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WooCommerce Smart Coupons - V9.28.0

Version: 9.28.0

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09 Mar 2025 - Version 9.28.0
12 Nov 2024 - Version 9.14.0
24 Sep 2024 - Version 9.8.0
27 Jul 2024 - Version 9.5.0
08 May 2024 - Version 8.22.0
01 Apr 2024 - Version 8.19.0
09 Jan 2024 - Version 8.12.0
13 Nov 2023 - Version 8.7.0
22 Jul 2023 - Version 8.2.0
16 Jun 2023 - Version 7.12.0
12 May 2023 - Version 7.9.0
04 May 2023 - Version 7.8.0
17 Apr 2023 - Version 7.6.0
23 Feb 2023 - Version 7.2.0

* New: Use of CRUD functions throughout plugin

* Fix: Missing 3rd argument causing issues when using filter 'woocommerce_payment_complete_order_status'

* Fix: Incorrectly updating store credit balance when order is having virtual-downloadable product & more than one coupon is applied to that order

* Update: POT file

02 Jan 2023 - Version 7.0.0

* Fix: When refunding an order from the refund form provided on the admin side, and in that order store credit is used, double amount is getting restored in that store credit

* Fix: When refunding an order from the refund form provided on the admin side, and in that order store credit is used, refund related meta not getting saved

* Fix: Shortcode 'smart_coupons' generating new coupons each time the page is refreshed

* Fix: 'Exclude user roles' not checking user's role when checking out as guest user

* Fix: Gift products set under 'Actions' (tab) is not getting added to cart after clicking coupon from cart, checkout page

* Fix: 'Original amount' of the store credit is not getting set when the coupon is generated either from 'Bulk generate' (tab), 'Import' (tab) or 'Send store credit' (tab)

* Fix: Uncaught exception 'Error' with message 'Call to a member function get() on null' [YITH WooCommerce Wishlist]

* Tweak: Correction in indentation as per WordPress Standards

* Tweak: Minor spelling correction

* Developer: New filter 'wc_sc_is_email_required_for_sending_coupon' to decide whether email address is required for sending coupon or not

* Update: Translation & language related changes in the template 'acknowledgement-email.php'

* Update: POT file

13 Nov 2022 - Version 6.7.0

* New: Usage restriction field 'Excluded emails'

* Fix: 'For new user only?' setting is not working in a specific case

* Developer: Hook 'wc_sc_start_coupon_options_email_restriction'

* Developer: Filter & option 'wc_sc_coupon_product_need_processing' to decide whether to automatically mark the order as 'completed' for coupon products

* Update: Automatically mark the order as 'completed' if that order contains only those products that will generate/issue coupons

* Update: Added icon for 'Manage coupon categories' button on Coupons dashboard admin page

* Update: Corrected text domain at one place

* Update: POT file

10 Nov 2022 - Version 6.6.0

* New: WooCommerce 7.0.1 compatible

* New: WordPress 6.1 compatible

* New: A new way for applying 1-click coupon via AJAX

* Fix: Coupon not applying in order created via REST API

* Developer: Filter 'wc_sc_apply_coupon_via_ajax' for choosing method of applying coupon via AJAX or via URL (default: via AJAX)

* Update: POT file

23 Oct 2022 - Version 6.5.0

* New: WooCommerce 7.0.0 compatible

* New: WordPress 6.0.3 compatible

* Update: Removed magic method __wakeup

* Update: POT file

16 Oct 2022 - Version 6.4.0

* Fix: When bulk generating, importing or sending store credit with an empty coupon expiry date, it is setting the date as 1970-01-01 which is invalidating all those coupons

* Fix: Not checking for an empty value for delivery date if 'Deliver coupon' is set to 'Later'

* Update: Filter 'wc_sc_deliver_coupon' to set default option for 'Deliver coupon' to 'Later' on the checkout page when the customer is opting to send the coupon to someone else

* Update: Set autoload for 'sc_wc_db_update_status' option as 'no'

