* Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3.
* Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3.
* Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 19 to 34.
* Fix - Validate store supports SSL before loading plugin features.
* Tweak - WC 7.2.1 compatibility.
* Update - Plugin minimum WordPress dependency update to `5.7`.
* Add - Declare compatibility for High-performance Order Systems ("HPOS").
* Add - Option to enable/disable use of customer email in the contact name.
* Change - Ensure tokens are encrypted before we store them.
Add - Support for Subscriptions with WooCommerce Payments.
* Fix - Authentication failed notice when fetching Branding Themes.
* Fix - Ensure shipping tax rates are assigned correctly in the Xero invoice.
* Add - A new setting to select a Xero Branded Theme template to attach with invoices is introduced.
* Fix - Localization to use 'woocommerce-xero'.
* Fix - Zero tax rate labels not matching issue.
* Tweak - Bump WC tested up to version to 6.7.
* Tweak - Bump minimum PHP version to 7.0.
* Tweak - Bump minimum WC version to 6.0.
* Tweak - Bump minimum WP version to 5.6.
* Tweak - WC 6.8.0 compatibility.
* Added - Support for sending invoice prices inclusive of tax.
* Enter a summary of all changes on this Pull Request. This will appear in the changelog if accepted.
* Fixed: Compatibility issues of Subscription renewal order with Sequential Order Numbers Pro.
* Tweak - Improved error detection for response code 401, 403 and 429.
* Add - Setting to allow control how fees tax types are handled.
* Fix - Australia tax rates for GST Free Expences matching zero-tax-rate fees.
* Fix - Contact information is overwritten issue by adding an email address in the contact name.
* Fix - Payments not created automatically when orders are paid with Check.
* Fix - Tweak: Removed Unneeded GDPR item.
* Tweak - Bump tested up to WordPress version 6.0.
* Fix - Tweak: Clarified fees account code and added link to the docs.
* Tweak - Send payment method title as Reference to Xero instead of payment method ID.
* Fix - Enable translations for Xero.
* Fix - Typo on Xero settings page. .
* Tweak - WC 6.2 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.9 compatibility.
* Tweak - WC 5.8 compatibility.
* Tweak - WP 5.8 compatibility.
* Fix - Allow spaces in paths when prefixing vendor namespaces.
* Fix - Ensure the MOSS Sales tax type is matched correctly for shops that use it.
* Fix - Fix: Xero line item discount amount.
* Fix - Set discount amount instead of discount rate to prevent order total mismatch between WooCommerce and Xero.
* Fix - add unique namespace to the Guzzle library to avoid conflicts.
* Tweak - WC 5.7 compatibility.
* Fix - Add unique namespace to the Guzzle library to avoid conflicts.
Created | 21-07-2020 |
Updated | 20-07-2024 |
Catégorie | Add-ons |
Taille du fichier | 1.73 MB |
Commentaires | 0 |
Vues | 3659 |
Ventes | 0 |
Downloaded | 0 |