* Added: Add to Wishlist data source in Compare Table widget;
* Added: Possibility to change max items compare message;
* Added: Box shadow style controls;
* Tweak: Dashboard templates;
* Fixed: Default and controls styles.
* Fixed: Empty attribute exclude options in Compare Table widget;
* Fixed: Scripts conflict;
* Fixed: Some minor styles issues.
* Added: Compatibility with JetWooBuilder 2.0.0 version;
* Added: Clear compare table action button;
* Update: JetDashboard to 2.0.9;
* Tweak: `jet-cw/compare/empty_text` and `jet-cw/wishlist/empty_text` for empty message handle;
* Fixed: JS error on pages without Elementor;
* Fixed: Minor issues.
* Added: Compare Table widget Attributes exclude control;
* Added: Compare Table widget Custom Field before & after controls;
* Fixed: Buttons styles.
* Updated: Some styles controls;
* Fixed: Session store type site health issue.
* Fixed: JS errors;
* Fixed: Wishlist price color style.
* Added: Permalink for widgets thumbnails option;
* Tweak: Wishlist widget price styling;
* Fixed: Products id availability in the lists.
Fixed: Minor bugs.
* Fixed: Elementor motion effects in Wishlist widget;
* Fixed: Widget localize data.
* Added: Compatibility with Elementor Custom Breakpoint;
* Added: Hide empty count functionality in Count Button widgets;
* Added: Cookie store type;
* Fixed: Wishlist & Compare Buttons widget in listing grid with the source of WC_Product_Query.