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BeTheme - Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme - V27.5.7.1


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24 Sep 2024 - Version
17 Aug 2024 - Version 27.5.3
28 Jul 2024 - Version 27.5.1
11 Jul 2024 - Version 27.5
30 Jun 2024 - Version 27.4.5
04 May 2024 - Version 27.4.1 NULLED
03 Apr 2024 - Version 27.3.9 NULLED
19 Mar 2024 - Version 27.3.8 NULLED
01 Mar 2024 - Version 27.3.7 NULLED
18 Feb 2024 - Version 27.3.6 NULLED
06 Feb 2024 - Version 27.3.5 NULLED
27 Jan 2024 - Version 27.3.4 NULLED
21 Jan 2024 - Version NULLED
15 Jan 2024 - Version NULLED
08 Jan 2024 - Version 27.3.1 NULLED
06 Jan 2024 - Version 27.3 NULLED
21 Dec 2023 - Version 27.2.12 NULLED
05 Dec 2023 - Version 27.2.11 NULLED
28 Nov 2023 - Version 27.2.10 NULLED
24 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
16 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
14 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
10 Nov 2023 - Version NULLED
04 Nov 2023 - Version 27.2.8 NULLED
24 Oct 2023 - Version 27.2.7 NULLED
13 Oct 2023 - Version 27.2.6 NULLED
30 Sep 2023 - Version 27.2.5 NULLED
24 Sep 2023 - Version 27.2.4 NULLED
18 Sep 2023 - Version 27.2.2 NULLED
18 Sep 2023 - Version 27.2.1 NULLED
30 Aug 2023 - Version NULLED
29 Aug 2023 - Version 27.1.6 NULLED
19 Aug 2023 - Version NULLED
18 Aug 2023 - Version 27.1.5 NULLED
11 Aug 2023 - Version 27.1.4 NULLED
04 Aug 2023 - Version 27.1.3 NULLED
31 Jul 2023 - Version 27.1.2 NULLED
16 Jul 2023 - Version 27.1.1 NULLED
13 Jul 2023 - Version 27.1 NULLED
29 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0.9 NULLED
26 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0.8 NULLED
14 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0.7 NULLED
11 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0.5 NULLED
06 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0.3 NULLED
04 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0.2 NULLED
01 Jun 2023 - Version 27.0 NULLED
17 May 2023 - Version 26.8.5 NULLED
09 May 2023 - Version 26.8.4 NULLED
21 Apr 2023 - Version 26.8.3 NULLED
17 Apr 2023 - Version 26.8.2 NULLED
12 Apr 2023 - Version 26.8.1 NULLED
12 Apr 2023 - Version 26.8 NULLED
23 Mar 2023 - Version 26.7.5 NULLED
New features
  • Wraps - Entrance animations
  • Responsive - Section background video on mobile devices
  • WordPress 6.2 Compatibility - get_page_by_title() deprecated
  • BeBuilder - Category select field - Include empty taxonomies
  • BeBuilder - Visibility: Hide for Everyone - Hide all Edit with BeBuilder links
  • BeBuilder - Elements - Custom presets not stored Issue #68165
  • Header Builder - Menu element - Option to Fold last 2 submenus to the left
  • Templates - Query Loop - Dynamic data {title} tag
  • Shop - Single product - Product image disappears on hover if it is too smallIssue #68213
  • Shop - Archives - Sticky sidebar position if Store notice is enabledIssue #68169
  • Off-canvas sidebar - Sidebar icon on desktop
  • Map Basic element - Advanced - Border radius
  • Admin panel - Pages list - Hide unwanted '_be_setup_wizard_demo' page
  • Pre-built websites - Database reset - Deleting of menus fails if the database prefix is changed
  • WPML plugin - Shop - Side Cart - Cart title
  • WPML plugin - Live search - Option to search in current language onlyIssue #68239
29 Jan 2023 - Version 26.7.1 NULLED
New features
  • Entrance animations - Delay attribute
  • New Google Fonts - 1482 fonts available
  • Elementor - Blog widget - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query
  • Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to set number of clients per slide
  • Elementor - Clients slider widget - Option to scroll one client at a time
  • Elementor - Clients slider widget - Navigation arrows position option
  • Loop Builder - Post type change when there are many Query loops on single page
  • Loop Builder - Wrap loop - Enable query loop on empty wrap - Refresh query after element adding
  • Loop Builder - Section loop - Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background
  • BeBuilder content overlapping header submenus - Incorrect z-index removed Issue #67227
  • Header and Footer Templates on password protected pages
  • Column text element - HTML tags with inline styles - Element preview
  • The Events Calendar plugin - Default plugin CSS styles
17 Nov 2022 - Version 26.6.2 NULLED
New features
  • Blog element - Option to use as Related Post - Exclude current post from query
  • Setup Wizard - Setup stucks at last stepIssue #65649
  • Templates: Header - Once set, the exclusion condition cannot be turned off
  • Header - Cart icon with when price has additional text e.g., Excl. VAT
  • Header Builder - My account - Login form - Duplicated form
  • Shop - Side Cart - Cart icon link
  • Sticky wrap - Bouncing entrance animationIssue #65649
  • Blog - Server error 500 if more than 10000 WordPress users are registeredIssue #223779
  • Under Construction page - Countdown - Missing JS file
  • Under Construction page - Text logo
04 Nov 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • Icon Box element - Label - Color and typography options
  • Progress icons shortcode - Option to set color icons and transparent background
  • WordPress 6.1 Compatibility
  • Isotope filters - Proper width of items and horizontal alignment of them
  • Theme Options - Color field - Update colorpicker only when full length HEX or RGBA is enteredIssue #65661
26 Oct 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • Global sections - Import/export sections between pages
  • Shop - Products list - Layout: Masonry - Missing JS code
  • WPML plugin - Templates - Conditions: Exclude
19 Oct 2022 - Version 26.5.1 NULLED
New features
  • Performance: Lazy load images. Check option →
  • Heading element - New HTML tags added: p, div i span
  • Blog slider element - Option to show post excerpt
  • RTL - BeBuilder Blocks - Wraps and elements are arranged as on the frontend
  • Templates: Shop - Template conditions - Include/Exclude category
  • Templates: Header + Shop: Single product - Breadcrumbs - Missing categoriesIssue #65548
