* New: Longer data retention options for Amazon orders
* New: Import the listing description from the Amazon catalog
* New: Added a setting to periodically pull Order Reports to be able to import Business Tax IDs for business orders
* Tweak: Enhanced the frontend checkout by sending the feed updates to a background task
* Tweak: Lowered the number of ASINs when querying for price updates to prevent getting throttled
* Tweak: WP capability check - changed edit_others_pages to edit_others_shop_orders and edit_orders_products
* Tweak: When generating a new feed, exclude all invalid listings (missing SKUs, etc) so they do not get included in the CSV file
* Tweak: Update price check date on ASINs with error to prevent from staying at the front of the queue
* Fixed: $SubmittedDate undefined notice
* Fixed: Added the missing SG_VOEC property
* Fixed: Error when trying to count attributes from an imported listing
* Fixed: Handle throttled responses for GetOrderAddress and GetOrderBuyInfo calls
* Fixed: Warning "foreach() argument must be of type array" when importing some orders
* Fixed: Fatal error when the parent ASIN could not be loaded
* Fixed: Dompdf library clash when the Invoice Upload setting is enabled
* Dev: Log errors from getCompetitivePricing
* New: Added the CTTExpress shipping provider
* Tweak: Improved Product Bundles support: Update bundle quantity when child components are updated
* Fixed: Issue where requesting the FBA Shipment report would fail
* Fixed: Plugin conflict with Advanced Shipping Tracking Pro
* Fixed: Avoid double-encoding data from the Merchant Listings report
* Fixed: Invalid value 'NZ_VOEC' for 'deemed_reseller_category' error
* Fixed: Use WC_Product_Bundle::get_bundle_stock_quantity() to get stock quantity of bundled products
* Dev: Added filter wpla_shipment_tracking_instance
* Fixed: Record the correct Gift Wrap amount from Amazon
* Fixed: Undefined function get_stock_managed_by_id() (since 2.2.7)
* Fixed: Undefined variable wpl_is_reg_brand
* Fixed: Warnings on the Advanced Settings page
* Tweak: Exclude product meta when cloning products
* Fixed: Issue whre scheduled reports not getting requested
* Fixed: Amazon Business flag was not shown on the Orders page
* Fixed: Improved support for variations with parent-level stock management (from Yatin @ multidots)
* Fixed: Download customized order item data
* Fixed: Reports not being downloaded and displayed properly
* Fixed: Create Customers action failing due to missing order email address
* Fixed: Skip automatically generating feeds when running imports
* Fixed: Support for Price Based on Country plugin
* Fixed: Automatically process supported reports
* Fixed: Still show the search form when trying to match products and the initial search returned no results
* Dev: Removed unnecessary use of GuzzleHttp\json_encode()
* Fixed: Missing buyer details from orders
* Fixed: Compatibility with PHP 7.4 restored
* Fixed: Improved compatibility with Amazon's new SP-API
* Fixed: Matching a WooCommerce product to Amazon would return no results
* Tweak: Do not fetch address and buyer info on pending and cancelled orders
* Tweak: Improved handling of throttling when importing orders and order addresses
* Dev: Result from GetOrders call was too large to be stored in log
* New: WP-Lister now uses Amazon's new SP-API to fetch orders and request reports
* Tweak: Updated the Accounts pages to allow users to login and fetch token from existing accounts
* Fixed: Fix French character encoding when importing from Amazon
* Fixed: Feed Error Emails still sending despite the setting being off
* Fixed: Include the SKU and error message in the feed submission error email
* Fixed: Prevent fatal errors if the data being accessed was not provided by Amazon
* Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.7
* Dev: Added the ability to toggle calls between sandbox and production APIs
* Dev: Added wpla_update_feeds action to force WPLA to generate feeds for changed listings
* New: Added option to send an email to site admin in case of any feed submission error
* Tweak: Apply the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter every time the woocommerce_prices_include_tax option is pulled
* Fixed: Check All button on the Import page was not working
* Fixed: Variation main image fallback must first be set prior to attempting to load from the product gallery
* Fixed: Undefined array key "leadtime-to-ship" warning
* Fixed: Uncaught TypeError: round(): Argument #1 must be of type int|float, string given
* Fixed: Warning Undefined index: listing_title
