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WPMU DEV - Forminator Pro - V1.36

Version: 1.36

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26 Oct 2024 - Version 1.36
27 Aug 2023 - Version 1.25
16 Jul 2023 - Version 1.24.4
22 May 2023 - Version 1.23.4
12 Apr 2023 - Version 1.23.3
16 Dec 2022 - Version 1.22.0

- Improvement: Support repeated groups of fields with Webhook and GSheet integrations

- Improvement: Use Repeater in Calculation field

- Improvement: Provide a horizontal placement option for multiple field names

- Fix: Calculations field in repeater groups use only the first item used in the formula, not the items in that group

- Fix: Submission export breaks when fields aren't filled out

- Fix: Unable to select files when Multiple File Upload field is repeated and Form is Loaded using Ajax

- Fix: Having more than one Field Group and disabling Repeater in settings does not change the Minimum Repeater Limit

- Fix: Only the first item in the required field is validated when the field is repeated and the form does not have inline validation

- Fix: When Form is loaded using Ajax and Hustle popup has a form embedded that also has a number field, custom limits values do not work

- Fix: Validation error for required checkbox disappears for first group item when Form is Load using ajax

- Fix: Required option does not allow to submit form when field group is hidden due to visibility rule

- Fix: Group visibility is not applied to child fields, it causes error if the subfields are required and doesn't allow the submission

- Fix: Missing data on submission page and in CSV files

- Fix: Paypal field still accepts payments even if there's an error on Forms

- Fix: Forminator JavaScript loops

- Fix: Number field does not show Limits both custom error messages on Forms

- Fix: Same field ID of multiple forms on a single page

- Fix: Submission behaviour has a blank space added on redirect URL behaviour

- Fix: Redirect to URL containing space between Query Parameters get stripped

- Fix: Checkbox required message not showing up if at first if inline validation enabled

- Fix: Hubspot selected Items are added but invisible in ticket description

- Fix: Forminator inline CSS is overriding the pagination footer

- Fix: Featured Image not showing proper in Preview with None feature

- Fix: Create new quiz popup options is misaligned

- Fix: The email field is not aligned on the Submissions page

- Fix: Visibility rules from repeater field overwrite rules in second items

- Fix: Stripe field still accepts payments even when there's an error on Forms

- Fix: Incorrect usage of aria-describedby

- Fix: Fatal Error on submitting form when Integration has condition using Date

- Fix: All phone number validations reset to Afghanistan after plugin update

30 Nov 2022 - Version 1.21.0

- Fix: Security improvements

- Fix: Lead submissions to an unpublished quiz

- Fix: Signature field does not work on Divi Popups

- Fix: Stripe field not visible in pop-ups with on-click triggers

- Fix: MailChimp Tags Modal window doesn't appear for quizzes

- Fix: Phone field "National" validation fails when entering a valid international number

- Fix: If Akismet protection is enabled, the form will display a warning when the Signature field is submitted

- Fix: Redirect after submission isn't working

- Fix: API method for adding polls isn't working

- Fix: It is only possible to pre-populate a query variable if the option is set to 'Selected'

- Fix: Uncaught exception for Mailchimp causes a fatal error

- Fix: Register/login links disappear after submission

- Fix: Multiselect email routing bug

- Fix: Content filed in the Post Data field doesn't work with save and continue

- Fix: The thousands separator is not working in email when using the {calc-ID} macro

- Fix: Although calculations is disabled for a Number field, it is still used in calculations

- Fix: The ampersand (&) sign is counted as 5 characters instead of 1

- Fix: Bypass adding the required email notification recipient

- Fix: Error when adding an ampersand (&) sign as a Checkbox option value

- Fix: PayPal shows an error message when adding multiple forms with a PayPal button on the same page

- Fix: An extra "+" character is added to phone number upon submission if the number is incorrect

- Fix: Performing calculations on two number fields are initially out of sync when using the increase/decrease buttons

16 Oct 2022 - Version 1.19.0

- New: Field group

- New: Repeater for field group

- Improvement: Replace Google fonts with Bunny fonts for GDPR compliance

- Improvement: Change "Setup" to "Set Up" in all modal windows

- Fix: When high contrast mode is enabled, the dropdown form selector displays as usual

