Version: 4.8.78 NULLED
- **UPD**: STM Configurations is updated to v4.5.6.
- **UPD**: Adaptive and Visual improvements for Elementor Cooking Courses demo:
- **UPD**: Courses Grid widget is replaced with the Courses widget which is more customizable.
- **FIXED**: Indents that did not match with WPBakery demo in all sections of the Home, About us, and Contact us pages.
- **FIXED**: Minor adaptive issues of the Home page are fixed for mobile and tablets.
- **UPD**: Adaptive and Visual improvements for Classic LMS 2 demo:
- **UPD**: Courses Grid widget is replaced with the Courses widget which is more customizable.
- **FIXED**: Indents that did not match with WPBakery demo in Featured Teacher, Subscribe, Professional Staff and Latest News sections of the Home page.
- **FIXED**: The paddings of About us, and Contact us pages revised.
- **FIXED**: The grid of icons and content is aligned for Mobile and tablets.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.28.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.8.
- **UPD**: WooCommerce templates updated.
- **FIXED**: When the Course section title contained a comma, it separated after the comma.
- **FIXED**: The Preview button on the course card in the List View was not clickable.
- **FIXED**: User Account Drop Down menu displayed behind Stream.
- **FIXED**: Visual issues in the lessons with H5P.
- **FIXED**: Demo Quizzes displayed incorrect results.
- **FIXED**: Semicolon ";" displayed after username and password in Email.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.26.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.7.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.21.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.4.
- **UPD**: STM Configurations is updated to v4.4.8.
- **FIXED**: The mobile header did not load when the template for the Elementor header & footer builder is imported.
- **FIXED**: Unnecessary paddings were removed in the header of the Private Instructor demo.
- **FIXED**: Instructors couldn't set decimal prices for Courses Bundle.
- **FIXED**: Minor bug fixes.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.17
- **UPD**: STM Configurations is updated to v4.4.6.
- **UPD**: Elementor Widgets Plugin is updated to to v1.2.0.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy Theme Widgets are separately grouped in Elementor.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.16
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.1
- **UPD**: Compatibility with WordPress 6.1
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.15
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.9.0
- **NEW**: Preloader added to LMS pages and sections
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.11
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.8.7
- **UPD**: Visual improvements in MasterStudy LMS Wizard
- **UPD**: Theme preloader redesigned
- **UPD**: WooCommerce templates updated
- **FIXED**: WooCommerce page responsive issues
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to **2.9.5**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to **3.8.4**
- **FIXED**: Incorrect display of Pro Addons thumbnail images in macOS.
- **FIXED**: Different accept ratio of the thumbnail images of LMS courses on the "Add Student" page.
- **FIXED**: Announcement menu item not displayed in instructors user account and floating menu.
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.9.2
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.8.0
- **NEW**: Mobile header settings added to the theme options.
- **NEW**: Added Category filter for admin dashboard were listed all courses.
- **NEW**: The user will remain on the same page after logging in through the Floating menu.
- **FIXED**: Lesson navigation disappeared when the WPML plugin is active.
- **FIXED**: Fatal errors when the WPML plugin is active.
- **FIXED**: Сhanges for LMS Pages not worked on Front-end and caused 404 error on User account navigation.
- **FIXED**: The order of the questions changed after saving the quiz.
- **FIXED**: Checkbox fields created using the LMS Forms editor, reset in a user profile.
- **FIXED**: The custom fields created through the LMS form editor cannot be used in the LMS email manager.
- **FIXED**: When Guest checkout is enabled the course did not remove from the cart.
- **FIXED**: The word "Wishlisted" was replaced with "Remove from Wishlist".
- **FIXED**: Minor visual bugs.
