Total 17/03/2025 : We HAVE 10927 Items and more than 655 happy members.

Version: 1.4.2

Item cover for download COOKED PRO



User Ratings

Users can rate each recipe with a star rating or thumbs up/down (you choose). Most noteworthy, if they happen to leave a comment on the recipe, their rating will show up with it.

User Favorites

Your visitors can favorite recipes and then view them all from their profile. As a result, they can get access to their most loved recipes from a single source.

Powerful Social Sharing

Your visitors can easily share recipes to Facebook (with attached images), Twitter (supports tags), Pinterest (supports tags and rich pins), Google Plus and old-school style via Email.

User Profiles

Each user can view their own recipes, favorites and update their profile information. Also, there’s a standard-issue registration and login form included, but you are not required to use them.

Recipe Submissions

Users can use a front-end submission form to submit their own recipes, either for their own use or for public consumption (after approval from the site administrator).

Cuisines, Cooking Methods & Tags

Three additional taxonomies are included, allowing you to sort your recipes by Cuisine (French, American, etc.), Cooking Method (baking, grilling, etc.) and even tags. And as a bonus, the tags are handled like #hashtags and will show up with Twitter and Pinterest shares!

Modern Grid Layout

First, we have the Modern Grid layout. A cleaner take on the default style. All recipes are the same height and contain more concise information.

Full-Width Layout

In addition, you get the Full-Width layout. Beautiful image-centric recipe layout, complete with the title, excerpt and interactive featured overlaid on top.

Compact Layout

Finally, there’s the Compact layout, a great layout for keeping things simple. Looks similar to a blog-style layout.

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21 Jul 2020 - Version 1.4.2
Product Added to the system.
Note for Buyer
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Read before purchase
  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
Support :
  • Our support team is available 24/7, if you have any question or need help in installing or configuring digital products purchased on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 21-07-2020
Catégorie Plugin
Taille du fichier 0.60 MB
Commentaires 0
Vues 3656
Ventes 0
Downloaded 0