- Fix: Bulk Actions do not have Publish/Unpublish options

- Fix: Field value is empty when the condition includes a checkbox with capital letters

- Fix: Recaptcha issue with Complianz plugin

- Fix: Issues with dropdown values

- Fix: Issues with quizzes on mobile

- Fix: Poll Result does not display after submission

- Fix: Some languages have misaligned fields

- Fix: Accessibility issue in Forminator Export Area

- Fix: Windows high contrast mode accessibility issue

- Fix: Signature field breaks PayPal

- Fix: UI issues when high contrast mode is enabled

- Fix: Receive multiple submissions when clicking the submit button several times

- Fix: Emails added in the email notification tab are deleted when Save and Continue is disabled

- Fix: CSV export file size is 3 bytes despite having entries

01 Oct 2022 - Version 1.18.2

Improvement: Membership detection

13 Sep 2022 - Version 1.18.1

- Fix: Registration form not submitted due to password mismatch

- Fix: Form does not submit with Stripe field in the same row as other fields

- Fix: Reports increase in percentage arrows are red instead of green

06 Sep 2022 - Version 1.18.0

- New: Forminator Reports to help with tracking performance of forms, polls, and quizzes

- Add: Admin email Macro {admin_email}

- Improvement: Convert Zapier integration to Webhook integration

- Improvement: Additional appearance settings for Input Border Radius and Hover Colours

- Improvement: Replace Select placeholder default "null" to "Search"

- Fix: Checkboxes and selects do not save multiple selections separately

- Fix: A float cannot be used as a number if inline validation is disabled

- Fix: The time picker checks on time limits in real-time

- Fix: The checkbox fields aren't showing up as checked

- Fix: Conditions apply when the visibility rules are set to Hidden

- Fix: Validation of email fields is not disabled

- Fix: Safari does not support e-signature

- Fix: Conditions not working for the address field

- Fix: Can't clear date limits for the Datepicker field

- Fix: Error when Site Registration is enabled on the registration form

- Fix: Issue with ACF and file upload field in the registration form

- Fix: Going out of range for the number field when using the up/down arrow keys

- Fix: Selecting a default future date does not show the correct date for specific date formats

- Fix: Visibility conditions don't work when adding the Stripe field and not connecting it

- Fix: A calculation field's 'hidden' setting is overridden if a 'visibility' condition has been set previously and not deleted

- Fix: The PayPal and Stripe fields do not appear in Divi's popup

- Fix: Issue with Stripe 3D secure payment

- Fix: Load form Ajax conflict with SEOpress plugin

- Fix: the e-signature is not saved after submission

- Fix: PayPal displays an error when two different forms with PayPal buttons are added to the same page

- Fix: Max and Min Limits are not working when setting a number field as required

- Fix: Address field does not work with query parameters

- Fix: Stripe field doesn't exist error

- Fix: Values for select fields are not saved when visibility is dependent on a checkbox

- Fix: Error when input field visibility is dependent on a select box

- Fix: Limit validation fails for the Currency field when using some formatting separators

- Fix: Form Email Routing does not work with recipients added from Select or Radio buttons

- Fix: Visibility conditions fail for a Textarea field dependant on Currency and Calculations fields

- Fix: Failing to validate numeric fields in some cases

- Fix: The country flags are broken in the phone field on mobile devices

- Fix: The country code does not appear for the default country

- Fix: Symbols do not work with Stripe metadata

- Fix:  Checkbox pre-selected option is removed when its visibility is dependent on another field

- Fix: The year select dropdown displays the current year instead of "Select year" when the Datepicker field type is set to dropdown and the Year Range 'To' filed is set to a future date

- Fix: Stripe field does not work with visibility conditions

- Fix: Removing a custom error message doesn't revert to the default one

- Fix: The pre-populate function only works if the query variable is after the selected option

- Fix: Comma or Separators in Fields cause some problems

- Fix: Stripe Font is not Displaying Correctly

- Fix: Stripe failing with 0 balance form

- Fix: No value is passed when the calculation field is mapped to a custom field and submitted

