role configurations
* Fixed : File Access on Multisite with plugin activated network-wide - Key regeneration URL did not regenerate file keys on all sites
* Compat : Relevanssi + Teaser : Search results that should be readable always have teaser applied, since Relevanssi 4.10.2
Fixed : Specific Permissions could not be added or removed using metaboxes in the post editor
* Fixed : PHP Notice "Undefined index: list_published_posts"
* Compat : PublishPress Revisions - PHP Notice "Undefined variable: type_obj"
* Compat : PublishPress Revisions 3
* Fixed : Non-Administrators could not view image gallery in post preview
* Fixed : Page Structure settings did not prevent creation of top level pages in Gutenberg
* Feature : Circles - Support "User" as a post type for Editorial Circles, meaning circle members cannot edit non-members
* Feature : Circles - Support "User" as a post type for Visibility Circles, meaning circle members cannot list non-members
* Fixed : Circles - Non-administrators could defeat Editorial Circle access restriction by changing post authorship to a user outside the circle
* Fixed : Status Control - For users with Publish capability, clicking on Save as Pending caused the post to be published
* Fixed : Status Control - Default privacy setting caused drafts to be auto-published under some conditions
* Fixed : Status Control - Users without publishing capability could not set posts to a custom workflow status using Publish button
* Feature : Status Control - Support "next status progression" in Gutenberg (Publish button advances post to next status instead of highest permitted status)
* Feature : Sync Posts - API additions
* Feature : Edit Group Permissions screen - "Fix sub-Pages permissions" link causes Specific Permissions to be re-propagated to sub-pages if WP_DEBUG is defined (url argument: pp_fix_child_exceptions)
* Compat : PublishPress Revisions - Specific Permissions for "Revise" did not cause display of "Edit" link in Admin Bar