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PublishPress Pro - V3.9.0

Version: 3.9.0

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07 Nov 2022 - Version 3.9.0

* Update: Add Editorial Comments menu, #319

* Update: Add file upload option to Editorial Comments, #757

* Fixed: Notification User Role Keeps Reverting, #1136

* Fixed: No Save Button on Editorial Comment Setting, #1134

* Fixed: Error on console when accessing Widget, #1135

* Fixed: Fatal error preventing user update, #1152

* Fixed: Editorial Notifications channel not updating when user is updated, #1151

* Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined property warning on notification add/edit screen, #1147

* Fixed: Add editorial comments metabox priority filter, #1084

* Fixed: Extra "General" heading in "Slack" and "Reminders", #1122

* Fixed: Publishpress-v3.8.4-ES-FR-IT_TranslationUpdate-5_October2022, #1133

* Fixed: Press-ES-FR-IT-Translation-Update-September2022, #1124

13 Sep 2022 - Version 3.8.3

* Fixed: Custom Status Conflict – PublishPress, #1105

* Update: Show Content Overview Post Types Content Together, #1062

* Update: Change to Content Overview "Start Date" and "End Date" filter, #1064

* Update: Update to Settings tabs #443

* Update: Publishpress-ES-FR-IT-translation-update_August2022, #1104

21 Aug 2022 - Version 3.8.2

* Update: Sticky filters on the Calendar, #1088

* Update: Allow users to choose whether or not to show the whole page title, #1089

* Fixed: Double slug on hierarchical page when in draft mode, #1087

* Fixed: Metadata box shows errors if there are no fields, #1085

* Fixed: Problem with html characters on calendar, #1037

* Fixed: Metadata filters don't work on Content Overview, #1070

* Fixed: Fix calendar time picker time picker, #914

* Update: Stop loading assets on non-PublishPress /wp-admin/ pages, #330

10 Jun 2022 - Version 3.8.1
08 Jun 2022 - Version 3.8.0

* Update: Allow mentioning Slack users using the username instead of requiring the user IDs, #1045

* Update: Added new token {!everyone} {!here} and {!subteam^abcde123456} to enable “Everyone” , “Here” and “User group” mention in notification, #1044

* Fixed: Slack notifications referencing slack users by raw member IDs stopped working after v3.7.1, #1042

* Update: Improve content overview date filter, #969;

* Update: Move content overview from general settings to it own tab, #971;

* Added: Add support for more taxonomies in content overview screen, #970;

* Added: Add metadata filter option to content overview screen, #935;

* Fixed: Fix all users showing in dropdow on calendar and content overview screen, #1035;

* Fixed: Fix status permissions on calendar, #1038;

* Added: Add publishpress-instance-protection package, #1034;

29 May 2022 - Version 3.7.2

* Fixed: Can't send notifications to different Slack channels, or to Slack users. Refactored the Slack integration to use OAuth token in the API instead of the incoming webhook URL. Requires re-authenticating to Slack, #1040;

* Added: Add mew filter before sending Slack messages, "publishpress_slack_message_channel";

* Changed: Deprecated filter "publishpress_slack_actions", replaced by "publishpress_slack_message_actions";

* Changed: Deprecated filter "publishpress_slack_text", replaced by "publishpress_slack_message_text";

04 Feb 2022 - Version 3.7.0

* Fixed: Fix the admin menu Debug Log that was not being displayed, #992;

* Fixed: Fix the fatal error while exporting the calendar as ICS file, #994;

* Fixed: Fix the post type filter in the calendar, #995;

* Fixed: Fix fatal error: [Unknown column 'following_users' in 'where clause'], #982;

* Fixed: Fix drag and drop of custom statuses for reordering, #986;

* Fixed: Fix the time displayed in the calendar items on Safari, #1001;

* Fixed: Fix moving items and date navigation on the calendar in Safari, #1002;

* Fixed: Fix input sanitization in all the modules, HTML and SQL scaping in all the plugin;

* Fixed: Fix an unopened script HTML tag in the editorial metadata module;

* Fixed: Fix metadata in the notifications body for new posts, #574;

* Fixed: Added better feedback on errors while ordering statuses in the admin;

* Fixed: Fix the debug button to only display it for those who has permissions. The debug info were still safe, but the button was displayed, #993;

* Fixed: Improved capability check on diverse functions and modules;

* Fixed: Only load admin assets and the admin menu action if the user has permission for seeing that;

* Fixed: Added nonce check for missed places;

* Fixed: Added cache to the user, author and category searchs in the content_overview module;

* Fixed: Fix the capability check for the configure button on editorial metadata metabox. It was only looking for the capability manage_options, which is customizable;

* Fixed: Added a missed capability check before showing search results in the notifications log filters;

* Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about function not defined: esc_array_of_options;

* Fixed: Only look for default capabilitys on the calendar module if in the admin;

* Fixed: Only add admin hooks if in the admin;

* Fixed: Fix the delete action for notification log items;

* Added: Add the value of the global constant DISABLE_WP_CRON to the debug info, #987;

* Added: Add the value of the global debug constants WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY, WP_DEBUG_LOGv, and WP_DEBUG to the debug info, #998;

* Changed: Removed not used and deprecated methods in the calendar module: save_post_notify_users, save_post_notify_roles, add_role_to_notify, handle_ajax_drag_and_drop;

* Changed: Improved error handling on Ajax requests on the notifications log;

* Changed: WP version updated to 5.9;

* Changed: Removed not used method remove_object_terms of the calendar module class;

09 Oct 2021 - Version 3.6.1

* Fixed: Add constants to customize priority of main actions: action_init, action_init_after and action_ini_for_admin, #953;

* Fixed: Fix notification body on events triggered by Elementor pages, #951;

* Fixed: Refactor the settings GET var for fixing a compatibility issue with 3rd party plugin;

14 Sep 2021 - Version 3.6.0

* Added: Add support for notifications when post is trashed/untrashed posts, #939;

* Added: Add support for notifications when post is updated/saved, #483;

* Added: Add support on Notifications content for different data types in the meta fields, including support to ACF relationship fields for posts, link, taxonomy and user, #924;

* Removed: Remove the deprecated module "Roles". Please, use PublishPress Capabilities or other plugin for handling user roles, #925;

* Removed: Remove the deprecated module "User Groups", #926;

* Fixed: Stop creating unused user roles on install, #926;

* Fixed: Fixed spacing between fields in the calendar popup, #920;

* Fixed: Fixed PHP warning about not set configuration: duplicated_notification_threshold;

11 Aug 2021 - Version 3.5.0

* Added: Add the option to edit and delete editorial comments, #277;

* Added: Add new capabilities to control who can edit or delete editorial comments: pp_delete_editorial_comment, pp_delete_others_editorial_comment, pp_edit_editorial_comment, pp_edit_others_editorial_comment, #277;

* Fixed: Fix long text on the posts attributes in the calendar popup, #917;

26 May 2021 - Version 3.3.1
26 Jan 2021 - Version 3.1.0
Product Added to the system.
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