- Fix: Error when having null values for hidden fields set as required

- Fix: Conflict with Ultimate Member plugin

- Fix: Textarea field label issue with RTL

- Fix: The fields are not prefilled via the URL query when setting the Name field to Multiple

- Fix: Number and Text fields do not display 0 on the front end when 0 is set as the default value

- Fix: Some fields are cut off when adding a Page Break

- Fix: The Select Field requires a placeholder if set as required

- Fix: Names and values of select/radio fields do not sync

- Fix: Recaptcha does not work in Divi's popup

- Fix:  Removing spaces before a tag in the Text field description

- Fix: Returning an empty array or WP_Error object in the get_forms() method of the Forminator API

- Fix: HTML Validator posts errors coming from Forminator

- Fix: Upload file issue on mobile applications

- Fix: The description field in HubSpot does not work

- Fix: Fields are missing in email notifications

- Fix: The pagination progress bar and next button disappear from the form

- Fix: Calculation field decimal separator causes an infinite loop in JS

- Fix: Posts are created when the inline validation option is disabled

- Fix: Form is not submitting with Stripe field in the same row with other fields

- Fix: Trello integration does not add cards

- Fix: Browser console error when adding the same form twice on the same page

- Fix: PayPal does not work when Pre-fill Billing Details is disabled

- Fix: Incorrect Country flag showing up in Phone field

- Fix: PayPal module doesn't show up when pagination is enabled

- Fix: Recaptcha and hCaptcha verification fail if Stripe field is hidden

- Fix: Forminator will only add the associated ticket to Hubspot If the contact belongs to a list

- Fix: Quiz ActiveCampaign integration issue

- Fix: Active Campaign integration doesn't show the correct fields

- Fix: Mailchimp submission error with radio type

- Fix: Consent filed label always shows an asterisk even if it is not required

- Fix: The number field in the stripe description create a fatal error

23 Jul 2022 - Version 1.17.2

- Add: Email body merge tag added with {submission_id}

- Improvement: Nonce is not validated by default upon submit

- Improvement: Scrolling quiz results

- Fix: Adding the same form twice to the same page causes an error

- Fix: PHP notice while activating Hubspot in the Integration tab for a specific form

- Fix: Spam trigger in email and Zapier integration submissions

- Fix: Redirect_uri_mismatch when you authorize Google sheets

- Fix: An invalid redirect_uri in Hubspot integration

- Fix: Aweber is not showing the entire list

- Fix: Newly added tags are not visible in Mailchimp

- Fix: Consent is not sent to Mailchimp

- Fix: ActiveCampaign checkboxes issue

- Fix: Adding square brackets to Google sheets

- Fix: Issue with Zapier integration

- Fix: Fatal Error on MailChimp

- Fix: Stripe Subscription fatal error on live payments

- Fix: An apostrophe is added to numbers in Google Sheets integration

- Fix: Fortress DB fatal error when submitting a form

- Fix: Timepicker 00 hour and minutes issue

- Fix: Slack Re-authorize buttons are not aligned

- Fix: Submission date filter is not working for quizzes

- Fix: Incorrect validation message when the upload limit is exceeded

- Fix: Empty registration form value in submission

- Fix: Fatal error when viewing submissions of Lead Quiz Knowledge

- Fix: Calculation and checkbox visibility bug

- Fix: Disable Search on Select field doesn't work

- Fix: A Hustle pop-up infinite scroll

- Fix: Close/Deactivate button alignment issue on the Integrations screen

- Fix: UI issue in Behavior Lifespan field

- Fix: Improve email validation

- Fix: Adding a link after a file field results in removing a character

- Fix: Trello design issue between label and dropdown

- Fix: {submission_id} merge tag doesn't work in Trello integration

- Fix: Form Data doesn't work in HTML field text editor

- Fix: Form Email routing is not working correctly

- Fix: Timepicker limits are not working

- Fix: HTML field does not display the time value after submission

- Fix: Material Design issue in textarea

- Fix: Can't edit checkbox and radio options

- Fix: Border style is not working for the selected answer image

- Fix: If there are spaces in select field values, emails contain 0 instead of the actual value

