Fixed: Issues activating addons from the feature manager
Fixed: Not all assets loading in the Block Editor.
New: Added a brand new dashboard widget to help you quickly identify pages and posts that can be optimized to help your SEO rankings!
New: Added a second dashboard widget for users who have not yet finished the Setup Wizard.
New: Added an option to strip the category base.
New: Added internal integration with Smash Balloon’s Facebook plugin to automatically bust the Open Graph cache when a page or post is updated.
Updated: Disabled shortcode parsing by default for new sites and surfaced the option so users can disable it without filter hooks.
Updated: Sorted the sitemap posts and pages by priority, then last modified date.
Fixed: Setup wizard not always saving every setting.
Fixed: Manually entered person not working in the setup wizard.
Fixed: Conflict with WPBakery’s Visual Composer and our blocks.
Fixed: Clicking the gear icon in the Divi page builder didn’t always work.
Fixed: Redirects modal appearing behind block editor sidebar.
Fixed: TruSEO analysis not running on page load in Elementor.
Fixed: Convert the manifest.json into a manifest.php file to fix loading on unique filesystems.
Fixed: Media title and descriptions not updating.
Fixed: PHP errors for users with invalid FTP/SSH filesystems.
New: Manage redirects directly from any post/page to temporarily redirect to another post/page.
New: Prevent updating the modified date on a page or post when making changes that you don’t need search engines to re-index.
Updated: Image sitemap now includes images from Divi.
Updated: Smart tags now add a space in front of them if there isn’t one yet.
Updated: Post editor social tab now displays an alert when Facebook/Twitter is disabled in the settings.
Updated: Additional link format options no longer displayed for ACF link fields since they aren’t supported there.
Updated: Added aioseo_multisite_subdomain filter to allow users to indicate which type of configuration their multisite uses.
Updated: Disabling “Show in Search Results” option sets robots meta back to default settings if no other robots settings were previously changed.
Updated: Removed QAPage graph in favour of FAQPage graph.
Updated: Updated score description for the SEO Analyzer to better reflect SEO recommendations.
Fixed: Facebook/Twitter previews now always display the right image for the active image source.
Fixed: Link Format styles have been readded after they were removed in WP 5.9.
Fixed: Local SEO metabox missing some styles.
Fixed: Canonical URL of the latest post sometimes used for the homepage.
Fixed: Canonical URL and OG:URL missing from attachment pages.
Fixed: Custom canonical URL no longer alters the schema of the OG:URL.
Fixed: Headline Analyzer sometimes not correctly identifying some uncommon words, power words, etc.
Fixed: Image sitemap now includes the correct amount of images if the post content contains an invalid post gallery shortcode.
Fixed: Image sitemap scan sometimes interferes with the V3 post meta migration.
Fixed: Miscellaneous Webmaster Verification field is now trimmed before being output into the HEAD, preventing blank spaces.
Fixed: PHP error after deleting a post from a post type that does not support trashing.
Fixed: SEO Title field no longer has extra trailing spaces.
Fixed: Meta Description field no longer has an extra trailing new line.
Fixed: TruSEO now runs correctly if the visual editor in the Classic Editor is disabled.
Fixed: Sitemap Priority/Frequency dropdowns now correctly display in the sidebar.
Fixed: PHP notice when importing static homepage SEO data from other plugins.
Fixed: PHP notice after upgrading from AIOSEO Lite to AIOSEO Pro.
Fixed: Some settings not carried over correctly in niche cases.
Fixed: Console error after loading the Classic Editor because of a conflict with Lodash.
Fixed: PHP error in WordPress Core 4.9 because of a call to a function that was introduced in WordPress Core 5.0.
Fixed: PHP error on upgrading from AIOSEO Lite to AIOSEO Pro.
Fixed: Post/term data not always saving correctly.
Fixed: Slower load time when HTML Sitemap dedicated page is enabled.
Fixed: Additional permissions related issues for Authors and Contributors.
Fixed: AIOSEO Details column not appearing for Editor and other non-admin roles.