* Added Language Switcher block in Gutenberg Editor
* Fixed edge case error regarding __return_true function
* Improved converting urls in different languages
* Fixed language switcher directing to page not found in some edge cases
* Improved speed by eliminating the need of a query on gettext domains on most pages
* Improved speed when WooCommerce is active by better handling gettext processing
* Added hooks for disabling translation blocks
* Fixed cases of sprintf errors when running PHP 8+
* Fixed some gettext strings not selectable in Translation Editor when on secondary languages
* Fixed edge case not being able to save CPT when slug is translated and default language subdirectory is enabled
* Improved trp_language conditional shortcode by not running contents through Automatic Translation
* Fixed 404 issues on WooCommerce caused by permalink changes not resetting TP transients
* Improved communicating license status and other notices
* Added developer friendly functions trp_switch_language and trp_restore_language to briefly switch language
* Fixed anchor missing from custom links on translated pages
* Fixed compatibility issue with GiveWP not redirecting to confirmation page after donation
* Fixed edge case error with the way some plugins loaded textdomain
* Fixed notice when editing posts
* Fixed missing GET parameters when accessing a custom url without subdirectory
* Added filter trp_redirect_status to allow changing redirect status from all wp_redirect calls
Fixed error when resetting password on WooCommerce form
* Added feature to remember user language for WooCommerce emails. Both admins and customers now receive all Woo emails in their preferred language, not just on checkout
* Improved handling of empty or invalid schema json arrays in script tags on translated languages
* Improved compatibility with WooCommerce Payments
* Fixed php notice about notification_id
Fixed security vulnerability
* Added Translate Page button in Gutenberg Editor
* Improved TranslatePress General settings UI on smaller screens
* Added function trp_translate to facilitate custom integrations by other devs
* Renamed possibly conflicting lang attribute of the template tag used to detect language
* Added compatibility with Elementor Containers for exclude/include in certain language
* Added Advanced option to change html lang attribute to a region independent form
* Fixed issue with ACF plugin when saving metabox fields
* Fixed issue with the option to Exclude strings from automatic translation when the excluded text is a substring of another excluded text
* Fixed notice in PHP 8+ versions about passing null variables being deprecated
* Fix: compatibility issue between translation interface and Thrive Architect
* Fix: make sure processed links are stripped of extra tags
* Fix: a potential error in the url converter
* Fixed truncated archive urls on front page on translated pages
* Fixed bug with language switcher not working properly for posts with translated slugs when using Advanced option to Exclude Paths From Translation
* Fixed canonical of archive links sometimes not having translated slugs in url
* Fixed FAQ schema not being fully translated
* Fixed trp_hreflang hook parameters
* Added compatibility for WooCommerce PDF Catalog plugin
* Fixed edge case causing SQL errors due to case sensitivity on table names
* Fixed hreflang code for Belarusian
* Fixed Gujarati flag
* Improved automatic translation usage by skipping detection of icalendar strings
* Unsupported languages are now checked automatically when saving Automatic Translation tab settings
* Added new filters that allow changing the custom tables names from external scripts
* Fixed span tag appearing in WooCommerce Orders in WP Dashboard
* Fixed warnings from The Event Calendar about SQL commands
* Fixed errors appearing in logs when using custom integration code
* Prevent automatic translation of names and addresses in WooCommerce emails
* Added external function for devs to easily create custom language switchers: trp_custom_language_switcher
* Fixed issue with not including hreflang tags for some languages when Advanced option to Remove hreflang with Country Locale is used
* Fixed warning related to using custom language flags
* Fixed XSS security vulnerability
* Fixed sitemap containing urls with language slugs linking to paths excluded from translation
* Fixed issue affecting translation of some particular JSON requests
* Fixed edge case error regarding MO objects
* Moved Automatic translate slugs option to Automatic Translation tab
* Fixed issue in WP 5.9 causing Invalid Data SQL Error reports
* Improved page load time for WooCommerce websites on translated languages
* Improved admin notices regarding database optimization
* Added Advanced option to adjust hreflang to hide region independent language tags or country locale tags
* Added missing flags for Tamil (Sri Lanka), Spanish (Ecuador), Spanish (Dominican Republic), Amharic
* Improved Automatic Translation tab checking for translation API key validity
* Improved Plugins interface action buttons for TP by taking into account free/pro status
* Fixed error management interface displaying raw HTML instead of formatted HTML
* Fixed notice in admin for an edge case
* Fixed notice in Test API Page when test request resulted in WP Error
* Fixed language slug incorrectly ending up in htaccess in some cases
* Fixed issue in hreflang tags when using certain custom language codes
* Added missing Persian (Afghanistan) flag
* Improved database optimization tool by adding option to remove CDATA and untranslated links from TP custom tables
* Fixed database optimization tool not starting in some cases
* Fixed edge case error unknown format specifier on php 8 related to automatic translation of gettext strings
* Added noindex tag to Translation Editor pages to prevent duplicate indexing
* Added language formality setting to be used in Automatic Translation
* Added Advanced option for enabling clickable shortcode language switcher
* Improved tool for database optimization from Advanced tab
* Fixed translation blocks ignoring target blank on links
* Added form in settings to sign up for TranslatePress email course
* Fixed issue when logging in that redirected to "page not found" when languages are reordered
* Fixed hyphenation issue on default language when using WP-typography plugin
* Fixed notices regarding is_file call
* Show sanitized translation when editing gettext strings in Translation Editor
* Fixed showing translation language instead of default language in some cases in Elementor, Divi and WPBakery editors
* Fixed breadcrumbs issue with All in One SEO plugin on translation language
* Fixed Beaver Builder Editor loading loop when Automatic User Language Detection is active
* Fixed issue with excluding path from translation
* Show sanitized translation after saving changes in Translation Editor
* Improved query for getting existing translations
* Fixed issue with using wildcard in Translate only certain paths feature
* Fixed php warning on settings page about DeepL
* Optimized automatic translation usage by improved recognition of cdata, js scripts and encoded html
* Fixed conflict with Ultimate Dashboard
* Added Opposite Language menu item when using 2 languages
* Added support for opposite language in floating language switcher
* Fixed DeepL API key check showing green icon with incorrect keys
* Fixed some cases of increased automatic translation usage
* Added Advanced option to show opposite language in shortcode language switcher
* Added CSS class current-language-menu-item to menu language switcher to allow customization
* Fixed notice in PHP 8 related to custom-languages
* Corrected Swahili flag
* Improved Custom Languages feature
* Added possibility to easily edit existing language name or flag through Custom Language
* Added vertical scroll on floating and shortcode language switchers when having many languages
* Fixed some cases of missing spaces between words in different html tags on translated pages
* Fixed conflict with Scriptless Social Sharing plugin
* Security improvements
* Added option to translate content restricted by language in Elementor
* Added filter to disable independent region hreflang tags
* Improved notices in TP Settings
* Corrected plugin name
* Added compatibility with PHP 8
* Added compatibility with Profile Builder Content Restriction redirect URL
* Added compatibility with Paid Member Subscription Content Restriction redirect URL
* Added filter to skip admin check on add_language_to_home_url
* Fixed some cases of PHP errors
Created | 22-10-2020 |
Updated | 26-10-2024 |
Catégorie | Miscellaneous |
Theme Type | ORIGINAL |
Taille du fichier | 5.28 MB |
Commentaires | 0 |
Vues | 1635 |
Ventes | 0 |
Downloaded | 2 |