* Add support for Co-Teachers.
* Give Teachers the ability to edit Questions for Courses on which they are a Co-Teacher.
* Fix error when removing partial refund of a course order
* Add access period and course pricing slot fills for Sensei Course Settings.
* Fix ordering question removing classic editor support
* Support wp.com purchase plans on Sensei Pro (Paid Courses) plugin.
* Fixes issue of email not being sent for content drip at scheduled time
* Improve compatibility with alternative translation file locations
* Improve plugin update details changelog, icon, and banner
* Fix error when removing partial refund of a course order
* Added task "Sell your Course with WooCommerce" to the Sensei Home tasks
* Change admin menu references to be compatible with the latest changes in Sensei LMS
* Fix issue with WooCommerce partial refunds
* Fix alignment in Modern template
* Fix block visibility settings panel
* Fix cron scheduling performance issue
* Adjust learning mode templates
* Introduce premium-templates module.
* Make block visibility panel closed by default.
* Fix infinite loop opening a break point in Interactive Video block.
* Fix Interactive Video block with Jetpack VideoPress.
* Fix issue with Content Drip's daily event firing multiple times per day.
* Skip groups report hooks in specific environments, where users table relationship is not possible.
* Add a setting to show or not the Interactive Video timeline on the frontend.
* Detect required videos inside interactive video blocks properly.
* Fix issue with CTRL+Z loop when creating interactive video block based on an unsupported video provider.
* Fix default color of the break point required icon.
* "Logged out users", "Completed lesson" and "Not completed lesson" options.
* Add block visibility labels to list view
* Add block visibility option descriptions.
* Add block visibility sidebar options.
* Add extra description text when lesson post type to enrolment options.
* Add group filter to students report
* Add support for groups select paging.
* Add support for relative scheduling for block visibility option.
* Add visibility borders to blocks when hidden.
* Comment: Add a pre-publish notice about hidden content
* Hide blocks on the frontend for groups visibility type.
* Hide content based on blocks' scheduled visibility settings.
* Implement block visiblity schedule option.
* Implement content hiding on the frontend for Block Visibility.
* Implement groups visibility type.
* Split block visibility options for more granular control.
* Enable to optionally remove enrollments when a student is removed from a group
* Enable to optionally remove enrollments when a course is removed from a group
* Enable to restore the removed course on the group's settings
* Enable moving a group to the trash instead of instant deletion
* Show detailed errors when there is an error to add a student to a group
Fix: Package version
* Tweak: Register ProductTour as a separate block-editor plugin - #714
* Tweak: Update product tour opening logic - #719
Fix: Fix learner courses pagination - #694
* Fix: Do not display notices for unrelated products - #689
* Fix: Set a default value to post__in - #692
* New: Add the ability to create a product from the course page - #651
* New: Add product assignment usage logging - #654
* Tweak: Exclude products from the selector that are already associated with the course via a membership - #653
* Sensei LMS: Version bump to 3.13.1 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Automattic/sensei/version/3.13.1/changelog.txt