  • BeBuilder - Pricing Item element - Typography issueIssue #65395
  • BeBuilder - Get attachment data for scaled imagesIssue #65515
  • BeBuilder - Logo element - Image alt tag
  • Galleries inserted using the Wordpress block editor - Lightbox
  • Fonts - Font Family - System font
  • CSS - Google fonts with spaces in their name are not quoted
  • Pre-built websites - Import demo data for pre-built websites without plugins
  • Pre-built websites - Import demo data on servers which returns 500 code on timeout
  • RTL - Betheme Dashboard
  • Performance: Load only the JS files that are currently used on the page
10 Oct 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • Column text element - Option to set content links color
  • Shop slider element - Option to exclude out of stock products
  • Plugins - Update button does not appear
  • BeBuilder - Shop slider element - Element rerendering in preview window
  • BeBuilder - GDPR notice - Hide permanently in page preview window
  • Gallery shortcode in Helper element content - Lightbox
  • Templates: Header - Position: Fixed - Bouncing header on site load
  • Templates: Shop - Template conditions - Exclude categoryIssue #65331
  • Templates: Shop + Performance - Files location - Builder local styles: Inline in header
  • Theme Options - Theme functions - Option to hide Pre-built websites and Setup Wizard
  • Theme Options - Colors - PHP 8 deprecated notice if rgba color is used in some fieldsIssue #65317
  • Theme Options - Slider type fields - Slider keeps resetting if 0 set
01 Oct 2022 - Version NULLED
  • Theme Options - Unable to save options if slider field value is empty
  • White Label mode - New Betheme Dashboard compatibility
  • Theme Options - Smaller sticky header on screen height < 800px
  • Dark Mode - Theme Options - Custom CSS and JS field colors
29 Sep 2022 - Version 26.5 NULLED
New features
  • Setup Wizard
  • New Betheme Dashboard
  • Pre-Built Websites Importer with automatic plugin installation
  • Theme Options panel available in the BeBuilder
  • Global sections and wraps
  • Clients slider element - Navigation arrows position option
  • Shop categories element - Categories display options - Main categories and subcategories
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Business 6Betheme Store 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 6Betheme Store 2
  • Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling default header
  • Templates conditions for Header and Footer - Custom post types are treated as pages
  • Image element - Minor PHP notice
  • Gallery element - Lightbox on page which has Elementor content
  • Performance - Cache fonts local - Additional subsets
  • Shop - Checkout - Google pay button
  • My account - Login form - Remember me checkbox is unclickable
  • Elementor plugin - Unwanted deprecated notice
  • Revolution Slider plugin + Elementor - Broken slider preview
  • WPML plugin - Shop: Side Cart
  • Map Advanced element - Additional markers - Optional Title is used as tab title if not empty
02 Sep 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • BeBuilder - All links inside element with class 'scroll' have smooth scroll
  • Header Builder - Menu burger element - Submenu styles
  • WPML plugin - Templates - Different templates of different languages
  • BeBuilder - Page Options - Sidebars list did not refresh after adding sidebar
  • Header Builder & Mega Menu - Sticky header disappears on menu link hover
  • Header Builder & Footer Builder templates on author archives page
  • Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling from default header
  • Header Builder - Submenu items - Word wrap
  • Footer Builder - Menu element - Word wrap
  • Templates - Shop - Single product - Missing 'Start building' button when builder is empty
  • Shop - Products list - Thumbnail cropping in Customizer
  • Shop - Price filter - Slider color
  • Shop - Quick preview - Close button covering modal content
  • Accessibility - Aria-labels translatableIssue #64846
  • Safari browser - Header Builder - Fade in animation
  • RTL - Header Builder - Search element alignment
24 Aug 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • Shop products element - Order field - JS error on drag startIssue #64683
  • Shop - Single product - If all variations are "out of stock", product information does not display
  • Shop - Cart - Header Builder sticky header positionIssue #218544
  • BeBuilder - Shop products element - Products list sometimes is empty if the WooCommerce option "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" is enabled
  • Be Shop Attributes widget - PHP 8 deprecated notices
  • Pre-built websites - Menu items - Custom meta fields import fails if the database prefix is changed
  • BeBuilder - Custom sidebar selectIssue #64769
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Column element - CodeMirror code editor - Add shortcode link
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Lottie element resize
  • Header Builder - Promo Bar - In some cases, text is duplicated when returned from another tab
  • Images - Srcset option - The disable option does not work with all images
  • Colors - Footer - Copyright border color
10 Aug 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • Shop - Products list - Option to return to old images width. Recommended if you have a lot of smaller-sized photos in your store. Check option →
  • WPML plugin - String translation - Theme Options > Fonts > Font family
  • BeBuilder - Overlapping header and slider edit icons
  • Shop - Product quantity input - Step as decimal numberIssue #218354
  • HTML Tables - Auto responsive option. Check option →
  • Search page - Templates removed from search results
  • Buttons - Style: Custom - Button Highlighted
  • Table of contents element - Scroll to heading when Header Template is active
  • Page Options - Non-working checkboxes
  • Tablet - Blog: 4 columns - Broken 2 columns layout
  • Accessibility - ESC key in dropdown menu
  • Elementor 3.7 plugin - Deprecated function 'is_built_with_elementor' replaced
  • WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin - Missing payment button
05 Aug 2022 - Version NULLED


