We are all in the waitlist! -- With RSVP Events Waitlist, allow your guests to add themselves to a waitlist when regular spaces are filled up, with potential for getting a spot!
Guests can add themselves to waitlist, and see the size of the waitlist right from eventCard.
On the backend, easily identify waitlist guests with special waitlist tag on view attendees on event edit page or under all RSVPs.
Once an attendee cancelled on an event, system will auto offer space to next in line waitlist guest.
Get auto notifications on waitlist guests and when they were offered space for the event.
ADDED: add waitlist guest to list from lightbox
ADDED: ability to move guest to waitlist from attendee list
ADDED: Ability to email waitlist guests only from event edit emailing
ADDED: waitlist to actionuser event manager
FIXED: Auto sync rsvp counts after moving to list
UPDATED: Add to attendance list to run via ajax
FIXED: incorrect translation on eventcard not working
FIXED: manage capacity separate for repeats notice
FIXED: missing notice when repeat capacity is enable waitlist is not working
FIXED: eventtop showing na as space remaining count
REQ: rsvp 2.6.14
Created | 21-07-2020 |
Updated | 14-03-2023 |
الفئة | Plugin |
حجم الملف | 0.01 MB |
تعليقات | 0 |
الآراء | 3049 |
المبيعات | 1 |
Downloaded | 1 |