- Fix: Missing form button on the post editing screen when using the Classic Editor

- Fix: Select dropdown doesn't recognize keystrokes

- Fix: Displaying several instances of ActiveCampaign

- Fix: Lifespan Expiry Date doesn't work when site language is Spanish

- Fix: Multiple image file attachments don't display correctly in Trello integration

- Fix: Failing to check registered user

- Fix: Input fields color issue on Safari

- Fix: Error using the offset value on the Datepicker field

- Fix: Field visibility cannot be set based on the day

01 Jul 2022 - Version 1.17.1

- Fix: Ajax forms load without returning the values of the fields for partial submissions

- Fix: Limit validation fails for the Currency field

25 Jun 2022 - Version 1.17.0

- Features: Partial submissions

- Add: Giveaway campaign

- Add: Resend email button to Submissions page

- Improvement: Clean-up and maintenance in admin styles

- Improvement: Edit form button on frontend

- Fix: Close icon is missing in email notification tab

- Fix: Rich-text editor bugs with pagination

- Fix: Nested options in Quiz shows scrollbar

- Fix: For quizzes and polls, the dropdown label is not aligned with the dropdown

- Fix: Checkbox does not pass the correct value to URL

- Fix: A custom class isn't applied to the submit button

- Fix: User registration does not store signature meta

- Fix: The form data featured image should only accept images

- Fix: The embed URL field is incorrect

- Fix: The Poll Appearance padding does not work

- Fix: jQuery "ready" method deprecated

- Fix: Views are not properly counted

- Fix: Incorrect encoding of characters

- Fix: Stripe fields can be submitted multiple times

- Fix: When Decimal Points are set in the Currency Field, the visibility does not work

- Fix: ReCaptcha does not work on popups

- Fix: Chinese characters are cut off in submissions and emails

- Fix: Even if the radio/checkbox/dropdown field has a value other than one that the owner added, the form still submits

- Fix: Error on form submission with invalid nonce

- Fix: List of countries where conditions do not work

- Fix: Next week's dates have been selected

- Fix: A few fields on the quiz lead do not use custom fonts

- Fix: Error in activation email for user registration

- Fix: In Elementor Popups, Forminator Load From Ajax does not work

- Fix: In the Setup Name screen, there is a description

- Fix: When Hummingbird Page caching is active, Forminator Form stops rendering after nonce expiry

- Fix: The Preview Notice on submissions shows '0'

- Fix: When I try to submit the quiz lead form as a guest, it doesn't show any message about 'Enable logged in submission only'

- Fix: Consent does not work with custom error messages

- Fix: The submission schedule export does not work for monthly and weekly submissions

- Fix: CSV template download no longer works

01 Jun 2022 - Version 1.16.2

- Fix: Blank PHP file issue while creating Polls

- Fix: Visibility conditions don't work with subfields

29 May 2022 - Version 1.16.1

- Fix: HTML field is not working

- Fix: Can't submit the registration form when the Autofill option is enabled

- Fix: Custom field is not rendering slug value

22 May 2022 - Version 1.16.0

- Improvement: Refactor submission process

- Fix: Member function fatal error after updating the latest version

08 May 2022 - Version 1.15.14

- Fix: Submission indicator is not working in validation error

- Fix: Form name input field is not working while the New Update popup opens

- Fix: Typo on the links for Invisible hCaptcha

- Fix: manage_forminator capability no longer exists in user role

- Fix: HubSpot and AWeber Identifier aren't working

- Fix: Whitespace in select fields causing error in visibility conditions

- Fix: Fields do not support blank space from URLs

27 Apr 2022 - Version 1.15.13

- Improvement: 2FA functionality backward compatibility with Defender

- Improvement: Show Localized numbers in the HTML field

- Improvement: Replace Forminator registration form activation URLs with a more generic URL

- Fix: Multiple polls getting closed on the same page

- Fix: Select field's bulk edit affects visibility rules

- Fix: Multi upload does not remove the number of files when selecting none style

- Fix: Visibility condition not working for Address field

- Fix: Receipt is not receiving in email for stripe payment

- Fix: Phone number field CSS issue inside Hustle

- Fix: When two User Registration forms are added on the same page forms can't be submitted

