WooCommerce Email Template Customizer - V1.2.8
Version: 1.2.8
- Updated: Compatible with plugin Paid Memberships Pro
- Fixed: Image full width in outlook 2016
- Update: Filter shortcode by email type
- Update: Compatible with AutomateWoo
- Update: Compatible with Dokan pro verification email
- Fix: Tiktok icon is missing
- Fix: Minify html content
- Update: Remove duplicate product attributes on WooCommerce 6.4
- Update: Option remove shipping address if same billing address
- Update: Include both language rules & billing country rules
- Fix: class WP_Upgrader not found
- Fix: shortcode ignore 9mail
- Fix: Select type control
- Updated: Minify email content
- Updated: tiktok & telegram social icons
- Updated: VillaTheme_Support