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Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin - V6.7.18

Version: 6.7.18

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08 Sep 2024 - Version 6.7.18
11 May 2024 - Version 6.7.9
23 Dec 2023 - Version 6.6.20
17 Dec 2023 - Version 6.6.19
14 Jun 2023 - Version 6.6.14
09 May 2023 - Version 6.6.13
20 Dec 2022 - Version 6.6.8
New Features
  • Added Copy to Clipboard (Alt + Shift + C) and Paste from Clipboard (Alt + Shift + V) to be able to copy layers, groups, rows between modules in different tabs
  • Added a new HTML tag "label" and its attribute "label for"
  • Video pause on slide change: Layer videos now have a new option for carousel slider to pause video layers on inactive slides even when they are visible
  • New parallax feature for carousel, now parallax layers will move based on carousel movement. The use is triggered by the "Drag & Mouse Move" option under mouse interaction in the parallax settings.
  • Shape background image management is now also available in the layer content for a better understanding
  • Double click on shape with an background image will open the last used image library for that shape
  • Layer targets (in actions and label for dropdown) will show the correct layer hierarchy with spacings and search boxes
  • HTML5 video looping in background causes fullscreen mode to exit.
  • SFX block mask does not work correctly on safari if translate Z is used
  • Groups in columns did not respect the order of layers
  • Carousel slides popup into the place if carousel has 3 slides.
  • Regression in update 6.6.7 causes BG videos to not play sometimes in carousel
  • Groups in columns did not respect the order of layers
  • Groups in columns set to absolute will not align well
  • Modal closes after any video in background completes a loop due to conflict.
  • Carousel visibility option for layers "Always visible on Carousel" disappears.
  • Block Scroll option does not work as expected on mobile.
  • Vimeo video speed option doesn't work on background video.
  • Attempting to change image via double click on shape layer results in error
  • Horizontal swipe gets triggered on iOS while swiping vertically
08 Oct 2022 - Version 6.6.1
  • 6.6.0 Regression: Old cached version of rbtools was loading with new update
13 Aug 2022 - Version 6.5.31
  • Notice occurring since 6.5.30 about bos not defined
12 Aug 2022 - Version 6.5.30
  • 3D parallax effect gets clipped in the latest Chrome version
  • Advanced Transition fails if the HTML5 video is from third party domain
  • Editing frame actions in backend fails with a console error
  • Carousel scaling is wrong in certain PHP environment settings
  • Using decimal values with postfix shows error even though the value is valid
  • Material Icons were loaded from Google if the global setting "Enable Google Fonts download" was set to "Cache Fonts Local"
  • Layer can receive hover effects even is border-style is set to none
21 Jun 2022 - Version 6.5.25
  • Slider cannot be edited after updating from very old versions
  • Sharp Corner extensions are not rendering correctly in WordPress 6.0
  • Video layer with "No Interaction" enabled, becomes clickable with link action
  • Scroll Below Slider and Scroll to ID actions don't work on video layer with "No Interaction" enabled
  • Video border radius disappears after in-animations on some rare situations
  • Box shadow does not render full opacity if #000000 color is used
  • Object library could not fetch thumbnails and full objects if cURL is not enabled
  • Clickable scroll based animated layers are not any more clickable after scrolling backwards when layers are overlapping each other
  • Rapidly clicking and very rare repeated slowly clicks on navigation buttons changes the direction of layeranimations
  • Slide animation from last slide to first slide produced a rewind effect if the direction based animation has been selected. This is changed now to forward direction
  • HTML slider exports inclusion of jQuery.js is with http:// instead of https://
  • Dragging bottom (and/or) right aligned layers in the editor gives a sticky effect during the drag process
28 May 2022 - Version 6.5.24
  • Missing width/height values in images can produce notices
  • Slow loading times on mobile, if elementor is activated due to lazy loading
  • WooCommerce slider may appear empty even though categories are selected
24 May 2022 - Version 6.5.23
  • WooCommerce slider does not consider child posts/variants in filtering for price ranges
  • Layers become invisible if duration of layer is 0
18 May 2022 - Version 6.5.22
  • Carousel Stop on Click: Added new option, by default carousel progress stops if user clicks on slider, this option lets you choose to continue auto rotate progress after user clicks on slider.
  • Importing a slider may create an additional empty slide
  • Opening modal with openModalAPI method fails with console error
  • Parallax jumps on iOS if URL field gets removed
  • Action triggered static layers ignore triggered frame call on last slide after slide swap
  • Before & After AddOn copy to clipboard after image is not working. Latest 3.0.6 version of Before & After AddOn required to fix issue
  • Glitch & noise effect does not fade out after fading once on 1st slide
13 Apr 2022 - Version 6.5.20
  • Added new action to ask for permission to use gyroscope accelerator on iPhone devices if needed. Read more in FAQ
  • Added page scroll possibility for modals to use modals as adverts
  • Lottie Addon: Canvas renderer for lottie now has new maxdpr option to help with performance optimization
  • Elementor deprecation message _register_controls() shows up using the newest Elementor version
  • If video was muted initially then video auto-mutes after pausing and playing