- Fix: Conflict with WP Forms plugin

- Fix: Select field is not working when the form is placed on a slide-in

- Fix: Vietnamese Phone Number Format

- Fix: Optional password setting does not work when minimum strength is not set to 'None'

- Fix: Pre-populate feature doesn't add spaces when AJAX is disabled

- Fix: Creating a new Quiz and Poll is not working with PHP 7.3

- Fix: The pagination button doesn’t have the same heights on mobile

- Fix: Featured Image description not used in the frontend

- Fix: Console error when you remove a file to be uploaded

- Fix: Conditions logic breaks after submission

- Fix: Submission causing a 500 error

- Fix: PHP Warning when submitting a form with a number field

- Fix: 3rd secure payment is not working

- Fix: Limit is not working when Rich Text enabled for Textarea

- Fix: Quiz Leads "Coming Soon" is missing for Duplicate and Export

05 Mar 2022 - Version 1.15.12
09 Feb 2022 - Version 1.15.11

- Features: Global Appearance Presets

- Improvement: Hubspot app Migration to Granular CRM Scopes

- Fix: Editor showing an error when the rich-text option enabled

- Fix: Console error in preview while changing the visual/text for post content

- Fix: Console error in the settings tab of the upload field after upgrading to the latest version

- Fix: Incorrect country flags for the International phone field option

29 Jan 2022 - Version 1.15.10

- Improvement: Update SUI

- Fix: Stripe billing details showing incorrect email field placeholder

- Fix: Typo in the Mailchimp integration modal

- Fix: Embed Form button not working in Hustle

- Fix: Typo preventing Google Fonts from loading

- Fix: Values added via CSV or Bulk Edit are not case sensitive

10 Dec 2021 - Version 1.15.9

Fix: PHP error in captcha field after update

09 Dec 2021 - Version 1.15.8

- Features: Conditionally execute 'After submission' behaviour

- Features: hCaptcha support

- Features: Conditionally send leads to integrations

- Improvement: Replace GDPR field with Consent fields in form templates

- Improvement: Replace "ReCaptcha" with "Captcha" throughout plugin

- Improvement: Add warning message when using Stripe and PayPal fields without visibility conditions

- Improvement: Support shortcodes in quiz results

- Improvement: Add submission time option to Hidden field

- Fix: Links not saved on form

- Fix: Stripe payments incomplete when Stripe field has visibility conditions

- Fix: Upload field not sending to add-on integration

- Fix: Permissions on multifile upload

- Fix: Signature not captured on Registration form

- Fix: Datepicker field date limitations

- Fix: Timepicker field won't submit if hours set to 0

- Fix: Form field mapping for login fields not working

- Fix: PayPal stopped working after Pro upgrade

- Fix: Slack integration redirect error

- Fix: Form UI broken if 'Load Quiz using AJAX' enabled

- Fix: Registration form JS error

- Fix: Fatal error when submission method is Page Reload

28 Nov 2021 - Version 1.15.7

- Fix: Sanitised Custom HTML email notifications.

- Fix: Compatibility with PHP 7.3

05 Nov 2021 - Version 1.15.5

Improvement: White labeling support

15 Oct 2021 - Version 1.15.4

Fix: XSS vulnerability

12 Oct 2021 - Version 1.15.3

- New: Added "Consent" field in Forms

- New: Added a visibility rule for the Consent field

- Improvement: Added Pre-fill Billing Details & Shipping Address option in Paypal integration

- Improvement: Added option to remove funding sources in Paypal integration

- Improvement: Updated Integration apps logos for ActiveCampaign and AWeber

- Improvement: Allow multiple accounts and lists for the same integration

- Improvement: Allow Mailchimp Tags and Groups

- Fix: Conditional email not working for Quiz Results

- Fix: Stripe incomplete payment when visibility rules use date field.

- Fix: Special characters aren't allowed in multi-option Values

- Fix: XSS vulnerability

04 Sep 2021 - Version 1.15.2

Fix: Fields added under the Password field are invisible on the frontend.

