Improvement: Added extra checks while block templates import.
Fix: Compatibility to WordPress 6.1.
Improvement: Responsive welcome banner notice on WP dashboard for fresh installation.
- Improvement: Added compatibility for Spectra.
- Fix: White screen is appearing on latest safari 15+ browser when select any template.
- Fix: Install Spectra only when light category Patterns importing.
Improvement: Install Spectra while importing Block Patterns and Wireframe Patterns.
Fix: Block editor templates are not imported correctly.
Fix: Prevent invalid redirection after template import.
- Improvement: Disable promotes Essential & Growth bundle when white label is enabled.
- Fix: Templates are not displayed when we install plugin from Astra notice.
- Fix: Display "Install Required Plugins" checkbox option if required plugins are not installed.
Improvement: Activate plugins using WP-CLI when importing demo using cli command.
Improvement: Renamed button text from Starter Templates to Template Kits.
- Improvement: Enhanced test environments.
- Fix: Fixed redirection of few required plugins during import.
- Fix: Missing support for wp_block post type in Gutenberg templates.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with the click action for category mega menu titles.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with the Popular and Latest filters.
- Fix: Improved import error messages.
- Fix: UI improvement on the last screen for Starter Template import.
Fix: Fixed an issue with multiple import processes being invoked when the theme is not activated.
- Improvement: Better error reporting for the import process.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the Starter Templates library won't refresh after the sync process.
Improvement: Better logging for import process.
Improvement: Added compatibility to Starter Templates with Easy Digital Downloads plugin.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with retina logo image download during import.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with WP Forms not being imported when used in the footer of the website.
- Fix: Fixed a console error in some cases where the template took longer to fetch its contents.
Fix: Fixed a blank page error on the main Starter Template screen due to the last update (v3.1.1).
- New: Added new mega menu-based categories for better segregation of templates.
- New: Improved search functionality for better results.
- Improvement: Improved error handling when plugin installation/activation fails for slow hosting providers.
- Improvement: Added a pre-import screen to notify about file permissions on the website to avoid errors.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with redirection while installing the WP Forms plugin.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with the sync functionality.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where WooCommerce pages won't get created when the Starter Templates plugin is active.
- Fix: Fixed an error with XML importer.
Fix: Fixed an issue with WXR Import versioning.
- Fix: Better error and exception handling while importing.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with redirection while installing Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder - Lite plugin.
- Fix: Fixed an issue where the templates library won't refresh in real-time after the sync process.
- Fix: Presto Player installation showing PHP incompatibility notice while importing a template.
- Fix: Improved customizer import process.
- Fix: Improved import process for Elementor based sites.
- Fix: Avoided redirection for Beaver Builder plugin when activated from import screen.
- Fix: Resolved a few errors with the pre-import PHP compatibility screen.
- Fix: Faster import process by deferring image meta processing.
- Fix: Minor UI fixes.
- Fix: Import error due to timeout error for sites where loopback requests are not working.
- Fix: Styling for default fonts was not working on first load.
- Improvement: Added a pre-import screen to notify about incompatible PHP versions for a few plugins.
- Improvement: Better Color Palettes.
- Fix: Reset for Color Palette and Typography not working in some cases.
Improvement: More and better color palettes and typography while customizing the demo.
- Improvement: Optimised the CartFlows flows import process.
- Improvement: Added a Required screen prior to import if any system requirements are not met on the user's website.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with colors not applying to a few Gutenberg-based blocks in WooCommerce demos.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with White Labeling the import process.
- Fix: Better import process to avoid errors in import.
- Fix: Plugin activation errors for starter template using Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg by disabling default redirect from UAG on the activation
- Fix: Rectified typography for template preview.
- Improvement: Added shareable URLs with the added search text.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with the browser back button.
- Fix: Fixed an issue while importing CartFlows content.
- Fix: Fixed an issue with WooCommerce dependency during the plugin activation step.
- Fix: Removed the unwanted reset functionality when a user with a new website tries to import any demo.
Fix: Fixed an issue where synchronization of the library was not working on sites where CRON was disabled.
- Fix: Plugin installation failed error fixed after retry action.
- Fix: Removed unused SVG images.
Fix: Improvised errors for the Site Reset step while importing.
Fix: Elementor blocks not being imported due to missing required plugins.
Fix: Fixed the issue with Elementor blocks contact form not being imported due to invalid form JSON file URL.
Improvement: Validate the whitelisted host's URLs from the import process.
- Fix: No route was found matching the URL and request method.
New: Wireframe blocks for Gutenberg - [Doc](
Improvement: Better handling of 500 errors on the import screen.
- Fix: Fixed the "Customizer data is empty!" AJAX failed request while importing.
- Fix: The Pixabay image library not visible for the multiple image instances.
- Fix: Fixed the issue where Free Images by Pixabay were not available on Elementor Editor.
- Improvement: Updated the widget reset logic in which old widget moved to the inactive list.
- Improvement: Quick Links UI improvements.
- Improvement: Premium Templates UI improvements.