  • Blurred elements in Safari under masks shows broken edges, rendering issues
  • CSS fixes (i.e. speak-as and willow filter)
  • WP_PLUGIN_URL creates JavaScript error if it has a newline added (\n\r)
  • Meta data current_slide_index displays incorrect slide number on first slide
  • Vimeo stream keeps pausing and playing
  • YouTube video is blurry if used with poster
  • Vimeo videos are limited to 20 videos
15 Mar 2022 - Version 6.5.19
  • Opening specific modal slide with Panzoom effect fails
  • On mobile, layer with long text has padding on right until slider loads completely
08 Mar 2022 - Version 6.5.18
  • Slider editor has issues if the WooCommerce Advanced Quantity plugin is enabled
  • Hosts that do not allow connection to external servers creating longer loading times
  • Unwanted categories are shown in meta tags added to layers
  • Deleting global layers fails with console errors
  • Static layers with percentage based width or height do generate unneeded padding on mobile views
  • Google page speed warns against using unload event listener
  • 6.5.17 regression: Slider with Advanced Transitions flashes after transition.
24 Feb 2022 - Version 6.5.17
  • Added internal hook for manipulating layer positions and dimensions due to external addons
  • Changing slider dimensions is not possible if external url is empty
  • iOS Safari 15 crashes if slider has too many slides
  • YouTube video mutes again after seeking/scrubbing video
  • Charts Addon: Chart renders smaller on Safari because of browser specific bug
  • Charts Addon: Chart values are offset from position due browser specific bug
  • Panorama Addon: Poles have artifacts if image loads slow on slow
18 Feb 2022 - Version 6.5.16
  • Changed notice containers in the WordPress plugin page for a better user experience
  • Editor does not render advanced opacity on layers
  • Force overflow causes layers to be hidden on mobile and to be visible on Android Chrome
  • Third party object extensions may kill the initialisation process of Slider Revolution in preview mode
  • Mobile height change is not respected when URL bar height changes on mobile devices
02 Feb 2022 - Version 6.5.15
  • Opening a WordPress media modal fails because the editor script overwrites the _ variable
  • Notice occurs in post based sliders, as $attr1 is undefined
  • Advanced transitions fail on websites using subdomain as CDN
  • Gutenberg block preview not available
  • Gutenberg editor glitches on mouse enter and hover
  • Gutenberg template not updating after disabling blank page
  • Slider Revolution settings on WordPress pages are stuck on the top
  • Bottom margin issues on fixed slider scroll processes where the Slider is higher than the page
  • Exporting modules with advanced transitions ignore the predefined values
  • Sometimes glitches occur in the media library after triggering dropdowns in module editor
  • Carousel height jumps when a slide comes in focus after latest update 6.5.14 and 6.5.13
  • Console logs and errors are visible in some rare cases
  • Animation issues on menu in some older templates
06 Jan 2022 - Version 6.5.14
  • JS error in some rare cases due to a conflict between underscore.js and some editor scripts by overwriting the global _ variable
22 Dec 2021 - Version 6.5.12
20 Nov 2021 - Version 6.5.11
  • Javascript Error breaks the Global Settings in Overview Mode and throws Console Error getConcVals
18 Nov 2021 - Version 6.5.10
  • Fullwidth layout in combination with Timeline based scroll will allow optional to pull content now
  • Slider Revolution meta box now shows on all custom post types
  • Fast scrolling on some third party themes creates behavioral issue for scroll based sliders
  • Entering in fullscreen mode does not re-stretch the images in carousel mode
  • Vimeo video's "Tap to unmute" button does not work on Android
  • Image position shifted if Vertical middle aligned images added on Mobile sizes
  • Video layers with No Interaction also ignore a tag links added to the layer
  • Columns without content but with image background do not recognise Layer actions like mouseenter, click, mouseleave
  • Few random presets for BG animation were not working
  • Scroll to ID doesn't work correctly if viewport loading is on
  • Slider navigation does not work in fixed on top slider
12 Oct 2021 - Version 6.5.9
  • Added Trust Pilot review link to overview page
  • Added deregistration warning informations
  • Not installed AddOns will warn now in overview, and allow a one click installation of all required elements
  • Added premium templates badge on original templates from library. Templates can be used only in registered and licensed environments
  • Color update for SVG layers is inconsistent on carousel if lazy loading is set to single or smart
  • SVG options are squeezed in editor
  • Slide animation "in" resets opacity to 0 when 1 is set and the editor reloads
  • Downsized carousel items get squeezed images on fullwidth layout
  • Firefox shows console warnings for -webkit-backdrop-filter
  • Using the carousel justify option generates console errors in rare cases and prevents the carousel from rendering BG
  • WPML translation priorities terms were not ignored
  • Dropdowns in-place search is not filtering by Option content, only by option value
  • Firefox mouseleave event is not triggering when slide change has been called due further actions
  • In very rare cases, slider height grows if column contains layer with 100% height
  • Slide based direction is not working if animation distances set by pixel
  • Changed locale for decimals in PHP results in a JavaScript error
  • HTML export is missing CSS and JS files from AddOns
  • Reverse scroll option makes slider jump to last slide
  • Volume level for audio layer does not work correctly on Safari
07 Sep 2021 - Version 6.5.8