Fix: PHP Notice when you add a Poll Answer

Fix: Optional number field shows a required error message on submission

Fix: Select field value doesn't accept non-Latin characters

01 Sep 2021 - Version 1.15.1

Add: Support Image to polls answers

Add: Filter registration forms submissions based on user status Approved/Pending Approval

Add: "Approve Users" bulk action for registration forms submissions

Add: "Resend Activation Email" button on submission page

Improvement: Send registration form password in activation email only passwords will be automatically generated.

Improvement: In the case of "Auto Generate Password" in the registration form Show a notice to delete the password input field.

Improvement: Update the Account Activation Email copy for the registration form

Improvement: Disable autocomplete for datepicker field

Improvement: Forminator country list

Improvement: Make users aware of reserved WordPress terms using Pre-populate on fields

Improvement: Reposition Quiz Retake button style

Fix: Restrict adding multiple password fields

Fix: User Login validation error messages

Fix: Restrict to sends new blog activation when Site registration is disabled

Fix: Radio, Checkbox, and Select field auto value converter issue

Fix: Select field limit submission doesn't work on multiple select field

Fix: Timepicker dropdown time limit validation message

Fix: Custom error message when Number field limit is 0

Fix: Place holder overlaps with the title in Text Area

Fix: Select fields CSS breaks when embedding more than 2 forms on the same page

Fix: Required select field not working well

Fix: Required Rich Text field on the first page it doesn't prevent going to the second page

Fix: Select field required validation not working if "Enable inline validation" is disabled

Fix: Quiz email notifications can't add existing users to the recipients.

Fix: HEIC files are bypassed by the Upload Field's extension rules

Fix: Quiz evaluation loader is not showing

Fix: Radio button label is not showing up in the HTML fields

08 Jul 2021 - Version 1.14.12

- Add: Ability to add images for Radio and Checkbox options.

- Add: Pagination support for quizzes.

- Add: Bulk import options for Radio, Checkbox and Select fields.

- Improvement: Conditionally assign roles during registration.

- Improvement: Added Question Description HTML field for each Quiz question.

- Improvement: Multiple knowledge quiz answers allowed when 'On Submission' display option is selected.

- Improvement: Update reCatpcha v3 styles and position.

- Improvement: Search option on listings pages.

- Improvement: Added Akismet options under Behaviour > Security tab.

- Improvement: Added option to use value or label for Select/Radio/Checkbox fields.

- Improvement: User registration form storing plain user password in meta table.

- Fix: PayPal submission button can be bypassed.

- Fix: Stripe Email Receipt is not being submitted.

- Fix: Checkbox field option selection on front-end causes page to scroll to top.

- Fix: Wrong calculation value when visibility with type "Show" is used.

- Fix: Fields with visibility conditions Day and Month breaks if the site language is different than English.

- Fix: Poll results are squashed when there are many answers.

- Fix: Date picker field "Today" option should use WordPress settings time instead of UTC.

- Fix: Select Drop downs not working on Hustle PopUp.

- Fix: Radio field front-end styling issues on "Twenty Twenty" theme.

- Fix: Some custom css selectors are not working on Quiz with leads.

- Fix: Conditional visibility issues with Submit button.

- Fix: Wrong calculation of conditionally hidden fields.

- Fix: Signature image is not getting through all integrations.

- Fix: More than 1 submissions export is sent for a form with scheduled exports.

- Fix: Recaptcha v3 badge is behind the sidebar widgets on Astra Theme.

- Fix: Optimised database query on Registration template.

- Fix: Quiz with Leads form, "Start quiz button" text can not be updated.

- Fix: Form title empty space are converted to dash(-).

- Fix: Mailchimp integration does not work with Registration form.

- Fix: Date format on Date picker field is not functional.

- Fix: Discard changes (CANCEL) button doesn't work properly for Radio/Checkbox/Select fields.

- Fix: JavaScript console errors when adding new fields in wizard.

- Fix: Submitting form and "logging in" in meantime throws JS error and submission is invalid.

- Fix: Security vulnerabilities

- Other minor enhancements/fixes

07 Apr 2021 - Version 1.14.10
23 Nov 2020 - Version 1.14.5

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