WooCommerce Lottery - WordPress Prizes and Lotteries - V2.2.5
Add: filter woocommerce_lottery_max_purchase_quantity
- Fix: cache
- Fix: small bugs
- Fix: Dokan double ticket problem
- Add: filter woocommerce_lottery_entry_list_perpage
- Fix: entry list compatibility with Yoast SEO
- Fix: entry list compatibility with RankMath SEO
- Fix: duplicate queries
- Fix: JS quantity bug
- Add: login at later stage of checkout
- Fix: lottery stuck if there is on hold order for lottery
- Fix: template bug with future lotteries
- Fix: show additional custom content in email notifications
- Fix: caching and future lotteries
- Fix: translations
- Fix: lottery winners shortcode problem
Fix: potential cache issue
- Fix: performance
- Fix: stock input