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SearchWP - Related - V1.5.0

Version: 1.5.0

Item cover for download SearchWP - Related

نظرة عامة

Use SearchWP to power related content on your site! SearchWP Related was built to work with minimal overhead, while allowing for customization to any degree. Showing related content to visitors is a great way to keep attention on your site! If you’re already using another system for related content, this SearchWP extension will likely save you some overhead by utilizing the content index it already created.

Setup & Integration
Like all SearchWP Extensions, Related is a standalone WordPress plugin that runs alongside SearchWP. Once installed, Related takes no action by default. You can view the settings screen (found within the Extensions dropdown on the SearchWP settings screen)

Note: When activating Related on a site with existing content, entry titles will be used as the default keyword list to find related content.

On this screen you can:
Enable auto-appending of Related content per post type
Exclude content (comma separated IDs) from Related content per post type
Limit potential Related content (comma separated IDs) per post type
When auto-append is enabled for a post type, Related content will be automatically output when viewing a single entry of that post type.

Customizing output: the template loader
As is the case with Live Search, Related also uses a template loader to allow for full customization of Related results. There is a default template that looks something like this:
لا توجد تعليقات.
تسجيل الدخول لنشر تعليق
لم تتلق هذا البند أي مراجعة بعد.
تسجيل الدخول استعراض هذا العنصر
08 Jan 2024 - Version 1.5.0
05 Feb 2023 - Version 1.4.8

- **[Fix]** Error in PHP versions prior to 7.3 caused by a function call trailing comma.

- **[Fix]** List of suggestions is not re-rendered on Keywords field change in the post metabox.

- **[Fix]** Deprecation notices on PHP 8.2.

20 Feb 2022 - Version 1.4.7
27 Mar 2021 - Version 1.4.5
11 Mar 2021 - Version 1.4.4
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Created 21-07-2020
Updated 08-01-2024
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