  • Added cursor mode "none" to the option list to be able to hide the cursor on "a" tags when mouse track is activated
  • Introducing tag option for slide links (available options: "a" & "rs-layer") to avoid FireFox popup blocking on _blank targets
  • Introducing a global option: "Lazy Load on BG Images". This will allow to load BG images also with lazy load, defined due the lazy load global and module based options
  • Editing the size of layers in a column will replace % sizes into px on edit. Added a further protection which will only change the height values if the height is set over 98% within the column of any layer


  • Carousel slider is flickering in Safari
  • Safari clippath animations are not visible during the animation
  • Some third party form options fail to work correctly. (This may have affected other third party integration as well)
  • Missing Elementor property on load causes the Cookiebot plugin to fail
  • Solid color background with opacity gets darker on refocus
  • First slide using the Advanced Transition's blur effect flashes black background
  • Advanced Transition with PanZoom BG jumps on slide change
  • Using fullscreen toggle on slider with parallax effect does not reset BG correctly
  • Blend Mode "color" is not working well in Safari. (Fallback to color-burn works)
  • Slider Revolution can not be added to Wordpress Widgets area. JS Failures
  • Revolution Slider in Essential Grid's lightbox opens only on the first time
  • Carousel background is squashed if the carousel's 'Keep Aspect Ratio(Justify)' option is turned off
  • Slider added using the Gutenberg block is pushed to the right side if the slider uses "Fixed during scroll" option
  • Gap (border) option does not work correctly on fullwidth and fullscreen slider
22 Aug 2021 - Version 6.5.7


  • Added global option to load YT API in header which can be useful if Google Analytics is enabled on page


  • Carousel slider doesn't render after reopening modal
  • Modal does not open after update 6.5.6
  • Slider background does not render for a customer after upgrading from 6.3.9 to 6.5.6
  • Shape, button and text layers breaks module processes if they use % based height in columns
  • Triggered groups shows content after resize even though they should stay invisible
  • 'Scroll Below Slider' action lags if page has scroll-behavior set to smooth
  • All default slide transitions show animations within 1000ms on frontend, even if the backend has a different value set
  • Modal shows horizontal scrollbar on Windows
08 Aug 2021 - Version 6.5.6 NULLED


  • Timeline default length update will also update all layer timings with "Wait for End" in each slides of that module
  • Added search, filter and sorting functions to the Addon overview area for better overview


  • Elementor popup not loading with slider. Even with added protections, it is not stable, therefore we recommend to use Slider Revolution's own popup functionality
  • Video and PanZoom aspect ratio may not be correct during the slide transition
  • Vimeo video in carousel not covering vertically and the first play of Vimeo background videos are not showing in carousel
  • RS conflicts with elementor lottie
  • Fonts don't render correctly due to quotes around font family
  • A deprecation notice block_categories occurs from WordPress 5.8.0 onwards
  • Justify carousel hides max amount of shown slides option and makes layout dimension changes hard to understand
  • Navigation font family preset is not selected after reload
  • Navigation Skin editor meta values not shown, meta type shows always custom
  • Background image gets drawn twice while using BG Fit Percentage
  • Shortcodes from RevSlider v5 with - in it are not found
  • Mouse scroll not working on fullscreen slider if viewport value is set to 100%
  • Alternate slide anination is ignoring main animation once loop done
30 Apr 2021 - Version 6.4.11
29 Apr 2021 - Version 6.4.10
22 Mar 2021 - Version 6.4.6
27 Feb 2021 - Version 6.4.2
31 Dec 2020 - Version 6.3.5
Note for Buyer
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Read before purchase
  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
  • Before making a purchase, please read the Terms and Conditions & Refund Policy.
  • If you have any questions, please first read the FAQ.
  • If you haven’t found the answer to your question, please contact us, we will response asap.
  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
Updates :
  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
  • We send regular emails advising when products have been updated so please be sure to provide an active email address when you sign up.
Support :
  • Our support team is available 24/7, if you have any question or need help in installing or configuring digital products purchased on the website, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
  • Please note that we are not developers of the provided products, so our technical support capabilities are limited. We do not change product functionality and do not fix developer bugs.
  • For more information please read FAQ & About Us.
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 08-09-2024
الفئة Plugin
حجم الملف 10.12 MB
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الآراء 2470
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