* Dev: Added filter wpla_override_variation_attribute_with_profile to allow WPLA to use variation attribute value from the profile
* Dev: Use WC_Product methods to get and set product price in Woo_ProductWrapper.php
* Dev: Lock table for reading when using the wpla_lock_feeds_table filter
* Tweak: Adjusted the shipping methods for the GLS courier
* Tweak: Store the Amazon account title with each order when creating orders in WooCommerce
* Tweak: Increased the timeout limit when fetching converted template from conversion server
* Fixed: Error message "Trying to access offset of null in WPLA_AjaxHandler.php"
* Fixed: Fallback to accessing post data from $_REQUEST for sites that cannot read from php://input
* Fixed: Possible issue processing special characters (introduced in 2.2.1)
* Dev: Include Amazon account name and Merchant ID in the WC REST API response for GetOrder calls
* Dev: Store the IOSS in the order metadata
* New: Added invoice uploading for the WooCommerce Print Invoices plugin by SkyVerge
* Tweak: Convert merchant-shipping-group field value to UTF-8 prior to importing
* Tweak: Handle new AFN quantity fields (afn-fulfillable-quantity-local and afn-fulfillable-quantity-remote)
* Fixed: PDF Invoice missing images and fonts
* Fixed: French characters not displaying correctly
* Fixed: Rare issue where a product's stock level could be set to 0 when updating the product in WooCommerce
* Fixed: Removed shirt_size fields from the parent_var_columns array
* Dev: Added logging for checking FBA autosubmit orders
* Dev: Added the filter wpla_update_woo_stock_skip_status_array
* Dev: Added filter wpla_filter_skip_listing_feed_item to skip certain listings from being added to feeds
* New: Added "Couriers Please" to the list of available shipping providers
* New: Retry failed requests due to temporary network issues automatically (HTTP code 502)
* New: Added more parent variation columns (age_range_description, fabric_type, shirt_size, shirt_size_class, shirt_size_system)
* Tweak: Delay creating orders without order items to circumvent temporary network issues (502 bad gateway)
* Tweak: Check ignore_orders_before against PurchaseDate instead of LastUpdateDate
* Tweak: Convert listing titles to UTF8 before importing
* Fixed: Skip listing parent variables if variations mode is flat
* Fixed: When Background Inventory Check is off, also unschedule the wpla_bg_inventory_check_run jobs
* Fixed: Prevent creating orders without any items
* Fixed: Undefined property stdClass::ShippingTax
* Fixed: Selected value in the Feed Attributes list showing up as Custom Values
* Dev: Added the function wpla_is_json()
* Dev: Added logging to the handle_woocommerce_order_status_update_completed checks
* Dev: Added the filters wpla_import_update_product_price and wpla_import_update_amazon_price
* Dev: Increased cURL timeout limit from 15 to 30 seconds
* Dev: Store the Earliest and Latest Ship Dates in the order postmeta
* Dev: Commented out the code block with ATUM plugin support which now is causing a fatal error
* Dev: Passed post_id parameter is in JSON format when using the REST API. Decode and extract the correct post_id if necessary
* Dev: Check for a valid order_id before adding a history entry that the order was created
* Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.3.1
* New: Added support for custom templates with multi-marketplace fields
* New: Added AU shipping carriers Australia Post and StarTrack
* Tweak: Skip checking for stock sync issue if the quantity property is empty to avoid checking against FBA listings
* Tweak: Include the time when filtering the stocks log by date
* Fixed: Convert units to a dot decimal character for the length, width and height properties
* Fixed: Check for the ups_shipment_ids index to prevent getting an Undefined Index warning
* Fixed: Load thickbox library on the Products table to make sure product matching works
* Fixed: Load thickbox library on the Import page
* Dev: Added $order to the wpla_shipping_service_id_map and wpla_shipping_service_title_map filters
* Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2
* New: Added DE colors to the color map list and switch to using text input with autocomplete because Amazon now requires localised color names
* Fixed: Improved script loading to make sure plugin scripts are only loaded within WP-Lister pages
* Fixed: Assigning the main_image_url for each variation was using the primary image of the parent product instead
* Dev: Added filter wpla_duplicate_product_excluded_meta to modify or remove the excluded product meta when duplicating WooCommerce products
