BugFixed bug related to Current URL value.
BugFixed bug related to RTL on admin area.
BugFixed bug related to admin department selector.
BugFixed bug related to agent privileges.
BugFixed bug related to messaging apps messages sent to wrong numbers or accounts from Support Board.
OptimizationVisitors automatic conversations are now hidden from the archived conversations list.
OptimizationLazy loading of images.
SecurityFixed a security bug that allowed anyone to read the secret token of users and admins and take control of the Support Board admin area if Pusher was active. Check your admin and agents account and settings area and make sure everything is as expected. This bug only affects Support Board installations that use the Miscellaneous > Pusher setting.
BugFixed bug related to the admin area translation option.
BugFixed bug related to rich messages inside the welcome message.
BugFixed bug related to email notifications for conversations generated by external sources.
New featureOption to mark a conversation as unread.
BugFixed bug related to the rich message submit and message updates.
BugFixed bug related to the red counter notifications.
BugFixed bug related to text message and email notifications for conversations from messaging apps.
New featureOption to close the chat for both users and agents.
BugFixed bug related to fixed phone number country code.
BugFixed bugs related to the chat design.
BugFixed bug related to registration error messages.
BugFixed bug related to messages not visible in chat if sent at the same time of other messages.
OptimizationFile attachments are not deleted on message delete, conversation delete, or user delete.
ApiDialogflow send message function parameters are now optional.
ApiThe datetime attribute of the following PHP functions now accept also an ID: sb_get_new_users(), sb_get_new_conversations(), sb_get_new_messages(), sb_get_new_user_conversations().
ApiThe datetime attribute of the following WEB and JS AJAX functions now accept also an ID: get-new-users, get-new-conversations, get-new-messages, get-new-user-conversations.
Security: Improved security related to SQL Injection and XSS attacks.
Security: Fixed security bug that was allowing agents and admins to read data from the database.
Bug: Fixed bug related to routing.
Bug: Fixed bug related agent and department conversation assignment notifications.
Optimization:Improved RTL admin UI and WordPress UI.
Optimization: On mobile, chat is never opened automatically on page load.
New feature:Option to disable email field from the registration form.
Api: PHP API function 'sb_get_online_user_ids()' renamed to 'sb_get_online_user_ids()'.