  • BeBuilder - When editing on a small desktop screen, unwanted switching to tablets is blocked
  • Header Builder template on Search pageIssue #64547
  • Header Builder - Icon element - Open link in new windowIssue #64554
  • Header Builder - Menu element - Submenu icon color and size
  • Shop - Cart icon link do not work if Side cart is disabled
  • Shop - Templates - Exclude specified category
  • Shop - Mobile - Related products grid - 2 columnsIssue #64501
  • Safari browser - Shop - Variable products select
  • Pre-built websites - Single product template - Product content CSS styles
  • BeCustom - BeBuilder links for header and footer templates
  • My account - Login form - Unwanted site shift when click on form label
28 Jul 2022 - Version NULLED


  • BeBuilder - Slashes in shortcodes on history back
  • BeBuilder - Font size is displayed incorrectly in Builder windowIssue #64400
  • BeBuilder - Lottie element - Animation loading after element duplication
  • BeBuilder - Import/Export - Hidden sections and Lottie elementIssue #64430
  • Header Builder - Scroll to ID
  • Shop - Display products from individual categories
  • Shop - Missing woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title hook added
  • Shop - My Account button - The same ID for multiple buttonsIssue #64422
  • Mega Menu - Automatic Mega Menu can not be disabled
  • Blog - Style: Masonry tiles - Margin option restored
  • Performance - Cache assets - Side CartIssue #64476
  • Featured images - SrcSet - GIF animationsIssue #64420
22 Jul 2022 - Version NULLED


  • Header Builder - Assigning header template if another template has been removed
  • Header Builder - Open submenu link on click
  • Footer Builder - Default text and link color
  • Maga Menu - Content font inherits from body insted of menu
  • Pre-built websites - Minor PHP 8 warning during import
20 Jul 2022 - Version NULLED


  • BeBuilder - Edit header link when BeCustom plugin as active
  • Menus - Add menu items - New items have the content of the post in the description field
  • Shop - Product content in full width section - Unwanted padding removed
  • Shop - Products page - Buttons style: Stroke
  • RTL - Mobile contact form
19 Jul 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • Wrap - Background overlay - Overlay backgrounds with opacity or css filters like blur, brightness, contrast, saturation or hue
  • BeBuilder - History - JS error when xml code used in content
  • BeBuilder - Visual options field - Clicking sometimes has no effect
  • BeBuilder - Slider Revolution edit icon
  • BeBuilder - Mobile - Section full width - Unwanted side padding removed
  • BeBuilder - Hover Color element - Fields with duplicated ID. Notice: Please adjust colors if you use this item on your site
  • Templates - Admin bar - Edit with BeBuilder link
  • Header Builder - Header fixed - Hide section on scroll - Sticky header position
  • Header Builder + Shop page - Bouncing header on Quick preview open
  • Header Builder - Wrap in first section, moved up, hides under the slider
  • Shop categories element - Images cropping - Uncropped
  • Theme Options - Subheader background transparency - Slider keeps resetting if 0 set
  • Unwanted inner shadow on the right side of the browser window removed
  • HubSpot plugin compatibility
  • Translation Files - New translation strings
14 Jul 2022 - Version 26.4 NULLED
New features
  • Header Builder 2.0 - Design any type of header you want, without coding and limits
  • Mega Menu Builder - Create your mega menu easily
  • Footer Builder - Built engaging footers
  • BeBuilder - Payment methods element
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Marketing 2Furniture Store
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Marketing 2Furniture Store
  • Shop - Hide unavailable variations when lable is selectedIssue #64167
  • Mobile - Shop - Off-canvas sidebar - Widgets with lazy load
21 Jun 2022 - Version NULLED