* Update: Spelling correction from 'Certficate' to 'Certificate'

* Update: POT file

08 Oct 2022 - Version 6.3.0

* Update: Correctly handle and validate expiry date & time

* Update: POT file

29 Sep 2022 - Version 6.2.0

* New: Display store credit original amount in the coupon's admin dashboard

* New: Setting & hook 'wc_sc_show_myaccount_menu_icon' to show or hide icon for coupons menu/tab on My account page

* Fix: The coupon in which 'Disable email restriction?' is enabled under Usage restrictions, those coupons don't show up under the drop-down for 'Enable store notice for the coupon'

* Fix: Unable to identify Smart Coupons' endpoint under My account using function is_wc_endpoint_url

* Fix: Coupon URL feature not working correctly with URL param 'add-to-cart'

* Fix: Setting Free shipping is not working correctly with the discount type store credit

* Fix: Usage restrictions > Payment methods are not validating correctly when the coupon is used in creating/updating an order via REST API

* Fix: Auto-generating a percentage discount coupon is also converting the percentage amount of the coupon [Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce]

* Fix: Incorrectly converting store credit original amount during auto-generation [Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce]

* Fix: Coupon amount is not geting converted in store notice for coupon [Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce]

* Fix: User experience when applying a coupon with Payment method restriction on the cart & the checkout page

* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string - $this->locations_lookup_in['address']

* Fix: Hard-coded table prefix in query, replaced with $wpdb->prefix

* Fix: Unnecessarily logging a lot of messages in the log file during refund process [Admin]

* Fix: Spelling mistake in 'You have scheduled to sent…' to 'You have scheduled to send…'

* Fix: A few minor spelling mistakes

* Update: POT file

14 Sep 2022 - Version 6.1.1

* Fix: Applied store credit is displaying incorrect amount in order edit page [admin]

* Fix: Incorrect amount getting restored in store credit which is applied to an order & that order is refunded [admin]

* Fix: Store credit of fixed but variable amount generating store credit with incorrect amount

* Fix: Incorrect currency conversion in auto-generated coupons or credits when the amount is defined in coupon & pick product price is disable

* Update: POT file

04 Sep 2022 - Version 6.1.0

* New: Compatibility with Aelia Currency Switcher for WooCommerce

* Update: POT file

22 Aug 2022 - Version 6.0.1

* Fix: Uncaught Error: Class 'WC_Subscriptions' not found [WooCommerce Payments]

* Fix: PHP Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'SA_WC_Compatibility_4_4' does not have a method 'get_coupon_options'

* Update: POT file

11 Aug 2022 - Version 6.0.0

* Fix: Fatal error stalling subscription renewal in a few cases

* Update: Minor change related to WooCommerce Subscriptions 4.0.0

* Update: Translation for French language (Thanks to: Loïc Antignac)

* Update: Spell checks & a few clean up

* Update: POT file

06 Aug 2022 - Version 5.9.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.7.0

* Fix: Incorrect discount calculation when using settings 'Max discount' & 'Limit Usage to X items' together in a percentage discount coupon

* Fix: Product quantity based restrictions fields causing coupons to not apply on empty cart

* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: int * string

* Update: POT file

23 Jul 2022 - Version 5.8.0

* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.0.1

* Update: Generate new coupon code if post_title is empty during CSV import

* Update: POT file

15 Jul 2022 - Version 5.7.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.6.1

* Fix: JavaScript error: Unable to access properties of undefined [Klarna]

* Fix: Emails when having spaces next to comma won't sent out emails from 'Send store credit' tab

* Fix: Translation in the coupon design

* Update: New address link for feature requests

* Update: Added 'Store credit used' detail in the response of WooCommerce REST API (v3) request for order

* Update: POT file

18 Jun 2022 - Version 5.6.0

* Update: Stop or ignore scanning expired coupons to improve performance

* Update: POT file

04 Jun 2022 - Version 5.5.0

* New: Tested up to WordPress 6.0

* New: Add Smart Coupons related details in WooCommerce > Status report

* Fix: Broken UI on the order page where store credit is used but tax is not enabled

