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Advanced iFrame Pro - V2023.9

Version: 2023.9

Item cover for download Advanced iFrame Pro


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18 Nov 2023 - Version 2023.9
11 Sep 2023 - Version 2023.7
08 Jul 2023 - Version 2023.4
19 Apr 2023 - Version 2023.2
15 Feb 2023 - Version 2023
10 Oct 2022 - Version 2022.6

- New: The HTML attribute refererpolicy is now available in the administration and as shortcode attribute.

- New: Custom attributes can be added on the basic attributes page and in the shortcode. The shortcode attribute for this is custom="". e.g. custom="data-custom='data1' data-custom-2='data2'" if you like to add 2 custom attributes. See for an example.

- New: Check all iframes is now also checking Gutenberg pages and display the page type in the tool-tip. Also normal HTML iframes are detected. So you can replaced them with advanced iframes.  

- New: src which are only numbers are now marked as invalid in the "check all iframes" feature.

- New: Some themes like Twenty Twenty-Two required an additional p around the iframe to be placed properly. To render this element you can set now add_surrounding_p="true". 

- New: Enhanced the documentation of the HTML property "allow". 

- New: Enhanced registration message. The message cannot be removed permanently anymore as not all features are available anymore if have not entered it.

- New: Invalid purchase codes are removed and not only a message is shown. 

- New: Enhanced sub domain documentation for the upcoming change in chrome 109 - see:

- New: Tested with Wordpress 6.0.2

- Fix: replace_query_data which is used in the placeholder replacement like param={query-param} was using a non static method in a static context. This is not supported since php 8.0 anymore. This was causing a "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method ... cannot be called statically" error. 

- Fix: The standalone version file was missing a "," in the settings section that made the whole version failing.

- Fix: check_iframe_batch_size new default is now 20 as the 100 before was not reliable enough. 

- Fix: The link in the registration message was linked to the wrong part of the options tab. Now it goes directly where you can enter the purchase code.

- Fix: When saving a post the url was not checked even it was not enabled. Now ai_checkUrlStatus is called properly when the classic editor is used. 

11 Jun 2022 - Version 2022.5
15 May 2022 - Version 2022.4

- Fix: The WordPress theme Twenty Twenty-Two evaluates shortcodes before the body only. The advanced iframe pro optimization to prevent this leads to the issue that the iframes are not shown there! The optimization is now disabled by default and can be enabled on the options tab at "Technical options" -> "Prevent early shortcode execution". At the description you find the instructions how to check if the optimization will improve your site.

- Fix: When the setting loading (default HTML lazy loading) to false the loading HTML attribute was still rendered. Now it is not rendered anymore like described in the documentation. 

- Fix: In 2022.3 the optimization for the timeout was containing a bug for the resize. This is now fixed. 

- Fix: aiRemoveFile does now also have a nonce and the check for it. This is no security issue as deleting an already deleted file causes no problems.

31 Mar 2022 - Version 2022.3

- New: Fullscreen button on the iframe. Enabling this will add a button on the iframe where you can switch between a normal and a fullscreen iframe like youtube videos. It does support top, bottom and also if a scrollbar is in the iframe: top_scroll and bottom_scroll. See:

- New: All features that modifies the iframe content (hide, modify css, onload_show_element_only, change targets/links ...) can now also be delayed with onload_resize_delay on the same domain. For the external workaround this was already implemented.

- New: If enable_lazy_load is enabled the html lazy loading is disabled as it does not make sense to have both.

- Fix: When you enter the URL directly in the administration WordPress replaces & with & This now replaced again by & internally again.

- Fix: "Support WP multisite" was not working in all situations when the iframe communication solution was used. It is now only supported when using postMessage and removed for the iframe communication. As this feature is part of the pro version where postMessage is the recommended solution anyway, only users should be affected who forgot to switch to postMessage.

- Fix: Resize on element resize was bound to one variable name for all iframes. Now every iframe on the page gets its own one. This prevents that 2 iframe overwrite the resize method of the other one.  

- Fix: Resize on element resize and lazy load could lead to an error as a variable was not reintialized when the iframe code is added to the page.

05 Feb 2022 - Version 2022.2

 Fix: The title was set to a space on all pages if use_iframe_title_for_parent was activated. And only on iframe pages it was set properly. This part of the feature was now removed again.

04 Feb 2022 - Version 2022.1

- Fix: use_iframe_title_for_parent was rending in the free version the Javascript variable where a backup of the title is stored into the title tag. This does actually work for normal users. Still this not very nice at all. 

- Fix: use_iframe_title_for_parent was only partly working when SEO plugins where active which also modified the title. Now the hook pre_get_document_title is used to get the current title.

31 Jan 2022 - Version 2022
07 Oct 2021 - Version 2021.9

- Fix: The minimizer for ai.js changed the url and therefore minimized files where brocken. The minimizer is now disabled until I find a new more reliable one. Please update asap. You administration will not work anymore! Please uninstall and install the new version. Sorry for the inconvenience.

23 Sep 2021 - Version 2021.8

- Fix: Setting hide_content_until_iframe_color was causing a problem in the Gutenberg editor as there some code was rendered into the json response. Now in editor mode this part is rendered later and in normal mode still where it needs to be to work properly. The div which hides the whole page needs to be rendered before the plugin itself because otherwise you first see the page for a small time and then the page is hidden. And this is exatly what the feature should prevent!

- Fix: Version numbers where not updated in 2021.7. It was still showing 2021.6 in the header.

16 Mar 2021 - Version 2021.1
30 Dec 2020 - Version 2020.10
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 18-11-2023
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