  • BeBuilder - Additional protection against saving empty sections
  • BeBuilder - Section - Background image - Unwanted white background color removed
  • BeBuilder - Image element - Unwanted white background color removed
  • BeBuilder - Image element - Mask shape: Custom - Uploaded image preview in builder windowIssue #63954
  • Google Map element - Info window - Minor PHP notice: undefined index: content
  • Google Map element - Info window - Line break escape
  • Video element - Videos autoplaying and non-responsiveIssue #63965
  • SVG files upload
  • Theme Options - Fonts - Letter spacing - PHP error for some server settings if value is empty
15 Jun 2022 - Version 26.3.4 NULLED
New features
  • Mask shape - Apply beautiful images for headings and set mask shapes for images and videos
  • Backgroud overlay - Overlay backgrounds with opacity or css filters like blur, brightness, contrast, saturation or hue
  • Automatic theme updates - Option to enable built-in WordPress automatic updates for BethemeCheck option
  • Performance - Files location - Builder local styles - Option to print styles inline in header to prevent CLSCheck option
  • Blog & Portfolio - Option to use responsive images with srcset attribute instead of sizes set in Theme OptionsCheck option
  • Lightbox - Add rel="pdf-lightbox" attribute to open PDF document in popup
  • Blog slider element - One post per slide option
  • Clients slider element - Option to set number of clients per slide
  • Image element - Responsive images support - srcset attribute
  • Map advanced element - Info window - Additional information that would appear on marker click
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Renovate 5Car Wash 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Renovate 5Car Wash 3
  • Shop - Buttons style: Stroke - Button text color on hoverIssue #63713
  • Shop - Variations select - Inactive options are hidden
  • Templates - Shop: Single product - PayPal plugin hook
  • BeBuilder - First section header menu z-index for some header styles
  • BeBuilder does not update the modified date on pagesIssue #63717
  • Table of contents element - BeBuilder Fancy heading element - Anchor
  • Blog style: Classic - Posts list - Post without image - Container width
  • RTL - Blog teaser element: Post publish date - Icons position
28 May 2022 - Version 26.3.3 NULLED
New features
  • New Divider element
  • New Google Fonts - 1406 fonts available
  • Table of contents element - BeBuilder Fancy heading element support
  • Table of contents element - Option to allow user to hide table of contents
  • 2 Pre-built websites: PregnancyLanguage 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: PregnancyLanguage 4
  • Blog - Single Post - Featured image: Hide - Affects also Blog element post images in post content
  • Hover color element - Gradient background type - Transition durationIssue #63594
  • Testimonials element - Bottom padding attributeIssue #63643
  • Footer - Icon bar element - Link color
  • Shop - Some buttons use 'action button' instead of 'theme button' color
  • BeBuilder - Pills field - Unable to remove recently added values
  • WPML + Elementor plugins - Betheme custom widgets translationIssue #63476
15 May 2022 - Version NULLED