* Fix: Store credit usage information is not shown if those store credits are trashed

* Update: Added minified css file for smart-coupon.css

* Update: The coupons that can be expanded to see sender & receiver details, remove arrows that are visible around those coupons

* Update: POT file

18 May 2022 - Version 5.4.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.5.1

* New: Set id of the template coupon as post_parent of the auto-generated coupon

* New: A button just below the coupon code to copy it [admin]

* Fix: Re-validating quantity of products added from the Actions tab of coupons which is not correct

* Fix: Applying store credit multiple times when the order contains only virtual & downloadable products

* Fix: When number of coupons to generate & number of email address supplied is different, then incorrectly setting Allowed emails & also sending emails during Bulk generate & Import of coupons

* Update: Do not copy post_parent while duplicating a coupon

* Update: Added minified version of a CSS file 'smart-coupons-admin' [admin]

* Update: Corrected a few letter case, default data based on data type

* Update: POT file

04 May 2022 - Version 5.3.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.4.1

* New: Filter coupon's list by coupon category under 'Marketing > Coupons'

* Fix: Store Credit is applying discount before tax, like a coupon, even when the setting 'Apply before tax' is disabled

* Fix: Preview in admin not showing coupon amount & expiry date under 'Marketing > Coupons > Send Store Credit' tab

* Fix: Unable to partially refund an order that is paid with store credit

* Update: POT file

20 Apr 2022 - Version 5.2.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.4.0 & WordPress 5.9.3

* Fix: Use 'fwrite' instead of 'file_put_contents' [WP VIP team]

* Fix: Subscription renewals not issuing full priced store credit if other coupon is applied to subscription during purchase [WooCommerce Subscriptions]

* Update: POT file

06 Apr 2022 - Version 5.1.0

* Fix: Email showing incorrect remaining balance if store credit is applied to a virtual-downloadable order

* Fix: PayPal Payments plugin sometimes rejecting applied store credit amount

* Developer: Filter Hook 'wc_sc_check_parent_attributes' for deciding whether to check attributes mentioned under 'Product data > Attributes (tab)' or not

* Update: Store credit not applying discount when applied via REST API during order creation

* Update: Product's attributes mentioned under 'Product data > Attributes (tab)' are not considered by coupon's Product attributes restrictions for validation of the coupon

* Update: POT file

22 Mar 2022 - Version 5.0.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.3.1 & WordPress 5.9.2

* New: Feature 'Usage restriction based on product quantity'

* Update: POT file

06 Mar 2022 - Version 4.38.0

* Developer: New filter hook 'wc_sc_pending_order_statuses' 

* Developer: Removed filter hook 'wc_sc_order_statuses_to_restore_smart_coupon_amount', should use 'wc_sc_pending_order_statuses' instead

* Update: Links to documentation, screenshots & reviews

* Update: Data type for $no_of_coupons_to_generate

* Update: POT file

03 Mar 2022 - Version 4.37.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.2.1 & WordPress 5.9.1

* Fix: Coupon not applying to cart via URL coupon if the URL contains 'add-to-cart' and the setting 'Redirect to the cart ...' is enabled [Thanks to: Bernd VanSkiver]

* Fix: Using the email template created for multiple coupons even if it’s about to send just one coupon

* Developer: Hook 'wc_sc_order_statues_to_restore_smart_coupon_amount' for modifying list of order statuses needed to restore smart coupon amount

* Update: POT file

05 Feb 2022 - Version 4.36.0

* New: Tested up to WordPress 5.9.0

* Update: Action Scheduler to version 3.4.0

* Update: POT file

27 Jan 2022 - Version 4.35.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.1.1

* New: Column 'sc_coupon_category' in sample.csv file

* Fix: Shipping validation failing on live shipping method

* Update: Improvement in coupon code generation logic

* Update: POT file

19 Jan 2022 - Version 4.34.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 6.1.0 & WordPress 5.8.3

* New: Support for coupon categories under bulk generate, import & export

* Update: Coupon not applying to cart via URL coupon if the URL contains 'add-to-cart'

