* Tweak: Clear cache when order updated.
* Tweak: Clear database cache faster when API Resource no longer exists.
Tweak: On Order edit update of Access Expires and/or Activations, process API cache refresh in task queue rather than immediately.
Tweak: Delete API Key activations when WooCommerce Subscription transitions to on-hold status.
* Feature: Added a product_list API endpoint which returns a unique list of product data such as Titles and Product IDs with no authentication required.
* Fix: get_human_time_diff() method returned slightly incorrect time for date.
* Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field displays only a date now rather than friendly messages such as "4 days", as friendly messages broke updates using a value that was not recognized as valid.
* Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires help tip was displayed for WooCommerce Subscription when it should be hidden.
* Fix: Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field was updated when the Update button was clicked without changing the value manually. No update should have occurred.
* Tweak: Prevent Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Expires field from being set to value less than current value.
* Fix: When the Product edit > API > Activation Limit field is updated both the activations_purchased and activations_purchased_total values are now calculated with regards to quantity and refunds for all API Resources containing the Product.
* Fix: When the Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Limit field is updated both the activations_purchased and activations_purchased_total values are now calculated with regards to quantity and refunds for the API Resource containing the Product.
* Tweak: Added $source parameter to error and info log methods to allow for custom log file names.
* Tweak: Added visual calculation aid for Order edit API Resources meta box > Activation Limit Total.
* Tweak: Other visual and tip improvements.
* Tweak: Add boolean parameter to refresh_cache_by_order_id() method in SmartCache class.
* Add: Add constant WC_AM_PLUGIN_FILE before plugin object instantiated.
* Add: WC_AM_Background_Process class to improve background processing of large batches.
* Fix: Delete API Resource data from SmartCache bfore updating Access Expires values for all API Resources, so current values can be displayed immediately.
Changelog typo correction.
* Tweak: Faster SmartCache entry deletions for faster cache updates.
* Narrow focus for Access Expires value updates to improve update speed for all API Resources.
* Fix: Access Expires value not updating for all API Resouces that are variations of Non WC Subscription variable products.
* Fix: Corrected TypeError for WC_AM_Format->empty() method that can also test objects. Error surfaced in PHP 8.1 testing.
* Feature: When a Non WC Subscription product > API > API Access Expires value is changed, all existing API Resources/purchases will be recalculated using the new value.
* Feature: The Access Expires value in the Order > API Resources meta box can now be edited to increase the Access Expire time per Non WC Subscription products.
* Fix: Changed conflicting CSS ID for API Activations metabox.
* Fix: Removed CSS previously added to fix WP 3.8 that now causes misaligned checkboxes on Dashboard > Updates screen.
Fix: Wrong value returned for date used for API Access Expires, when this value is set, due to pre WC 3.0 database query that did not failover to post WC 3.0 database query.
* Info: Bump required PHP version to 7.2 to match latest WooCommerce PHP required version.
* Info: Bump WooCommerce tested up to version 6.2.
* Note: The latest version of WooCommerce is always supported despite tested up to version.
Fix: Eliminate include of pluggable.php that was included to prevents "Call to undefined function wp_get_current_user()" error.