IMPROVED - Workbox is now served locally
IMPROVED - Push notification subscribers are now lazy-loaded
FIXED - Small issue with Start Urls
FIXED - Admin area infinite loading issue
ADDED - Idle Detection API support with reload requests
ADDED - Orientation lock feature
ADDED - Support for splash screens for the latest iOS devices
IMPROVED - PWA detection
IMPROVED - Skeleton loader compatibility
IMPROVED - Stability of manifest values
IMPROVED - Splash screen and maskable icon generation
FIXED - FBIA count articles error
ADDED - Content Indexing API support
IMPROVED - WP Rocket compatibility in PWA mode
IMPROVED - QR code generation and included logo
FIXED - Various minor things on admin side
ADDED - "isPwa" class to body element when in PWA mode for easy customization
ADDED - Custom CSS option for PWA mode
IMPROVED - Dynamic Manifest homepage override
IMPROVED - Ajaxify feature
IMPROVED - When PWA is disabled, it's also disabled for installed devices
IMPROVED - Push Notifications assets by conditional loading
FIXED - PWA exiting bug when navigation within PWA mode
FIXED - Select input on admin side
ADDED - Intro tutorial of admin settings
ADDED - Accent color feature from theme color
ADDED - Cache Only strategy to offline caching strategies
ADDED - New scope_extensions property to Manifest
ADDED - Support for Badging API for Push Notifications
ADDED - iOS splash screens for the latest devices
IMPROVED - Coupon overlay close action
IMPROVED - AMP performance
IMPROVED - Pull down navigation feature by disabling browser pull-down refresh
IMPROVED - Updated WorkBox to the latest version
IMPROVED - Support section in the admin menu
IMPROVED - Navigation on the admin menu
IMPROVED - Replaced URL Handlers with new handle_links Manifest property
FIXED - Navigation Tab Bar height for new iOS Safari
FIXED - Related Applications not promoting native apps
IMPROVED - Push Notifications feature now works without GMP extension
IMPROVED - Navigation tab bar detects URL parameters
IMPROVED - Admin assets loading
IMPROVED - Push Notifications batch size is now automatically set
FIXED - Font Awesome issue
IMPROVED - Translatable strings
FIXED - AMP errors
ADDED - Option to control enabled platforms for PWA and AMP
IMPROVED - AMP feature
FIXED - Push notifications stats
FIXED - Deactivate license issue
FIXED - Minor bugs
ADDED - ID property to Manifest
ADDED - URL protocol handlers option
ADDED - PWA installation stats
ADDED - Credit card payment option in native mobile app generators
ADDED - Search functionality to the admin settings
IMPROVED - PWA values can be defined on each page separately
FIXED - Minor issue on admin side
FIXED - PWA analytics resetting on deactivate
ADDED - Push notification subscribers statistics
IMPROVED - Added tooltip descriptions for pricing tables
IMPROVED - Prealoders performance
FIXED - Passwordless login feature
ADDED - Passwordless login via Touch ID, Face ID and Windows Hello
ADDED - Automated push notifications for Ultimate Member
ADDED - Remastered native mobile app pricing table and added iOS option
IMPROVED - Subscribers won't be deleted after plugin uninstall
FIXED - Screenshots failed generation
FIXED - JS optimization compatibility
ADDED - Country segment in sending push notifications
ADDED - Push notifications settings section
ADDED - Push notifications vibrate option
ADDED - Fixed push notifications option
ADDED - Support for Edge browser
IMPROVED - Push notifications service performance
IMPROVED - User agent detection on client side
IMPROVED - Ajaxify option algorithm
IMPROVED - Font loading performance
IMPROVED - Now support ticket form supports attachments
ADDED - Mobile screenshot for Manifest
ADDED - WooCommerce order status update automated push notifications
IMPROVED - Inactive Blur feature performance
IMPROVED - ServiceWorker with updated workbox module
FIXED - Plugin activation issue with SSL
ADDED - Maskable icon support
ADDED - iOS special installation overlay
ADDED - WooCommerce promo code rewards on PWA install
IMPROVED - Admin area options performance
FIXED - Minor bugs on admin side
ADDED - URL handlers support
IMPROVED - AMP features
IMPROVED - License verification and update stability
ADDED - Scroll progress bar feature
IMPROVED - Inactive blur effect is now in options
ADDED - Blur effect when the website is not focused on mobiles
IMPROVED - Installation button now supports desktops
IMPROVED - AMP compatibility
FIXED - Dark Mode not working on desktops
FIXED - Manifest and ServiceWorker outputting HTML tags sometimes