* New: Added support for dismissible notices, including warnings about outdated PHP versions
* New: Display important announcements like important new features or critical fixes as dismissible notices
* Fixed: Updated support for WooThumb's new way of storing the variation images
* New: Added a setting to skip checking for invalid EAN and UPC
* New: Show warning when a PHP version older than 7.4 is detected
* Tweak: Use SQL transactions when building shipment feeds to prevent overwriting existing shipments
* Fixed: Possible fatal error during feed generation (Uncaught TypeError: number_format(): Argument #1 must be of type float)
* Fixed: Use the wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter to fix the shipping total of created orders
* Dev: Added wpla_process_fba_report_row action hook
* Dev: Added wpla_add_attribute_name and wpla_add_attribute_label filter hooks
* Dev: Updated the translation files and the strings.php index
* New: Allow custom values to feed attribute drop downs
* New: Import Proxy setting for those sites whose IP are banned from importing from Amazon
* Fixed: Filter wpla_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax not working properly
* Fixed: Added feed_product_type and country_of_origin to the parent feed columns
* Fixed: Removed the parent columns that according to Amazon should not be submitted in the parent listings
* Fixed: Make sure get_data_rows() always returns an array
* Fixed: Fatal error when parsing personalized data
* Fixed: Parse French Valid Values templates
* Tweak: Record the Tax Registration ID / VAT ID when creating order in WooCommerce
* Fixed: Issue where the FBA shipping option was not available during checkout
* Dev: Set the ATUM Multi-Inventory hooks to the highest priority as suggested by their support staff
* Dev: Added filter wpla_listen_for_sku_changes to disable popup when the change action is triggered by the SKU field
* New: Store the FulfillmentChannel in the order postmeta
* Tweak: Round the imported dimension values down to 2 decimal places
* Fixed: Possible fatal error parsing shipping fee values when generating feeds
* Fixed: Reformat the price value to ensure that it can be parsed properly by PHP
* Fixed: Check for the REQUEST_METHOD key which is not available in a CLI environment
* Fixed: Check for wpla_permissions to prevent warnings. This isn't available in multisite installs
* Dev: Added action hook wpla_buy_box_pricing_updated
* Dev: Added filter hook wpla_update_custom_order_status
* Fixed: Removed invalid parameter in process_ship_from_address() method
* Fixed: Prevent WP-Lister from setting order status back to Processing if it is already marked as Completed
New: Create separate size maps for different size fields using the new "Custom Size Mapping" option
* New: Added a "Default Ship From Address" option on the Advanced Settings page
* New: Added support for the Variable Product Part product type
* New: Variable Product Part support for ATUM Product Levels plugin
* New: Shipping tracking support for YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking plugin
* New: Added the Hermes UK shipping provider
* New: Store the IOSS number as order line item meta when creating orders in WooCommerce
* Tweak: Changed the size map select boxes into autocomplete input boxes to allow custom values to be used
* Tweak: Size column mapping: attribute shortcodes are executed first and all custom sizes are transformed to lowercase
* Fixed: FBA tracking was not getting processed if background inventory checking was enabled
* Fixed: Sync product bundle products after increasing and decreasing stocks (WooCommerce Product Bundles)
* Fixed: Fixed the shipped date and carrier-code for DHL (YITH Order Tracking)
* Fixed: Disable transactional emails (WooCommerce Germanized)
* Fixed: Added missing description for the Gift Wrap Options setting
* Fixed: Make sure to leave carrier-name field empty if carrier-code is not "Other"
* Fixed: Perform some additional checks to prevent rare issues with 3rd party plugins
* Fixed: Warning "Required parameter follows optional parameter" on PHP8
* Fixed: Possible fatal error when product price returned is not a number
* Fixed: Newly matched variations were not inheriting the parent's profile
* Fixed: MSRP in the Repricer was not displaying the correct price
* Dev: Added filter wpla_shipping_total
* Dev: Added parameter to the wpla_order_builder_line_item filter
* Dev: Database upgrade to version 53 - added indices to feeds and orders tables