* Fixed: Listing titles containing UTF-8 characters could cause XML errors in EPS uploads
* Fixed: Select Profile bulk action is submitting the page when selected
* Fixed: Move to archive bulk action was getting ignored
* Fixed: Comverting database tables to utf8mb4 could trigger warning in printing object variable
* Dev: Added filter wple_remove_variable_item_parent_sku
* Dev: Added filter wple_attribute_comma_separated_values
* Tweak: Exclude product meta when cloning products
* Tweak: Uncluttered persistent messages shown during the import process
* Fixed: Freight service must submit an empty ShippingServiceOptions container
* Fixed: Fatal error "Attempt to assign property SellerProfiles" when running the Clean Policies tool
* Dev: Load the cart functions file to prevent getting a fatal error when calling wc_get_chosen_shipping_method_ids()
* New: Display more detailed error messages in the Listings table
* Tweak: Update WooCommerce order even if the order status is complete to process possible refunds
* Tweak: Store and read eBayPlusTransaction details separately to improve performance on the WooCommerce Orders page
* Fixed: Check that a profile exists to prevent warnings
* Fixed: ReviseInventoryStatus getting passed an incorrect listing ID
* Fixed: Issue where 404 errors during import could halt the import process
* Hotfix: Listings not getting marked as changed - bug introduced in 3.2.11
* New: Improved performance by useing object caching for pulling accounts from the DB
* Fixed: Check for custom eBay titles when looking for broken split variation titles
* Fixed: Tax code in the shipping address must only be added if there's any tax collected by eBay
* Fixed: Variations getting removed from the listing cache because of a missing Quantity key in the response object after ReviseVariationStatus
* New: Display the default Item Specifics value from the listing profile
* New: Added the Fix Split Title action for split listings with missing suffixes
* Tweak: Rephrased the "Use local product name" setting
* Tweak: Apply the wple_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter when pulling the value of the option woocommerce_prices_include_tax
* Tweak: Improved the markItemAsModified() method and wplister_product_has_changed hook to handle products with multiple listings better
* Fixed: Use the new OAuth token to re-enable the find Matching Product feature
* Fixed: Make sure there's a valid oAuth token before getItemAspectsForCategory()
* Fixed: Clear last_errors when trying to revise variables with no changed variations
* Fixed: Check for the value of the filter wple_Activate_profile_update_checkboxes before running delayed profile update
* Fixed: Incorrect category name is returned because site_id is not getting used if 0 is passed in EbayCategoriesModel::getCategoryName()
* Fixed: Load the product thumbnail using WC_Product::get_image() instead of get_the_post_thumbnail()
* Fixed: Remove the key wple_job_reapply_profile_id to prevent the delayed "Applying Profile" modal from going on an infinite loop
* Fixed: Record FinalValueFee on order updates from eBay
* Fixed: Implemented a fix for ATUM inventory plugins
* Fixed: Undefined property StdClass::$Site warning
* Dev: Added filter wple_split_variation_match_variation_attributes to allow listings to fallback to the old way of just comparing the post IDs
* Dev: Added the filter wple_profile_set_default_brand_mpn_attribute to disable the setting of default Brand and MPN attributes as ItemSpecs
* Tweak: Display the item specifics for the default mapped category on new listings
* Tweak: The "Clean policies" operation now includes prepared and verified listings
* Tweak: Load a default list of shipping packages in case the eBay API returns an empty result
* Fixed: Revert stock changes made on active orders that have been cancelled
* Fixed: Category Special Features (additional Item Conditions) not getting downloaded and displayed in the profile page
* Fixed: Possible error "Call to undefined method stdClass::getListingDuration()" when updating orders
* Fixed: Possible error "Call to undefined method stdClass::setSellerProfiles()" when clearing policies
* Fixed: Possible warning "Undefined property stdClass::$PictureDetails" in the WP-Lister Listings table
* Fixed: Use the AspectUsage property to display required/recommended item specifics
* Fixed: Issue with very long values of the ShippingAddress_City field
* Fixed: Fixed an incorrect code and category tree ID for the eBay Motors site
* Fixed: Check for the GuzzleHttp\describe_type function to prevent "cannot redeclare" error
* Dev: Get the ListingDuration by accessing the property instead of using the method
* Dev: Added the filter wple_activate_profile_update_checkboxes to change the behavior of the checkboxes in the Edit Profile screen to be off by default
* Fixed: Improved loading times by making sure that fetchCategorySpecifics() caches the data fetched from ebay
* Fixed: Issue where you could see the message "eBay does not allow attribute values longer than 65 characters" even though the item specific in question were not longer than 65 characters
* Fixed: Rare issue where a product's stock level could be set to 0 when updating the product in WooCommerce
* Dev: Added filter wple_item_specifics_cache_lifetime
* Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.4.1
* New: Record and store tax tracking number for Norway orders (VOEC No.)
