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Pie Register Premium WordPress Registration Plugin - V3.8.3.1


Item cover for download Pie Register Premium WordPress Registration Plugin


Create User Registration forms in minutes, no coding, zero hassle…
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23 Dec 2023 - Version
29 Aug 2023 - Version 3.8.3
06 Jul 2023 - Version
14 Mar 2023 - Version

* Updated: If a user does not have any attachments, they will not be listed in attachments section. (Premium)

* Updated: Removed the reply restriction section for BbPress Replies.

* Fixed: Replacement keys for email notifications.

* Fixed: Redirect to last visited page after login not working with BbPress.

* Fixed: The maximum number of file uploads should not accept 0. (Premium)

* Fixed: PHP errors.

23 Nov 2022 - Version

* Fixed: PHP error when saving settings for invite users. (Premium)

* Fixed: Security vulnerability issues.

* Added: Filter hook 'piereg_set_redirect_uri' to modify the redirect URL after login.

03 Nov 2022 - Version

* Added: Use the woocommerce addon to provide users with a free gift product upon registration.

* Updated: Any field (not just email/username) can now be set as the primary searchable field in the profile search addon.

* Fixed: CSS issues in the profile search addon.

* Fixed: When the plugin is translated, the default country does not work.

13 Oct 2022 - Version

* Added: Settings to replace default WooCommerce login and registration forms with pieregister's login and registration forms. (Premium)

* Updated: The tabs for manage forms have been renamed to Standard, Advanced, and Legacy.

* Fixed: Conditional logics for time field. (Premium)

02 Sep 2022 - Version

* Added: An option to remove invitation code capability from certain users. (Premium)

* Fixed: Search functionality on the invitation code grid.

* Fixed: Invitation codes are not visible in the raw grid.

* Fixed: Several bugs in the invitation codes feature.

* Fixed: Section break and HTML fields with conditional logic settings.  (Premium)

* Fixed: HTML field not visible on the edit profile page.

* Fixed: BBPress add-on displaying incorrect user information in the additional information section.

31 Jul 2022 - Version

* Added: Allow website users to send  email invitations to other users. (Premium)

* Added: Restriction on the number of email invites a user can send. (Premium)

* Added: Allow specific users to invite other users. (Premium)

* Added: To send invitation codes via email, a replacement key for "Invite Sent By" is added to the custom email template. (Premium)

* Updated: If the logged-in user is not an administrator, the option to disable or delete the invitation code has been removed from the invitation codes grid. (Premium)

* Updated: 'Sent Through Email' column in user tracker grid. (Premium)

* Fixed: CSS for terms and conditions field.

01 Jul 2022 - Version 3.8

* Added: Option to allow users to invite other users. (Premium)

* Fixed: Bulk export for invitation codes. (Premium)

* Fixed: More than ten codes cannot be autogenerated at once. (Premium)

* Fixed: Popup for 'sent through email'. (Premium)

* Fixed: PHP errors due to Honeypot Field.

* Fixed: Role names should be displayed rather than role keys.

* Fixed: Conflict issue with Flatsome Theme.

15 Jun 2022 - Version

* Updated: Icon for Divi Builder Module

* Fixed: Autologin after registration with passwordless registration. (Premium)

* Fixed: Calendar Icon on Date Picker Field (User Edit Profile).

* Fixed: User verification by admin through URL with passwordless registration. (Premium)

* Fixed: Success message on Passwordless Registration. (Premium)

* Fixed: Website Field value in User's Menu > Edit User. (Premium)

* Fixed: Eye image for Password Fields,

* Fixed: Used Code filter for codes with unlimited usage.

* Fixed: CSS issues.

* Fixed: Page speed optimization. (Premium)

* Fixed: Several PHP warnings.

30 May 2022 - Version 3.7.5

* Added: Template for Verification Rejected by Admin in User Notifications. (Premium)

* Added: Built-in form templates. (Premium)

* Updated: UI for Pie Register Forms.

* Updated: Themes in advanced UX settings. (Premium)

* Updated: Replacement Key text for Terms & Conditions Field.

* Fixed: Lockout User with Captcha on Login Form. (Premium)

* Fixed: Error in Restrict Widgets. (Premium)

* Fixed: Calendar Icon on Date Picker Field.

* Fixed: Conditional logic conflicting with required settings for Invitation Code Field. (Premium)

* Fixed: Conditional logic for Radio Button Field. (Premium)

* Fixed: Acceptance of expired invitation code on the current date. (Premium)

* Fixed: Passwordless registration with email verification. 

* Fixed: List field on edit profile page.

* Fixed: Escaping issues.

* Fixed: Several PHP warnings/notices.

10 May 2022 - Version

* Fixed: Timed Form Submission. (Premium)

* Fixed: Lockout User for Forgot Password form. (Premium)

* Fixed: Form Preview.

* Fixed: Show in Profile for About Yourself Field.

* Fixed: Missing image in List field.

* Fixed: Pie Register Elementor Widget.

* Fixed: CSS issues for fileupload field. (Premium)

* Fixed: Individual form settings for admin notifications for particular user role and new admin notification template. (Premium)

* Fixed: Escaping issues.

* Fixed: Several PHP warnings/notices.