  • BeBuilder - Section - Advanced attributes tab - Save to local CSS styles
  • BeBuilder - Column element - Unwanted outline
13 May 2022 - Version NULLED
New features
  • BeBuilder - Page Options - Select fields with menu and slider was not updated after modifying them Issue #63498
  • BeBuilder - Builder fields JS file - Change query string version number on some options update to prevent cache
  • BeBuilder - Button element - Scroll option mistakenly marked as deprecated Issue #214012
  • BeBuilder - In very rare cases, a new element style did not overwrite the old one
  • Table of contents element - Exclude WordPress Editor content if page option 'The Content' is set to 'Hide' Issue #63357
  • Link with class .scroll - Scroll to anchor without # in UR Issue #214000
  • Before After element - Container hieght - Run the script after images loaded
  • Media - Unable to upload any type of file if 'JSON files upload' is disabled in Theme Options Issue #214019
  • Theme Options - Fonts: Size & Style - If 'Auto font size' is disabled, mobile should inherit font size from the tablet
  • Muffin widgets - Minor JS error in Button element
  • BeCustom plugin - Betheme Dashboard - Theme icon and some missing filters added
  • WPML plugin - String translation - Shop: Wishlist page ID Issue #63423
  • BeCustom plugin - BeBuilder - Custom preloader logo
  • White Label mode - Remove the rest of the template identification informationsSuggestion #63424
05 May 2022 - Version 26.3.2 NULLED
New features
  • Shop - Products list - Filters - Option to hide 'List sorting' and 'Results count' Check feature
  • Shop - Single product - Lightbox options Check feature
  • Icon bar shortcode - Social type: Instagram
  • Shop - Single product - Images gallery - Space below gallery if one of the images is larger than the others Issue #63189
  • Shop - Inactive add to cart button color
  • Shop - Variations visibility if attribute is set to 'Any..'
  • Shop - Active 'Add to wishlist' button color
  • Shop - Live search - Product price format
  • BeBuilder - Select fields with categories and slider plugins was not updated after modifying them
  • BeBuilder - Click on empty space between sections with margin
  • BeBuilder - Color field - Color picker not show the current color Issue #63262
  • BeBuilder - Images gallery element - Images reorder
  • BeBuilder - Element size: 5/6 - Missing HTML tag
  • BeBuilder - Sticky wrap - Clone Issue #63274
  • BeBuilder + BeCustom plugin - Proloader logo removed; Builder logo can be replaced
  • Templates - Shop products page - Breadcrumbs - Page link Issue #63295
  • Pages with BeBuilder and Elementor content - Duplicated lightbox
  • Child theme - BeBuilder - Delete element - Missing warning icon Issue #63336
21 Apr 2022 - Version 26.3.1 NULLED
New features
  • Shop - Single product - Add to cart button position
  • Shop - Templates - Single product display conditions
  • Shop - Templates - Single product - Short description element - Parsing shortcodes
  • Shop - Templates - Disabling Custom Variation Swatches
  • Shop - Templates - Variations that changes SKU for specific variation
  • Shop - Different slug and name for attributes not appearing in product variations
  • Shop - Select a larger stock level than the one set with AJAX on
  • Section - Shape dividers - Multiple 'Gradient Opacity' dividers color
  • Icon Box element - Link target attribute
  • Icon Box element - Default icon color. Check option
  • Hover color element - Unwanted inline style: border-radius
  • Header Creative - Options: Scrollable + Dropdown menu - Scroll event
  • Entrance Animations - Starting point of the animation when element margin is negative. Issue #63199
  • BeBuilder - Import/Export single page builder content
  • BeBuilder - Gradient field - Disappearing value
  • BeBuilder - Option to hide section. Issue #63187
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Column Text element - Editor window size
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Shortcode manager - Icon select field
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Heading and Icon Box elements - Resize
  • Elementor - PHP Notice - _register_controls is deprecated
  • Gravity Forms plugin + BeBuilder - Server timeout. Issue #63024
  • WPML plugin - Translation Editor - Use local CSS styles from page in native language if styles do not exist
  • Shop - Templates - Changes are even more live and instant
05 Apr 2022 - Version 26.3 NULLED
New features
  • BeBuilder - Typography field - Responsive values
  • BeBuilder - Tabs field (Accordion, FAQ, Tabs)
  • BeBuilder - History - Autosave every 5 minutes
  • BeBuilder - New wrap size on tablet
  • BeBuilder - Element edit - Advanced tab - Responsive visibility
  • BeBuilder - Sidebar widget element - Content disappears if first sidebar is selected
  • BeBuilder - Data Storage - Issue with importing templates when Serialized data storage set
  • Accessibility - Side slide menu - Close menu on Enter key press on menu link
  • Main menu - Arrows for Items with Submenu
  • Shop - Search results - Price includes tax if this option as selected
  • Rank Math SEO plugin - Content update on builder element remove
23 Mar 2022 - Version 26.2.1 NULLED


