- [Feat] Dynamic Icon Selection and Optional Button for HFG Advanced Search Components
- [Fix] The color for the copyright component is not updating in the customizer
- [Fix] Search form inherits the post card min-height on the search-no-result page
- [Fix] Primary menu Submenu Icon size is different in customizer vs. frontend
- [Fix] The customizer is not opening with older Neve versions (Neve v3.1 or Neve v3.2 etc.)
- [Fix] Sticky header remains on top of the lightbox of image
- [Fix] Social icons in footer
- Improve code readability
- [Feat] Allow the show/hide mechanism on posts with closed comments
- [Feat] Allow custom colors to be selected inside the mega-menu module
- [Fix] Thumbnails slider section is not syncing with main image in the slider of product page
- [Fix] Fade animation issue on mobile menu
- [Fix] cart-link magic tag not correctly replaced
- [Fix] Prevent Layout toggle from displaying when the shop page displays just categories
- [Fix] Mega menu column display
- Improve the shop page when it shows categories and products
- A new notification in the Neve dashboard indicating that a license is almost expired
- Check compatibility with WooCommerce 7.4
- [Feat] Allow the show/hide mechanism on posts with closed comments
- [Feat] Allow custom colors to be selected inside the mega-menu module
- [Fix] Thumbnails slider section is not syncing with the main image in the slider of the product gallery
- [Fix] Fade animation issue on mobile menu
- [Fix] cart-link magic tag not correctly replaced
- [Fix] Prevent Layout toggle from displaying when the shop page displays just categories
- [Fix] Mega menu column display
- Improve the shop page when it shows categories and products
- A new notification in the Neve dashboard indicating that a license is almost expired
- Check compatibility with WooCommerce 7.4
Update the tested up to version for Neve
- [Feat] Add Bandcamp icon to the social component in HFG
- [Feat] Allow the installation of Otter directly from Neve's dashboard
- [Fix] Conditional header added as custom layout also appears on the search page template
- [Fix] Popup for color controls in mega menu not appearing
- [Fix] Sticky Add to Cart does not work if the Single Product Elementor template is applied
- Adjusted position of the Custom Layouts modal close button
- Test integration with WooCommerce 7.2 and update tested up to
- [Fix] Blocks module not displaying the required plugins
- [Fix] Revert menu changes to fix regressions
- [Feat] Add compatibility between Custom meta and Pods fields
- [Fix] Cross-sells image width
- [Fix] Products image width when shop shortcode is used
- [Fix] Submenu border width not working
- Remove unnecessary functions for product video
- Test Neve with WooCommerce 7.0
- [Fix] Added styles for RankMath breadcrumbs.
- [Fix] Empty line between border and element when the row is sticky
- [Fix] Notice for new sharing icons until a title is set for it
- Prepare Neve Pro for WordPress 6.1
- [Fix] Upside down menu caret in Safari
- [Fix] Page header not appearing when expanding its section
- [Fix[ Submenu looks different in customizer by default
- [Fix] Performace issue caused by Advanced search components
- [Fix] Missing PHP editor in custom layouts
- [Fix] Added an additional check for custom layouts role capability
- [Fix] Custom layout sidebar not working
- [Fix] Missing conditions when setting a custom layout
- [Fix] Compatibility issue between Sparks Variation Swatches & Neve Pro infinite products mechanism
- [Fix] Regression-related compatibility to Sparks Comparison Table Sticky Bar & Neve Pro Sticky Add to Cart
- [Fix] Admin notice related to Woo Booster
- [Feat] Introduce two new conditions for Custom Layouts: page parent and page ancestor
- [Fix] Custom Layout Sidebar not working on page
- [Feat] Add support for hiding archive titles for custom post types
- [Fix] Product gallery style
- [Fix] Sharing icons not appearing without background and color
- [Feat] Enhanced controls for related posts
- [Feat] Add settings for Polylang inside the language switcher component
- [Feat] Add support for discovering late-registered custom post types in the Post type enhancements module
- [Fix] Meta on custom post types not displaying anything until the control in the customizer is changed
- [Fix] Shop and product pages if elementor template is installed
- [Fix] Hide doc section when Whitelabel is active
- [Fix] Broken install link for sparks in dashboard
- [Fix] Post type enhancements header layout does not inherit post header layout
- [Fix] Product header affected by the post type enhancements module
- [Fix] PHP notice on payment icons if Sparks is not activated
- [Fix] Notice behavior in the dashboard
- [Fix] Possible error with Neve Pro and Otter Pro
- [Feat] Custom Sidebars using custom layout
- [Feat] Enhance sharing icons section both on single posts and on custom post types
- [Feat] New Global custom layout option
- [Feat] Custom meta integration with ACF, Toolset, and Metabox
- [Feat] Adds support for saving local fonts to the server for any plugin which enqueues fonts
- [Feat] Card Style for the Blog List Layout
- [Feat] Add a way to translate the logo with Polylang
- [Feat] Add Architecture Studio starter site - [Gutenberg](https://demosites.io/architecture-studio-gb/)
- [Feat] Add Recipe Blog starter site - [Gutenberg](https://demosites.io/recipes-blog-gb/) | [Elementor](https://demosites.io/recipes-blog/)