26 Apr 2022 - Version

* Updated: Admin Email Notifications for particular User Role. (Premium)

* Added: Terms & Conditions field data to User Profile.

* Fixed: Registration date not visible in Users' menu, when Geolocation add-on is activated.

* Fixed: Escaping and Sanitization issues.

* Fixed: Nonce check for ajax accessible functions.

02 Apr 2022 - Version

* Updated: Nonce check for ajax accessible functions.

* Fixed: Sanitization issues.

01 Apr 2022 - Version

* Added: Option to remove file in the File Upload field for admin when editing User Profile.

* Added: Progress bar for File Upload. (Premium)

* Added: Filter hook 'piereg_invitation_code_char_check' to modify the Invitation Code Character check regex.

* Added: Filter hook 'piereg_invitation_code_char_verification' to modify the Invitation Code Character verification regex.

* Fixed: DropZone library issue when two forms with Upload File field are added on the same page. (Premium) 

* Fixed: Stopped Profile update for required Upload File field, if empty.

* Fixed: Required error when Upload File field is Read-Only (Field Visibility Addon).

* Fixed: Limit number of file uploads. (Premium)

* Fixed: Registration form Captcha(reCaptcha, hCaptcha, and math captcha) issue when added to the page and widget.

* Fixed: JS validations for reCaptcha, hCaptcha (Premium), and Math Captcha for Registration, Forgot Password, and Login Form.

16 Feb 2022 - Version

Fixed: Invitation code usage issue for global verification settings.

04 Feb 2022 - Version

* Updated: Compatible with WP 5.9.

* Updated: jQuery plugin Slick Slider to 1.8.1 version.

* Updated: jQuery plugin Wload

* Updated: jQuery.alphanum to 1.0.26 version.

* Fixed: Pie-Register WordPress menu CSS issue.

* Fixed: Several PHP and notice errors.

* Fixed: Update users on import.

* Fixed: Field visibility add-on settings on file upload. (Premium)

* Fixed: Role based redirect after login.

* Fixed: Restricted user verification if Invitation Code usage is completed.

22 Jan 2022 - Version 3.7.4

* Added: Filter hook 'piereg_before_visibility_restrictions_metabox' before adding the Pie Register - Page Restriction settings to each page/post.

* Added: Display member directories in Profile Search Addon (Premium). 

* Added: Option to hide Form Name on the frontend.

* Added: Option to hide the Last Name field.

* Added: Option to hide Confirm Password field.

* Updated: Sortable Registration Date column in WP Users' menu (Premium)

* Updated: Image(s) for Payment Gateway(s) on Registration form.

* Updated: Added column for verified/unverified users in CSV file when users are exported.

* Updated: Option for disabling verification in manage forms.

* Updated: On importing users through CSV, unverified users are added to the unverified users' list.

* Fixed: Removed attachments of unverified users from PR Menu > Attachments (Premium).

* Fixed: Maximum file upload option accepts zero as input (Premium).

* Fixed: Invitation code usage count for unverified users.

* Fixed: In the date field, the number of days is not in accordance with months.

* Fixed: Several issues related to the File Upload field.

* Fixed: List Field in User's Menu > Edit User.

* Fixed: No Role given to users when Role is not assigned in invitation codes (Premium).

* Fixed: Several UI issues.

* Fixed: Profile Update message when the profile is not updated (Premium).

* Fixed: Email Notification on Profile Update.

* Fixed: Several PHP warnings.

19 Jan 2022 - Version

Fixed: 'code_description' column error when adding new Invitation Codes.

21 Dec 2021 - Version

* Added: Action hook 'piereg_before_deleting_user_unverified_list' before deleting users from the Unverified Users' list.

* Fixed: Database errors

16 Dec 2021 - Version

* Added: Invitation Code Description.

* Added: Option to control Invitation Code Length in Auto Generate Codes' section. (Premium)

* Added: Export user data per Invitation code. (Premium)

* Added: Bulk export user data for all invitation codes. (Premium)

* Added: Assign a user role to an Invitation Code. (Premium)

* Updated: Options added to Invitation Codes Search filter - Used, Unused, Expired, Created Date and User Role. (Premium)

* Fixed: Pop Up for Sent Through Email Column in Invitation Codes' grid. (Premium)

* Fixed: Registration Form Names in Email Notifications' Replacement Key dropdown. (Premium)

* Fixed: Page speed optimization. (Premium)

* Fixed: Pie Register Form Filter in Users Menu. (Premium)

19 Nov 2021 - Version 3.7.3

* Added: Option to add multiple files via File Upload field. (Premium) 

* Added: Notification email to admin on user profile modification.

* Updated: Conditional logics added for List, Math Captcha, HTML Script and Section break field. (Premium)

* Fixed: Several bug fixes and PHP warnings.

* Fixed: Page break issue in unverified users list.

05 Nov 2021 - Version

* Fixed: Warnings on user profile page.

* Fixed: Page speed optimization in admin area. 

28 Oct 2021 - Version

* Added: Option to remove password field from registration form. 

* Fixed: Lockout user after invalid login attempts feature.

* Fixed: Redirection issue on post/page restriction.

* Fixed: Page speed optimization.

26 Oct 2021 - Version

Updated: nonce check added for logout urls.

02 Jan 2021 - Version 3.6.10
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