  • BeBuilder - Section - Divider element - Size
  • BeBuilder - Tabs element - PHP error
  • BeBuilder - Column Text element - Inline editor - Font family select
  • Firefox - BeBuilder - Typography field - Font family select
22 Mar 2022 - Version 26.2 NULLED
New features
  • BeBuilder - Undo/Redo
  • Table of contents element - BeBuilder Heading element support
  • Translate - Shop - "Wishlist is empty" + "Go to shop" translation strings
  • Accessibility - Keyboard support - Main menu link with submenu
  • Section - Navigation arrows - Arrows visibility and scroll offset
  • Post edit screen - Featured image - SVG image height
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Image gallery element preview - SVG images
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Box shadow field - Colorpicker value
  • WPML plugin - Translation Editor - Use local CSS styles from page in native language if styles do not exist
  • BeBuilder - Speed improvements
  • BeBuilder - Single Product Template - Preview
  • BeBuilder - Shop Archive Template - Preview
13 Mar 2022 - Version 26.1 NULLED
New features
  • Accessibility. Check feature →
    - Keyboard support - Improves core navigation functionalities for non-mouse users; also, it adds ARIA Landmark Roles
    - Underline links - Make content links more distinguishable from surrounding content by adding underline
    - Repetitive link title - Use post title in addition to the "Read more" text
    - Warning on links - When spawning new window or tab, warn the user using browser alert method
  • Theme Options - Logo - Option to set different SVG logo width on tablet and mobile. Check feature →
  • Table of contents element - Links format select - SEO friendly or Simple (for languages based on non URL friendly characters)
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Car Rental 3Food Truck 2
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Car Rental 3Food Truck 2
  • BeBuilder - Elements - Entrance animations - Start when the element is visible
  • Article box element - Border radius
  • Featured image for all post types - SVG image width
  • Header Creative - Dropdown submenu - Menu width
  • JS - Removed deprecated size() function
  • CSS - Google fonts with spaces in their name are not quoted
  • Elementor widget - List - SVG icon
  • Mobile - Shop - Single product - Content wrapper width
  • Mobile - Overflow logo covers icons
  • Shop - Templates - Categories and Tags - Conditions
  • Shop - Templates - Product description - Element styles
  • Shop - Checkout - Stripe payment
  • BeCustom plugin + BeBuilder - Missing filters added
  • Classic Editor plugin + Disable full-height editor - Edit with BeBuilder button
  • Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin - PHP error - Call to a member function get_id
25 Feb 2022 - Version 26.0.2 NULLED


  • BeBuilder - Option to hide section
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Options to hide and collapse section
  • BeBuilder Blocks - Column element - Typography options
  • Blog - Single post - Option to hide Featured image - Unwanted space removed
  • Contact box shortcode - Background
  • Footer - Call to action - Column width
  • Map advanced element - Contact box background
  • Share box shortcode - Show even if Share Box is disabled in Theme Options
  • Sliding box element - Title bar - Global background and color
  • Theme Options - Subheader transparency - Unable to save '0' value
  • Under Construction page
  • Mobile - Blog - Single post - Intro header width
  • Shop - Single product - Columns margin
  • Shop - Filters position and select box-shadow
  • Shop - Widget: Be Shop Attributes - Checkbox click
  • Shop - Wishlist page
23 Feb 2022 - Version 26.0.1 NULLED


  • Minor PHP Warning: trim() expect paremater to be string
  • Minor PHP Notice: Undefined index
  • Rank Math SEO plugin - JS console error: Missing dependencies
23 Feb 2022 - Version 26.0 NULLED

New features

    BeBuilder with Advanced Content Management. What you see is what you get.

  • Dimensions, paddings and margins
  • Flexible positioning
  • Responsive editing
  • In-line editing
  • Layer Navigator
  • Handy tools on right click
  • Auto, Light & Dark UI mode
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • And much more awesome features to improve your workflow. Read more →

  • 2 Pre-built websites: Blogger 4Business 5
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Blogger 4Business 5
19 Jan 2022 - Version NULLED


  • Muffin Live - PHP error preventing opening
05 Jan 2022 - Version 25.1.8 NULLED
22 Dec 2021 - Version 25.1.7 NULLED
11 Dec 2021 - Version NULLED


  • PHP error on certain server settings after theme installation
08 Dec 2021 - Version 25.1.6 NULLED
25 Nov 2021 - Version NULLED