- [Feat] Add Real Estate Agency starter site - [Gutenberg](https://demosites.io/real-estate-agency-gb/)
- [Feat] Add NFT Illustrator starter site - [Gutenberg](https://demosites.io/nft-illustrator-gb/)
- [Feat] Add Medicare starter site - [Gutenberg](https://demosites.io/medicare-gb/) | [Elementor](https://demosites.io/medicare/)
- [Fix] Control out of the accordion
- [Fix] Add a check for Custom Layouts when using the custom editor
- [Fix] Post items order controls affect shop items order
- [Fix] Console error when the transparent header and sticky are turned on
- [FIx] Related post's colors are overwritten by card style colors from blog
- [Fix] Multiple inside layouts not displaying
- [Fix] Compatibility issue with Ninja Forms
- [Fix] Products Quick View not working with plain permalinks
- [Fix] Mega menu colors
- [Fix] Compatibility between Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields and Post type enhancements module
- [Fix] Variation swatches image upload issue in WP 6.0
- [Fix] Conflict with BuddyPress post update button and WooCommerce Booster module
- [Feat] Add Xing to the icon list
- [Feat] More conditionals for custom layouts and headers
- [Fix] Content padding for grid elements the same no matter the unit
- [Fix] Switching product card layout in the customizer
- [Fix] Handle edge cases for the Instagram Elementir widget
- [Fix] Seamless add to cart adds two products in the WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin
- [Fix] Spacing on comparison button
- [Fix] Handle sale percentage for variable products
- [Fix] When using Learndash LMS, context would default to post for the page
- [Fix] Performance module display for related products
- [Feat] Add a new filter to allow users to enable quantity input in the quick view modal.
- [Fix] After rollback the update button doesn't appear in some situations.
- [Fix] Auto-update link not appearing after installing the latest version.
- [Fix] PHP warning due to React controls.
- [Fix] Column layout display on mega-menu.
- [Fix] Some Typekit fonts are not working.
- Trigger a JS event after loading a new post in the infinite scroll on the single page.
- [Feat] Added more icons to scroll to top
- [Feat] Allow different navigation menu on each additional Primary Menu component
- [Fix] Quick view button in mobile view on product card image automatically gets triggered on touch
- [Fix] Comparison table compatibility with Otter Blocks
- [Fix] Admin bar drop-downs getting overlapped by sticky navigation
- Add action links to plugin card on plugins dashboard page
- [Fix] Range control's design broken in customizer on WordPress 5.9
- Supporting changes for logo based on palette switcher
- [Fix] Error on the search page with no results when comparison table is active
- [Fix] Show hide comments button on single post infinite scroll
- [Fix] Trying to edit a post that doesn't exist produce a notice in the backend when announcement bars are enabled
- [Fix] Missing icons in the dashboard for Elementor widgets.
- [Fix] Product navigation works through all products, not just between products in the same category.
- [Fix] Prevent Comparison table scripts to load on pages where it's not required.
- [Fix] Compare button on the cart page.
- [Fix] Off-canvas cart not opening in some cases
- [Fix] The caret for the mega menu is not doing anything in the mobile sidebar
- Improve UX for users when they configure the scroll to the top section.
- [Feat] Custom "Thank You Pages" - [Learn More](https://bit.ly/nv-custom-ty)
- [Fix] Fixed the issue with slow dashboard when there are a lot of users registered on a website
- [Fix] Comparison table is not translatable
- [Fix] Product links on images require double-tap to open the product page
- [Fix] Compatibility issue between comparison table sticky bar and top positioned sticky add to cart
- [Fix] My Account drop-downs misaligned on Desktop
- Reduce JS file size for WooCommerce Booster
- [Fix] Performance module features continue to take action when the main module is disabled
- [Fix] Custom layouts not working inside content
- [Fix] Sticky header/footer script loading when not needed in edge case
- [Fix] Elementor custom field widget is not displaying the meta fields
- [Fix] Unicode characters displayed as encoded on conditional headers
- [Fix] Conditional headers JSON data getting corrupted in some cases
- [Fix] Conditional headers not saving after first publishing in the customizer
- [Fix] Cart Total Box and Fixed Total Box overlapping the footer when sticky
- [Fix] Show placeholder image in quick view modal if the product has no images
- [Fix] "Show Hooks" button appearing for users that are not admins
- [Fix] Sticky header issue that occurs on the mobile devices with admin bar visible
- [Fix] SiteGround Optimization plugin conflict
- Optimize markup for Compare and Wishlist product card buttons
- [Fix] Sticky order total box on the side-by-side cart
- [Fix] Related posts have featured images without width and height
- [Fix] Notice when the comparison page is being deleted
- [Fix] Product breadcrumbs not showing up
- [Fix] Checkout duplicated title
- [Fix] Re-design for comparison table max product notice
- [Fix] Disable compare button from quick view
- [Fix] Disable the variation swatches options according to the stock availability or attribute dependencies
- [Feat] Enhanced repeater control for Customizer settings
- [Fix] transparent/sticky header
- [Fix] notice that amp check was called too soon
- [Fix] image swipe effect goes over product card buttons