* Fix: Invalid product IDs stopping export of waitlist data
* Fix: Product bundles being ignored by global exporter
* Feature: Newly created users now force a page reload after they have been added to the waitlist
* Added: Filter to redirect new users after they have an account created for them (wcwl_redirect_after_account_auto_create)
Fix: Raw HTML ouputting on user account waitlist page
Fix: Users not always logged in correctly after account created
Fix: Waitlist not updating for private products
Fix: SQL optimised for custom exporter
Added: Filter around shortcode depending on product type
Added: Security improvements
Added: Variable products excluded from account template (in case of accidentally joining parent waitlist)
Fix: Some specific setups for variations were not sending out Mailouts incorrectly
Fix: version meta update running query unnecessarily
Fix: mailouts not always sending for parent product bundles
Added: Import/export options for waitlist data within WooCommerce's product exporter
Added: Waitlist elements will now show by default within Elementor template
Added: Option for double opt-in (via email) for non-registered users when joining waitlist
Added: Filter to disable showing waitlist within Elementor template (wcwl_add_waitlist_for_elementor)
Added: minimal styling to button on archive page to avoid overlap
* Added: Compatibility with chained products plugin