* Update: Prevent generating coupon codes with profanity

* Update: Replaced use of 'is_ajax' with 'wp_doing_ajax'

* Update: POT file

24 Nov 2021 - Version 4.33.1

* Fix: Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function post_exists()

* Update: POT file

21 Nov 2021 - Version 4.33.0

* New: WooCommerce 5.9.0 compatible

* New: Tested upto WordPress 5.8.2

* Fix: Displaying error 'Uncaught Exception: Invalid coupon' under the order admin page > Generated coupons meta box, when a coupon that is auto-generated got deleted

* Fix: Support for wildcard email under Allowed emails during 'Bulk generate' & 'Import coupons'

* Update: POT file

28 Oct 2021 - Version 4.32.0

* Fix: Incorrect discount calculation when cart is having Product Bundles & max discount is set in the coupon

* Update: POT file

25 Oct 2021 - Version 4.31.0

* Fix: Auto apply coupons once removed automatically, not reapplying again even if it’s valid

* Update: POT file

19 Oct 2021 - Version 4.30.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.8.0

* Fix: Ignoring user role restrictions when the product is getting added to cart from frontend via AJAX

* Fix: Discount coupon getting visible on all variations of a product even though the coupon is associated with a single variation

* Fix: The amount field in 'Purchase credit of any amount' is not showing when set up using Elementor or Astra theme

* Fix: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function WC_Smart_Coupons::is_smart_coupon_valid(), 2 passed and exactly 3 expected [WooCommerce 3.1.2 or lower]

* Update: Spellcheck 'Woocommerce'

* Update: POT file

12 Oct 2021 - Version 4.29.1

* Fix: Warning: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'SA_WC_Compatibility_4_4' does not have a method 'get_smart_coupons_version'

* Update: POT file

06 Oct 2021 - Version 4.28.0

* New: Tested up to WooCommerce 5.7.1 & WordPress 5.8.1

* Update: Use transient for auto-cleanup of options that starts with 'sc_applied_coupon_profile_'

* Update: Spellchecks

* Update: POT file

10 Sep 2021 - Version 4.27.0

* New: Settings in acknowledgement email ('Subject' and 'Heading') to handle texts related to scheduled email

* New: Option 'wc_sc_auto_apply_coupon_removable' and hook 'wc_sc_is_auto_apply_coupon_removable' to allow removal of auto-apply coupons

* Fix: Under 'Import Coupons' 'Email coupon to recipients?' not appearing if there is no email added in the first row of the CSV file

* Fix: Incorrect calculation in store credit when used in manually created orders

* Fix: Coupon type in the acknowledgement email is always of the discount type 'smart_coupon' irrespective of the coupon sent

* Developer: New hook 'wc_sc_redirect_url_after_smart_coupons_process' to allow 3rd party plugin to modify the redirect URL after the plugin has processed the URL coupons

* Update: Tweaking in auto-apply feature

* Update: Changes in texts in email templates for acknowledgement email

* Update: Allow removal of auto apply coupons

* Update: Spellcheck for 'Coupons', 'arguments'

* Update: POT file

09 Jul 2021 - Version 4.25.1

* Fix: Notice: Undefined variable: user_role during guest checkout

* Fix: Notice: Undefined variable: email during guest checkout

* Update: POT file

18 Jun 2021 - Version 4.23.0
07 Jun 2021 - Version 4.22.0
22 May 2021 - Version 4.21.0
13 May 2021 - Version 4.20.1
10 Jan 2021 - Version 4.14.0
14 Dec 2020 - Version 4.13.0
13 Oct 2020 - Version 4.9.5
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  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
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  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 09-03-2025
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