* Fix PHP warning when a filtered taxonomy has no query var #1124
* Fix SQL error when attempting to get objects without languages and no language exist #1126
* Fix error when term slugs are provided as array in WP_Query #1119, #1132 Props Susanna Häggblom
* Fix a CSS regression in the wizard causing the default language icon to be removed #1137
Work around a WooCommerce 6.9.x bug causing a fatal error in the wizard. #1116
* Pro: Fix a conflict with Kadence blocks
* Pro: Fix a conflict with Flatsome builder
* Fix media translation setting having no effect
* Pro: Fix creation of WC product categories with shared slug via REST API
* Pro: Fix conflict with WooBuilder when editing a WC product
* Fix: Force empty string translation to empty string #1058
* Fix CSS conflict with Dynamic content for Elementor #1060
* Pro: Remove "Navigation menus" from the post type settings list
* Pro: Fix block editor languages panel missing in WordPress 5.6
* Pro: Fix wrongly indexed languages list returned by REST API when the first language is deactivated.
* Revert fix for category feed not redirected when the language code is wrong #1054
* Fix wrong redirect of category when the url includes a query string #1048
* Fix querying multiple categories failing
* Pro: Fix a fatal error when inserting a term
* Pro: Fix translation of the block cover when duplicating a post
* Pro: Fix a CSS issue in bulk tranlate form introduced by WP 6.0
* Pro: Fix a CSS issue in string import/export metaboxes.
* Prevent random languages order in WP 6.0 #1041
* Translate site title in retrieve password email #1042
* Fix 'lang' attribute in language widget dropdown #1039
* Pro: Fix redirect occuring for tags sharing the same slug as their translations
* Fix quick edit allowing to modify the language of the default category when it should not #1018
* Pro: Fix users with editor role not able to save or publish posts
* Pro: Fix FSE compatibility not loaded when the plugin Gütenberg is active
* Pro: Fix a fatal error occuring with Yoast SEO Premium
* Pro: Fix a fatal error with ACF when no language is defined
* Requires WP 5.6 as minimum version
* Pro: Add compatibility with the full site editing introduced in WP 5.9
* Pro: Add a language switcher block for the navigation block introduced in WP 5.9
* Pro: Add compatibility with the new gallery block introduced in WP 5.9
* Pro: Make the language switcher block available in the widget section of the customizer
* Pro: Fix wrong category when translating the latest block
* Pro: Fix the language switcher block when using the dropdown option
* Pro: Fix some edge cases with locale fallback
* Pro: Fix post template replacing the post content when duplicating a post
* Pro: Fix synchronization groups not correctly cleaned up when a language is deleted
* Pro: Fix incorrect sticky property when duplicating / synchronizing posts
* Pro: Fix "Page for posts" label after the page has been bulk translated
* Pro: Fix translated slug when the url includes a query string
* Pro: Synchronize ACF layout fields if a child field is synchronized or translatable
* Pro: Fix wrong field group translation displayed when using object cache with ACF
* Update plugin updater to 1.9.1
* Add compatibility with the block site title introduced in WP 5.9
* Add the list of wpml-config.xml files in the site health information
* Improve the performance of the get_pages() filter #980
* Improve the compatibility of 'wpml_object_id' with the original filter #972
* Prevent term_exists to be filtered by language in WP 6.0
* Fix some PHP 8.1 deprecations #949 #985
* Fix a fatal error in PHP 8.1 #987
* Fix category feed not redirected when the langage code is wrong #887
* Fix default category not created for secondary languages (introduced in 3.1) #997
* Fix parent page when the parent post type is not translatable #1001
* Fix the Yoast SEO breadcrumb when it includes a non-synchronized taxonomy #1005
* Fix a PHP Notice when adding a new language and Yoast SEO is active #979
* Fix a PHP warning in Yoast SEO compatibility #954
* Pro: Adapt duplication and synchronization of the gallery block refactored in WP 5.9
* Fix UI glitch in the classic editor custom fields form when changing a post language in WP 5.9 #970
* Fix user description escaping #934
* Fix dismissable notice when creating a term in WP 5.9 #936
* Fix empty search not handled correctly. Props Dominik Schilling #937
* Fix warning occurring when a 3rd party plugin attempts to register anything else than a string using the WPML API #942
* Fix Yoast SEO columns not corectly drawn when quick editing a post #943
* Pro: Fix parent page not filtered by language in the block editor since WP 5.6
* Pro: Fix XLIFF mime type for PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1
* Fix settings page displaying the media modules whne no language are defined
* Enforce Yoast SEO to use dynamic permalinks #882
* Yoast SEO: Fix static front page and blog page breadcrumb
* Pro: Fix a fatal error with The Events Calendar
* Allow to remove the cookie with the pll_cookie_expiration filter #905
* Add compatibility with WordPress 5.8
* Raise Minimum WordPress version to 5.4
* Pro: Allow to filter blocks by language in the widget block editor
* Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for string translations
* Pro: Add the language switcher in the navigation block (experimental)
* Pro: Replace dashicons by svg icons in the block editor
* Pro: The Events Calendar: Add compatibility with Views V2 (only for sites using only one domain)
* Pro: Fix + icon displayed in the block editor sidebar when the user cannot create a translation
* Add a warning section to the site health for posts and terms without languages #825
* Require the simplexml extension in the site health if a wpml-config.xml is found #827
* Remove the information about the WPML compabitility mode in settings #843
* The browser preferred language detection is now deactivated by default
* The media are now untranslated by default
* Highlight the language filter in the admin toolbar when it's active #821
* Allow to query comments in multiple languages (just as posts and terms) #840
* Don't disable the translation input field in the classic metabox #841 Props Onatcer
* Optimize all images including flags #848 Props lowwebtech
* Don't redirect if WordPress doesn't validate the redirect url to avoid redirects to /wp-admin/ #879
* Fix media appearing to have a language after the language is changed in the media library grid view #807
* Fix media not all deleted when bulk deleting from the grid view of the media library #830
* Fix when more than one language switcher are added to the same menu #853
* Fix PHP notice when adding a CPT archive link to a menu #868 Props davidwebca
* Add compatibility with WordPress 5.8
* Raise Minimum WordPress version to 5.4
* Pro: Allow to filter blocks by language in the widget block editor
* Pro: Allow to export and import XLIFF files for string translations
* Pro: Add the language switcher in the navigation block (experimental)
* Pro: Replace dashicons by svg icons in the block editor
* Pro: The Events Calendar: Add compatibility with Views V2 (only for sites using only one domain)
* Pro: Fix + icon displayed in the block editor sidebar when the user cannot create a translation
* Add a warning section to the site health for posts and terms without languages #825
* Require the simplexml extension in the site health if a wpml-config.xml is found #827
* Remove the information about the WPML compabitility mode in settings #843
* The browser preferred language detection is now deactivated by default
* The media are now untranslated by default
* Highlight the language filter in the admin toolbar when it's active #821
* Allow to query comments in multiple languages (just as posts and terms) #840
* Don't disable the translation input field in the classic metabox #841 Props Onatcer
* Optimize all images including flags #848 Props lowwebtech
* Don't redirect if WordPress doesn't validate the redirect url to avoid redirects to /wp-admin/ #879
* Fix media appearing to have a language after the language is changed in the media library grid view #807
* Fix media not all deleted when bulk deleting from the grid view of the media library #830
* Fix when more than one language switcher are added to the same menu #853
* Fix PHP notice when adding a CPT archive link to a menu #868 Props davidwebca
* Fix a conflict with the WooCommerce cart translation and cache plugins #876