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Brave WordPress Popup Builder Pro - V0.7.3

Version: 0.7.3

Item cover for download Brave WordPress Popup Builder Pro


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10 Oct 2024 - Version 0.7.3
14 Jan 2024 - Version 0.6.5
24 Dec 2023 - Version 0.6.4
31 Oct 2023 - Version 0.6.2
02 Oct 2022 - Version 0.5.9

* Added: Hubspot Migration from API to Private Apps. Please Reintegrate Hubspot from Brave Integration page following the latest documentation.

* Added: Mobile Layout: Option to Auto Sync Element Settings from the Desktop Layout on Save. Please Check the Responsive Documentation.

* Added: Forms can now be resubmitted again without page refresh. 

* Fixed: Hide Controls for Youtube Videos were not working.

* Fixed: Countdown Timer was broken.

* Fixed: Dynamic Element Slider Links were not working.

* Fixed: Contacts added to FluentCRM has same lastname as the firstname.

* Fixed: When a form element is copied or duplicated, its conditional display rules, and newsletter settings options were not copied over.

* Fixed: Image radio button by default were set to the first image.

* Fixed: If a Form Step has a lot of fields and its height is more than the container, the scrollbar does not show up.

* Fixed: Multi-Step Form Conditional Logic was not working properly on clicking the step back button.

05 Aug 2022 - Version 0.5.8

* Added: Allow placing popups in Single Custom Post type pages.

* Added: Form condition shortcode. Display content based on form field values in auto reply emails & form submission success content. 

* Added: Option to Add a Skip Step button in Multi Step forms.

* Added: 30, 40, 60 percentage option in Scroll Trigger option.

* Added: Woocommerce Thank You Page in Placement > Selected Pages section.

* Added: Allow Hiding campaign if another embedded content is present.

* Fixed: Hide Campaign when Countdown timer ends option was broken.

* Fixed: Brave Embedded Content was erronously being loaded in AMP pages.

* Fixed: Only the first word of the lastname was being registered in Newsletter Subscription.

* Fixed: Only first 10 Mailchimp lists were selectable. Now Brave shows 200 Mailchimp lists. 

18 Apr 2022 - Version 0.5.7

* Added: Countdown Element: Ability to disable hours.

* Added: Ability to close the popup when a Product is added to cart through the products element. 

* Added: Ability to apply Woocommerce Coupon code on Button element click.

* Added: Fire Custom JavaScript code/function when a Brave Form is Submitted.

* Added: New Popup Filter options: Not viewed a Popup, Not completed a Goal options.

* Added: Woocommerce Filter: Only Display if Customer has/hasn't made a purchase.

* Added: cursor up/down keys to resize the font size.

* Fixed: Scroll Lock feature was not working on mobile devices if the campaign does not have a mobile layout.

* Fixed: When editing a page in Elementor, the popup should not show up.

* Fixed: Share element breaks when Ajax Load option is enabled.

* Fixed: Uncanny Automator Integration was broken.

* Fixed: Popup's Global font manually were not applied to all the elements.

01 Mar 2022 - Version 0.5.6

* Added: Ability to disable scrolling when a popup is open.

* Added: Ability to Search Posts or Pages in Placement > Exclude section.

* Added: Ability to Exclude by Custom URL in Placement > Exclude section.

* Fixed: Placement Posts Exclude section was not loading all posts.

* Fixed: Form Radio Field was Broken.

* Fixed: Form Radio Field inline layout option was not working.

* Fixed: When Advanced Animation is active, Popup cannot be closed.

* Fixed: When Advanced Animation is active, Button Elements were not animating. 

* Fixed: Some versions of Sendy was not integrating with Brave.

* Fixed: Not All Mailjet lists were being loaded in Form Newsletter Integration section.

* Fixed: On Some Websites, Topbar for Mobile devices were not showing up.

12 Nov 2021 - Version 0.5.2

* Added: Option to disable the form element's required star.

* Added: Products element now has an option to display regular price as well as the sale price.

* Fixed: Form Dates Dropdown field throws error when they are not required and not filled in. 

* Fixed: Body Class Match function did not work on some php versions.

* Fixed: Form Element: If a name field is set to required, and only the last name is filled, no error is thrown.

* Fixed: Name Form Field did not show the error message on the last name field.

* Fixed: ActiveCampaign Integration is not loading more than 20 lists in the list selection field. 

* Fixed: When a Campaign with forms are duplicated, the error message of the form was shown on original campaign if they are in same page.

* Fixed: When Ajax Load option is on, Form Datepicker doesn't work.

30 Oct 2021 - Version 0.5.1

* Added: Ability to create Non-sticky Topbars.

* Added: Sendy Integration.

* Added: Ability to set Google Fonts variations (Blod, extra Blod, thin etc).

* Fixed: Text Element crashed on frontend when the font size is manually typed in the settings.

* Fixed: Geo Location detection feature stopped working.

* Fixed: Hidden Form field with Default field value set to Country was not working.

10 Oct 2021 - Version 0.5.0

* Added: Conditionally Display Form Fields

* Added: Ability to Place Popups in Custom Post type Taxonomy pages.

* Added: Ad block detection feature.

* Added: 4 Ad Blocker popup templates.

* Added: Filter Popups based on current body element classes.

* Added: Ability to create Custom Animation and play them on element click.

* Fixed: PHP 5.6.4+ Compatibility Issues.

* Fixed: PHP 8 compatibility Issues.

* Fixed: Popups were not showing up if Polylang was installed. 

* Fixed: Ungrouping Elements Crashed.

* Fixed: Advanced Animation: Elements were not Animating.

* Fixed: Advanced Animation: Could not add new marker on Popup.

* Fixed: If an advanced text has a link in it, and its a goal element, the goal was not being completed on click.

18 Jun 2021 - Version 0.4.6
04 Apr 2021 - Version 0.4.1
07 Jan 2021 - Version 0.3.3
07 Dec 2020 - Version 0.3.1
24 Nov 2020 - Version 0.3.0
14 Nov 2020 - Version 0.2.8
19 Oct 2020 - Version 0.2.4
Product Added to the system.
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  • Please check the version we provided before purchasing. Because it may not be the latest version of the author.
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  • You can download the product after purchase by a direct link on your Downloads sections.
  • Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. We buy the original files from the developers.
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  • We offer frequent updates for one year from the date of purchase, but that doesn't mean we will have updates every version because not every developer release we have right away. After this period, you have to purchase the item again to receive further updates.
  • We regularly update products as soon as we are notified about an update, we go and download it from the author and update it on our site, but In case the current version of the product is not the latest, You can request an update for the product by contact form.
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Created 19-10-2020
Updated 10-10-2024
Catégorie Advertising
Taille du fichier 2.43 MB
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