  • Classic Editor plugin - Visual editor in column element
24 Nov 2021 - Version 25.1.5 NULLED
10 Nov 2021 - Version 25.1.4 NULLED
28 Oct 2021 - Version 25.1.3 NULLED
New features
  • Shop - Category page - Additional content field above and below products list
  • Live search as Builder element
  • Live search - Enter and Escape keys support, click outside box to close
  • Live search - Translation of some text.
  • Search page - Layout options.
  • Single Post options - Full width page or content
  • Single Portfolio options - Full width page or content
  • Option to hide WordPress Editor if you use only Muffin Builder.
  • Fancy link shortcode - Option to select Google Font
  • Fancy link shortcode - Style: Icon below link
  • Highlight shortcode - Style: Underline
  • WPML plugin - Translate Everything compatibility
  • 2 Pre-built websites: FranchiseCottage 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: FranchiseCottage 3
  • Shop - Quick view - Hide unvanted default variations
  • Shop - Quick view - Parse shortcodes
  • Shop - Single product template - Short description - Parse shortcodes
  • Shop slider element - Unwanted style tab removed
  • Shop - Checkout page - Stripe payment separator removed
  • Live Builder - Shop products - Duplicated layout options on font size change
  • Search - Search in shop products only - Sidebar position
  • Template: Single product - Product content element in full width section - Margin of inner elements
  • Header style: Shop - Main menu position when there is only one menu selected
  • Custom icons - Icomoon icon name including comma
  • Info box, Opening hours elements - Tabs shows even when all items removed
16 Oct 2021 - Version NULLED
New features
  • SVG files upload. Check feature →
  • Side slide menu - Close the menu on One page after link click
  • Shop - Checkout - Payment method - PayPal
  • Shop - Checkout - "Procced to PayPal" button text if Paypal is selected as payment method
  • Shop - Cart - "Your cart is empty" message
  • Shop - Quick view - Variation select
  • Header style: Shop + Mega Menu style: Default
  • Builder - Empty section added - Minor PHP notice
  • - Custom icons - Upload path
  • HTML5 video - Native browser player - Preload attribute set to metadata
13 Oct 2021 - Version 25.1.2 NULLED
New features
  • Shop - Products list - Check if AJAX add to cart option is enabled in WooCommerce settings before adding to cart
  • Shop - Grouped product - Check in any product is selected before adding to cart
  • Shop - Products list - Items background color - Affects also Builder elements
  • Shop - Price filter widget - Slider - Range color
  • Shop - External/Affiliate product - Add to cart button text
  • Shop - Single product shortcode
  • Shop - Missing woocommerce_before_main_content hook
  • Blog & Portfolio - Posts list - Items background color - Affects also Builder elements
  • Image frame - Other than Modern overlay - Unwanted tooltip removed
  • Image element - Option to hide border
  • Mobile - Portfolio style: List
  • Theme Options - Remove shadows - Image frame mask
  • WPBakery Page Builder - Portfolio element - Lightbox
  • Child theme - Custom icons upload path
  • CSS in head - Better minify method
06 Oct 2021 - Version 25.1.1 NULLED
New features
  • Muffin Builder - Column item - Option to use visual instead of code editor
    [ Muffin Builder > Settings > Column item editor ]
  • Muffin Builder - Builder content when update from very old Betheme version
  • Shop - Cart page - Cart totals - Shipping address position
  • Shop - Side cart: Disabled - Add to cart
  • Shop - Single product - Hide description tab if content is empty
  • Image Frame - Default mask color was set to #fff without opacity
  • Firefox browser - Shop - Side cart opens when browser Back button clicked
  • Iubenda Cookie Baner compatibility - Buttons
  • Live Builder - Visual item - Editor size and look
03 Oct 2021 - Version NULLED


  • Shop - Product cart button - Button text - Default text instead of empty string
  • Shop - Widget cart - Update on add to cart action
  • Header style: Shop + Mega Menu style: Default - Menu position and width
  • User icon when Avatar Display is disabled
  • Login - Close login window on click outside the modal
  • GDPR Cookie Bar - z-index


  • Plugin: BeCustom - Visual Builder compatibility
15 Sep 2021 - Version 25.0.4 NULLED

New features

  • Muffin Builder - Option to reverse elements order on mobile
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Event 6, Dentist 4
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Event 6, Dentist 4


  • Shop - Variation Swatches - Attributes - Visible on the product page
  • Shop - Multiple products - Quantity input
  • Shop - Wishlist - Cookie unique name and path
  • Mobile - Menu style: Classic - Icons position
  • White Label - Muffin Builder - Introduction guide
09 Sep 2021 - Version NULLED


  • Cache plugins compatibility
07 Sep 2021 - Version 25.0.3 NULLED

New features

  • GDPR Cookie Bar Check option →
  • Builders - Color field - HTML color names and CSS variables support
  • Blog - Single post - Option to hide featured images. Check option →
  • Portfolio - Single portfolio - Option to hide featured images. Check option →
  • Shop - Option to disable Custom Variation Swatches if you use external plugin. Check option →


  • Shop - Variation Swatches - Custom product attributes separated by "|"
  • Woo Builder - Single product - Duplicated product content
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin - Accidentally post update by clicking the Enter key
  • Header Plain - Top bar right - Position
  • Countdown element - Unwanted bottom spacing


  • Translation Files - New translation strings
02 Sep 2021 - Version 25.0.2 NULLED

* Fixed: Elementor - Widget Panel not loading

* Improved: Popup Contact Form - Close modal when click outside modal

01 Sep 2021 - Version 25.0.1 NULLED


  • Shop - Muffin Shop Attributes widget
  • PHP notice - Failed to send buffer of zlib output compression


  • Muffin Builder - Settings are now stored in database instead of cookie
31 Aug 2021 - Version 25.0 NULLED

New features


  • Elementor 3.4 - Betheme elements - Icons


  • WPML compatibility - WPML config file
11 Aug 2021 - Version 24.0.3 NULLED

New features

  • Single page import by copying pre-built website page URL
  • [ Muffin Builder > Single page import icon ]
  • Infinite load for Blog & Portfolio - Load posts endlessly as you scroll down the page
  • [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog/Portfolio > Infinite scroll ]
  • 2 Pre-built websites: Flower 2, Church 3
  • 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Flower 2, Church 3