- **FIXED**: Website Footer displaying issues
- **FIXED**: Menu displaying issues in Mobile version
- **FIXED**: Course Lessons Widget has been renamed to Offline Course Lessons Widget
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Free Plugin is updated to v2.8.9
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS Pro Plugin is updated to v3.7.8
- **FIXED**: The sticky header caused inappropriate work of the login page on mobile devices
- **FIXED**: Inappropriate content box appearance in the list view of the courses archive page when applying RTL
- **FIXED**: RTL Demo Header issues in the header styles (Offline Courses Header, Distance Learning Header, and White-LMS Header)
- **FIXED**: In the Footer, Widgets reordering didn’t work when applying RTL
- **FIXED**: Demo Header didn’t change for Offline Courses when applying RTL
- **FIXED**: The Search Widget didn't work with Elementor Header & Footer Builder
- **FIXED**: New single post added with Elementor Builder after publishing removed other default blocks (example: comment section, top bar, etc.)
- **UPD**: Theme Colors affection to the MasterStudy LMS elements
- **UPD**: Color Schema Appliance
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.8.8**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.7.7**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy STM configurations plugin updated to **4.3.8**
- **ADDED**: Preloader for instructor account
- **ADDED**: “Add your first course” message added for instructor’s account without any courses
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.8.5**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.7.4**
- **FIXED**: Navigation menu on theme disappeared after plugin update with mobile header
- **FIXED**: Search field is not visible by default in Online Academy demo with imported Elementor page builder
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.7.8**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.7.0**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy Elementor widgets plugin updated to **1.1.7**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy STM configurations plugin updated to **4.3.6**
- **UPD**: Slider Revolution plugin updated to **6.5.15**
- **UPD**: WPBakery Page Builder updated to **6.8.0**
- **ADDED**: Theme dashboard new layout
- **FIXED**: Pagination is not displayed on Instructor Carousel element in RTL Demo
- **FIXED**: incorrect course elements layout on Classic mode in RTL Demo
- **FIXED**: Theme style issues
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.7.4**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.6.9**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy Elementor widgets plugin updated to **1.1.6**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy STM configurations plugin updated to **4.3.5**
- **ADDED**: New icon MasterStudy set on Icon Box element in Elementor Page builder
- **ADDED**: Styles 7 and 8 for STM Testimonials widget in Elementor Page builder
- **ADDED**: Style 2 for Video widget in Elementor Page builder
- **ADDED**: From now on, STM prefixes were removed from the LMS widgets Elementor Page builder. Added the icons and LMS label instead.
- **FIXED**: Removed the styles, which are conflicting with Elementor's widgets (Social Icons, Accordion)
- **FIXED**: Bug with LMS modules, when placing them onto the page using Elementor Page builder
- **FIXED**: Some bugs while editing the pages using Elementor page builders
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.7.3**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.6.8**
- **UPD**: Bug with default styles on LMS Demo layouts was fixed
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.7.2**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.6.7**
- **UPD**: STM Configurations plugin updated to **4.3.4**
- **UPD**: Slider Revolution plugin updated to **6.5.11**
- **UPD**: Udemy style renamed to Modern Style
- **UPD**: Modern Style is active by default
- **UPD**: Theme options version updated
- **UPD**: Distance learning demo.xml updated
- **UPD**: Float menu icon
- **FIXED**: Translation issues of several non-editable strings
- **FIXED**: Free courses filtering issue
- **FIXED**: Problem with saving questions/quizzes using eRoom plugin
- **FIXED**: SCORM courses uploading issue
- **FIXED**: Student reviewing issue
- **FIXED**: Wizard navigation menu issue
- **FIXED**: Instructors archive page responsive issue
- **FIXED**: Separator widget align issue
- **FIXED**: "Fill the gap" answer align issue
- **FIXED**: Certificates date translation issue
- **FIXED**: Minor web layout issues
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.7.1**
- **FIXED**: Mobile version hamburger menu displaying issue
UPD: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to 2.6.8
UPD: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to 3.6.4
UPD: STM Configurations plugin updated to 4.3.2
UPD: Admin Dashboard Video manuals gallery view
FIXED: Minor bugs
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.6.7**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.6.3**
- **ADDED**: Admin Dashboard notification
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS plugin updated to **2.6.6**
- **UPD**: MasterStudy LMS PRO plugin updated to **3.6.2**
- **UPD**: Slider Revolution plugin updated to **6.5.5**
- **UPD**: Zoom Meetings/Webinars Grid widget design updated