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LearnDash Gradebook - V4.1.3

Version: 4.1.3

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02 Apr 2023 - Version 4.1.3

- Fixes an issue where an empty timestamp could show on Grade Book as a date in late 1969 or early 1970

- The following templates were updated:

  - `./templates/frontend-gradebook/edit-panel/components/edit-panel-grade-row.php`

23 Nov 2022 - Version 4.0.2

Fixes a possible issue when "All Courses" is chosen for a Grade Book but a Student doesn't have any Course Progress stored yet

13 Nov 2022 - Version 4.0.0
09 Sep 2022 - Version 3.3.0

- Right to Left (RTL) Language support!

- Improved translation file to assist with setting up the plugin within an RTL environment

16 Jul 2022 - Version 3.2.0

- Fixes an issue with the Overall Grade Shortcode and Gutenberg Block where extra space would show above and below it

  - This will allow you to utilize it inline within a Certificate more easily

- Adds missing WordPress Filters for the CSV Headers in the All Grade Book Grades export

01 Apr 2022 - Version 3.1.0

- Tested and working with LearnDash 4!

- Adds Timestamps to the Frontend and Backend Grade Book under the View/Edit User Grades Panel

- Adds Timestamps to the All Grades CSV export

- Properly support translation throughout the plugin

- Updates the v3.0.0 upgrade routine to account for the Subscriber Role not existing in rare cases

- Renames the "Quizzes" option under LearnDash LMS -> GradeBook -> Settings to "Quiz grades used for calculations" to better describe what it does

- The following Frontend Grade Book templates have been updated:

  - frontend-gradebook/edit-panel/components/edit-panel-component-override.php

  - frontend-gradebook/edit-panel/components/edit-panel-component.php

  - frontend-gradebook/edit-panel/components/edit-panel-grade-edit.php

  - frontend-gradebook/edit-panel/components/edit-panel-grade-row.php

- Updates our licensing and support module to the latest version

- Fixes a bug where default settings could not be read correctly, resulting in PHP errors on some sites

- Fixes a bug where our reminder to enter a license key could be shown twice

- Fixes a bug where the "Settings saved." dialog could show twice on our settings pages

- Fixes an issue where Component Grades and Overall Grades wouldn't respect the Rounding settings chosen under LearnDash LMS -> GradeBook -> Settings

- Fixes an issue where 0% grades would not show in CSV Exports

- Fixes an issue with the Backend View/Edit User Grades Panel would always refresh with letter grades no matter what your settings were configured to under LearnDash LMS -> GradeBook -> Settings

- Fixes an issue where decimal values were not being allowed using the Frontend Grade Book Component Grade Override and Manual Grade forms

- Fixes an issue where Component Grade Overrides would not save as a decimal value

05 Jan 2022 - Version 3.0.2

- Renames "Gradebooks" to "Grade Books" and the main "Gradebook" menu item to "GradeBook"

- Ensures that the CSS/JS for Frontend Grade Books and Report Cards are only loaded when they are used

- Fixes an incompatibility with ProPanel where its frontend views would no longer be searchable due to the Frontend Grade Book utilizing a newer version of the Select2 library

- Removes the welcome page

- Corrects some grammar mistakes in the Quick Start Guide

- Corrects some PHP errors in the Quick Start Guide

- Bumps the WordPress tested to version to 5.8.2

- Bumps the LearnDash tested to version to

25 Nov 2021 - Version 3.0.1

- Fixes a bug where the Letter Grade Scale and Grade Color Scale would not initialize correctly

- Adds a Description to the "Gradebook" field for the Report Card Block to explain how it works when a Gradebook is not defined

21 Nov 2021 - Version 3.0.0

- Adds Gutenberg Blocks for the Frontend Gradebook, Report Cards, and Overall Grades

- Prevents Subscribers from being able to be granted any roles related to viewing or managing the Gradebook

  - This does not impact their ability to view Report Cards or Overall Grades

  - An upgrade script will run to forcibly revoke these capabilities from the Subscriber Role

- Fixes some issues with the Quick Start guide where points of interest could be covered by the dialog

- Improves the license activation message on the Plugins page

  - Now it will link directly to where you need to put in your license key

- Adds loading indicators to the Frontend Gradebook whenever it is pulling in additional data

- Gradebooks will now sort to the first listed User Column by default

- Adds PHP and WordPress minimum versions to readme.txt

15 Aug 2021 - Version 2.1.1

Fixes issue with fallback to a previously saved "Safe Mode" setting

Improves updater code

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  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
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