  • Muffin Builder - Column item - Shortcode manager - Share box
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin - Column item - Shortcode manager - Unwanted scroll
  • WPBakery Page Builder - Be Popup shortcode


  • WordPress 5.8 - Block widgets compatibility
27 Jul 2021 - Version 24.0.2 NULLED

New features

  • Custom Icons - Choose, upload and use exactly the icons you actually need [ Betheme > Icons ]
  • 3 Pre-built websites: eBook 3, Cottage 2, Consultant 2
  • 22 Elementor pre-built websites: Blogger 3, Cleaner 2, Honey, Biker 3, App 5, Print 3, SeaJourney, Factory 2, Webinar, Boxing, Taxi 2, Marathon, Video 3, Hosting 3, Spa 4, SEO 3, Lawyer 5, Transport 3, Insurance 3, eBook 3, Cottage 2, Consultant 2


  • WordPress 5.8 - Muffin Builder - Introduction guide - Overlay z-index
  • Live Builder - Pre-built sections - Unwanted duplication of sections
  • Live Builder - Site settings: Plain permalinks
  • Muffin Builder - Add item modal - Space key used in search field
  • Slider item - Style: Flat - Arrows background removed
16 Jul 2021 - Version NULLED


  • Plugin: BeCustom - Theme Options compatibility


  • Betheme dashboard - Minor code cleanup
15 Jul 2021 - Version NULLED


  • Elementor 3.3 - Pre-built websites - Fatal error while importing Elementor pre-built website


  • Article box item - CSS changed to flex for a better look
13 Jul 2021 - Version 24.0.1 NULLED

New features

  • Plugin: BeCustom - Re-brand Be to your own product
  • Live Builder - Page Options
  • Live Builder - New page and draft support
  • Muffin Builder - New section - One click template insert
  • Muffin Builder - 54 New Pre-built sections
  • Header style: Overlay - Close with ESC key
  • WordPress 5.8 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 2 version


  • Live Builder - Tabs field - HTML tag in live preview
  • Muffin Builder - Wrap divider - Prevent double click
  • Theme Options - Shadows - Include Accordion and Tabs items
  • [ Theme Options > Global > Advanced > Options > Shadows ]
  • Theme Options - Prefefined Theme Skin - Lightbox close button
  • WPBakery Page Builder - Duplicated lightbox
06 Jul 2021 - Version 24.0 NULLED

New features

  • The only such fast & intuitive Live Builder
  • View en element and customise it at the same time
  • Live responsive preview for desktop, table & mobile
  • 4 Pre-built websites: Surfing 2, Mechanic 7, Tea 4, Interior 6
  • 26 Elementor pre-built websites: Blogger 2, Car Wash 2, Paintball 2, Ice Cream 2, Halloween, Coach, Oculist 2, Driving 2, Plumber 2, Spa 5, Call Center 2, Party 2, Horse 2, 3D Print, Kindergarten 3, Repair 3, Language 3, Xmas 3, Eco 3, Fisher, Dance School 2, Eco Food, Surfing 2, Mechanic 7, Tea 4, Interior 6


  • Muffin Builder - Pre-built sections - Unique IDs
  • Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin - Item preview image width
  • Shop - Checkout - Order received - Address box styles
  • Elementor plugin - Site settings - Page Layout: Elementor - BeGallery widget


  • Muffin Builder - Element edit - Double click on element to edit
15 Jun 2021 - Version 23.0.4 NULLED
29 May 2021 - Version 23.0.2 NULLED
28 May 2021 - Version 23.0.1 NULLED
25 May 2021 - Version 23.0 NULLED
07 May 2021 - Version 22.0.3 NULLED
15 Apr 2021 - Version NULLED
10 Apr 2021 - Version 22.0.2 NULLED
19 Mar 2021 - Version 22.0.1 NULLED
26 Feb 2021 - Version 22.0 NULLED
14 Feb 2021 - Version 21.9.9 NULLED
14 Feb 2021 - Version 21.9.9 NULLED
29 Jan 2021 - Version 21.9.8 NULLED
13 Jan 2021 - Version 21.9.7 NULLED
30 Dec 2020 - Version 21.9.6 Nulled
09 Dec 2020 - Version 21.9.5 Nulled
26 Nov 2020 - Version 21.9.4 Nulled
11 Nov 2020 - Version 21.9.3 NULLED
04 Nov 2020 - Version 21.9.2 NULLED
27 Oct 2020 - Version 21.9.1 NULLED
21 Oct 2020 - Version 21.9 NULLED
Note for Buyer
Please purchare this item you can see note for Buyer !
Read before purchase
  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
Support :
  • Our support team is available 24/7, if you have any question or need help in installing or configuring digital products purchased on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 24-09-2024
Catégorie Corporate
Taille du fichier 12.05 MB
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