* Tweak: Try to determine if WP-Lister should apply the DoesNotApply text to missing item specifics based on the aspect_required property
* Fixed: Mapped categories not displaying correctly in the Product Edit page
* Fixed: Templates per page not getting saved
* Fixed: PHP Error: Call to a member function getAspects() on null
* Fixed: PHP Error: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
* Fixed: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$oauth_token
* Dev: WC_Order_Item_Tax::set_rate_percent() is not available in WooCommerce 3.6
* Dev: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.2
Fixed: Possible conflict with other plugins that bundle the Guzzle HTTP library: "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\choose_handler()"
* Fixed: Token expiry date getting overwritten when updating ebay account
* Tweak: Check for expired OAuth tokens and refresh if necessary prior to performing an API request
* Fixed: Issue where WP-Lister would be applying the template again and again
* Fixed: Check for OAuth Error #930 and retry the call if necessary
* Fixed: Tagify not allowing any options to be selected
* Fixed: Load the default account if none is provided
* Fixed: Updated the composer.json and Guzzle package to fix the missing method error
* Dev: Store the prices_include_tax in the order meta applying the wple_orderbuilder_prices_include_tax filter
* New: Include custom attributes in the GTIN dropdowns
* New: Added new setting to refund line taxes from the order
* New: Added support for dismissible notices, including warnings about outdated PHP versions
* New: Display important announcements like important new features or critical fixes as dismissible notices
* Tweak: Increase the number of concurrent batches when processing a big number of queued listings
* Fixed: Store the shipping phone number from eBay
* Fixed: Image slider and thumbnail editor files were not getting loaded on preview
* Fixed: Updated support for WooThumb's new way of storing the variation images
* Fixed: Check to make sure itmSpecs_value is an array before accessing it
* Fixed: PHP Warning: undefined index "action"
* Dev: Added new function wple_get_custom_attributes()
* Dev: Added filter wple_duplicate_product_excluded_meta to modify or remove the excluded product meta when duplicating WC products
* Dev: WooCommerce 6.0 compatible
* Tweak: Updated IT language file
* Fixed: Tax number in shipping address could be overwritten on order update
* Fixed: Get the correct value for geteBaySalesTaxTotal() from the eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes container
* Fixed: Fatal error trying to access wc_product from ListingsModel::autoRelistItem()
* Fixed: Possible division by zero fatal error
* Dev: Added the function wple_archive_item()
* Dev: Updated the translation files and the strings.php index file
* New: Added a setting to record IOSS from eBay orders (beta)
* Tweak: Tell action-scheduler to process more rows if there are a lot of listings in the queue
* Fixed: Inventory checks returning false positives when Out of Stock Threshold and Max Quantity are used together
* Fixed: Revise all Changed action should include listings with errors
* Fixed: Set the IncludeeBayProductDetails property based on the profile setting "Use Catalog Details"
* Fixed: Shipped/Unshipped order filter not showing the correct listings
* Fixed: Apply profile tax rate to shipping line items
* Fixed: Error "Attempt to assign property on null"
* Dev: Allow sites to use the get_bundle_stock_quantity method
* Dev: Added patches to the EbatNS library to be able to pull eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes data from orders
* Tweak: Automatically set the default account if there's only 1 account available
* Tweak: Removed 10 and 14 days return options as these are no longer available
* Fixed: Improved Product Bundles support: Update bundle quantity when child components are updated
* Fixed: Inventory check fix to take into account Out of Stock Threshold and Max Quantity in the profile
* Fixed: Convert data from the Tagify library prior to saving
* Fixed: Inconsistent number of orders in the eBay order views
* Fixed: Broken ebay_store_category_id template shortcode
* Dev: Set the ATUM Multi-Inventory hooks to the highest priority as suggested by their support staff
* Dev: Added filter wple_update_custom_order_status
* New: Added new setting options to assign custom payment methods to orders created from eBay
* New: Added support for refurbished item conditions for categories where available
* New: Added support for YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking plugin
* Fixed: Pulling in specific orders from eBay was not always passing the order numbers correctly
* Fixed: Modal window scrolling on Edit Product page due to 3rd party plugin CSS conflict
* Fixed: Error when accessing site_id when an account was removed from WP-Lister
* Fixed: Make sure that the cron checking warning message is visible on all pages
* Fixed: Clear flashed messages after display
* Fixed: "Other" payment method not getting saved
* Fixed: ATUM Product Levels support
* Dev: Set the request version to 1213 for GetOrders calls to get access to IOSS data
* Dev: Added hook wple_find_matching_tracking_provider
* Dev: Added filter wple_get_conditions_for_category
Fixed: GetItem updates failing due to the new watch_count property
* Tweak: Store "Import Charge" as a separate order fee record
* Tweak: Trigger action scheduler when background tasks are triggered via external cron run
* Fixed: If there is no SKU provided do not attempt to match inventory by SKU
* Fixed: Price and quantity check for variable products was not checking prices correctly in some cases
* Fixed: Possible warnings when accessing product attributes caused by an unexpected attribute format
* Dev: Added try/catch to handle possible exceptions thrown by wc_create_refund()